(The nWWo Insignia shines on the TV Screen, and in an electrifying explosion it disappears! A deep voice echoes on a black screen:) The New World Wrestling Organization, the Revolutionary force in Internet Sports Entertainment! (The camera fades in to an arena, and the camera pans the crowd. The crowd is roaring, and the arena looks like a sea of fans with their signs, cheering for their favorite nWWo star, floating across the waves, from one shore to the other. The arena darkens, and pyros light up the home, at least for tonight, of the nWWo, illuminating the fans faces as they manage to scream even louder. In a blast of light, lightning, simulated of course, strikes the ring posts, and immediately the ring lights up with more pyros. It's TNT, the hottest thing to happen to Internet Wrestling since TNM. Low crunching guitar chords cut through the air, as the theme music to TNT fills the arena! Once again the camera pans the crowd like a searchlight in lost waters, and finally comes to focus on the announcer's booth where, Jerry the King Lawler and Jim Ross are seated. The music dies down, but as the chords disappear, chants of "Burger King" echo from one wall to another. The camera zooms in on the announcer's booth, and TNT is about to begin!) Jim Ross: Hello folks and welcome to another exciting edition of Tuesday Night Takedown! You want to talk about explosive TNT's, we got one hell of a show ahead of us! Jerry Lawler: The TV TItle will be on the line not once, not twice, but three times tongiht! JR: That's right, King, tonight, DDP and Triple H will fight for the title in three specialty matches. 1) a Cage match 2) Falls Count Anywhere, and 3) an "I Quit" match. K: I still can't believe ICExxMAN did this to Triple H, JR! JR: A rematch of Titles as the former World, International, and World Tag Team Champions get a rematch this week for their respective titles against the men who beat them. K: It's the Kliq Express against the Wolfpack team of Lex Luger and Sting, Chris Jericho taking on The Giant, and Kanyon versus Taz. JR: In another rematch, Dean Malenko will attempt to unseat the man who beat him in an Ironman Match 13 to 1, Rob Van Dam, as well as RVD's partner defending the Hardcore Title against the mysterious Leatherface. K: Wait a minute JR, do you hear that? Speaking of the gWo! HAHA! ("Were Taking Over!"sounds over the loudspeakers as the music of the GWO 2000 plays, Tarzan Goto,Steve Corino, Fonzie,Sabu and RVD make thier way to the ring) RVD: Well it's been a while since we did a in ring interview hasn't it? Fonzie: I'd say. RVD: Where to start where to start? Corino: WERE TAKING OVER!!! RVD: No no Stve not quite yet although I do have to say were pretty damn close. Actually I look at the belt I got ring now and Sabu is over there drooling with that Hardcore title And Steve I got to say Goto is the best enforcer the GWO has got so I guess yeah we have took over but there's a thorn in our side. Corino: OH you mean Jerry Lynn? RVD: Yeah exactly. The guy just doesnt know when to shut up. Fonzie: Yeah ya know daddy-o he says that Sabu has been ducking him when truth is Sabu doesn't duck anybody. He beat Lynn fo the belt gave Lynn a rematch and Lynn couldn't beat him. So that's where itstands. Sabu can defend against anyone he wants. He aint duckin anybody. RVD: That's right Sabu is almost as much as a fighting champion as me I mean almost because I'm giving Dean Malenko tonight a chance to pin me here in this very ring tonight not once but teo times. Tell me that RVD doesn't gove opprotunity. Corino: You know perhaps you didn't see what has happened to Jerry Lynn earlier. If the director would be so kind as to roll the footageup on the JumbTron for all the people to see they will see Jerry Lynn won't be bothering the GWO anymore. (JumboTron shows Jerry Lynn in his dressing room lacing up his boots gettting ready for his match tonight when all of a sudden the door breaks open and it is Tarzan Goto with Steve Corino. Goto and Lynn brawl in the dressing room and Goto headbutts Lynn and slams his face three times against a locker door until he is a bloody mess. Goto then picks up a dazed Jerry Lynn and gives him a facebuster on the bleacher in the locker room. Both men leave Lynn in a puddle of his own blood.) (Back to the arena the GWO is laughing as Fonzie hands Steve Corino and Trazan Goto a large sum of money) Corino: