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Welcome to my webpage. This is the first update I have done in
quite a while, I am very sorry for the inconvenience. I've been
playing games instead of concentrating on this page. If I work hard, and believe me I will (I hope!!!), this entire page will be up by NO later than March 31st. This will give me all of my school breaks to work on this page. Please check out the Other section, it contains many things including a corroberation of all links contained in the sub-directories. It is a very large compilation of where to find Anime Music, Fansubs, Pics, Info, Rom directories, Emu sites, News, MORE DOWNLOADS, and more! Oh yeah, if you ever see any banner advertisements please click on 'em. I need the money to expand
this page and to get my own domain PLUS more space to put stuff up... and i'm doing it all for you, the viewers of my webpage. If you have any questions, comments, or anything else please e-mail me. In case you haven't noticed, this page is made for Microsoft Internet Explore 4.0+. I am very sorry if you are using Netscape or a large monitor. Also, please read the disclaimer!!! The link is below on that little silver bar. Enjoy, and until next time I shall remain... The Goat.


Please read the disclaimer by clicking on the following link, if you don't - it isn't my fault, remember that.


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