Introduction To My Private Hell

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
--Revolations 22:13

    My name is Omega Redd
    And my name is Roy.
    And Welcome to My Private Hell.  The webpage that asks you 'the the Hell do you think you're doing here?'
    You may notice that we're now a few people short, but that'll be explained in good time.
    Where's my medicine?  What are you little whipper snappers up to?
    Hey grandpa, we're posting stuff on the internet.
    The internet?  Back in my day we didn't need internets.  We just had two cans connected with a piece of string.  Lived my entire childhood in my treehouse chatting with my friend in Guam.  Took a piece of string that was over 3000 miles long.  Course, it wasn't easy to maintain that string with the war going on and all, so we had to... hey, what's with wooden boy?
    Don't you start with my bad side gramps.

Doorway To My World

This Is The Door To My World, Enter My Private Hell.....

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