You see Jerry Lynn if theres one thing I hate worse than hardcore wrestling its a whinner! And you know what else I hate more than a whinner? Someone that has a big mouth. That means you Rock. Youre the so called "great one?" "braham bull"? You see Rock... you think that aftera while people would grow tired of the same catch phrases week in and week out. Same load of garbage day after day after day. Week after week. You know I'm tierd of it! It says at the door WRESTLING not talking! If you want to talk then be a speech therapist. Yeah Rock I'm getting under your skin but you also make my man Goto's skin crawl. You have only 2 moves the People's Elbow and the Rock Bottom thats it. I'd like to see you try it to my man Goto next week on TNT if you got the guts. Fonzie: And Jerry Lynn as for you we got a offer for you. (pulls out a GWO 2000 shirt) RVD: You see Jerry Lynn you can stop being a victim of all this abuse. All you have to do is join us.Thats's right be a member of the GWO. I mean after all you say youre hardcore. So join us and challenge the best in the world. I mean what have you got to lose? Besides your dignity that as. Now then as for me the whole F'n show. HHH, TAZ, and of course Kanyon all beware because I hear theres a PPV comin soon and well RVD is Mr. PPV so just remember that. When we said wer'e taking over we ment it. And with Sabu killing the hardcore wrestlers and Goto steamrolling over everyone and me sooner or later WILL get my Wortld title shot which I do desrve then this company will make more that what WCW got at the last 6 months of thier house shows. Ok were out of here. K : The gWo out here to take care of business. JR: But did you hear what was said? They offered Jerry Lynn a position in the gWo 2K! K: If he was smart, he'd do whats best, and take the shirt. JR: His allegiance still ies with the HArdcore REvolution, King. K: His alegiance should be to the almighty dollar! HAHA! JR: Already TNT off to a great start, but the action begins as we start you off with the New, United STates Tag Team Champions, Team Madness, taking on the man just mentioned, Jerry Lynn and Tommy Dreamer. Randy Savage (w/Gorgeous George) vs Tommy Dreamer (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Tommy Dreamer nails him with a kneelift. Tommy Dreamer executes a faceslam. Tommy Dreamer goes for a kick to the midsection, but Randy Savage blocks it. Kurt Angle enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Jerry Lynn enters the ring, but gets cut off. Randy Savage and Kurt Angle whip Tommy Dreamer into the ropes. They hit Tommy Dreamer with a double elbowsmash. Kurt Angle leaves the ring. Randy Savage throws Tommy Dreamer out of the ring. Randy Savage goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Randy Savage executes a vertical suplex. Tommy Dreamer goes for a dropkick, but Randy Savage counters it with a side step . Randy Savage is handed a road sign. Randy Savage hits him with the road sign. Randy Savage hits him with the road sign. Tommy Dreamer is busted wide open. Randy Savage (w/Gorgeous George) vs Tommy Dreamer (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Randy Savage whips Tommy Dreamer into the guardrail. Randy Savage knocks Tommy Dreamer into the ringsteps. Randy Savage catches Tommy Dreamer totally by surprise. Randy Savage goes for the Flying Elbow-Drop, but Tommy Dreamer counters it with a roll away. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the road sign. Randy Savage is busted wide open. Tommy Dreamer sets up a table. Tommy Dreamer sets up Randy Savage on the table. Tommy Dreamer executes a DDT through the table. The table is broken in half. Tommy Dreamer goes for a bodyslam, but Randy Savage counters it with a small package. Randy Savage reenters the ring. Tommy Dreamer follows him back in. Randy Savage whips Tommy Dreamer into the turnbuckle. Randy Savage charges into the corner, but Tommy Dreamer moves out of the way. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Tommy Dreamer (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer whips Randy Savage into the ropes, but Randy Savage reverses it. Randy Savage executes a sleeperhold. Tommy Dreamer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Randy Savage goes for a DDT, but Tommy Dreamer counters it with a backdrop. Tommy Dreamer whips Randy Savage into the ropes, but Randy Savage reverses it. Tommy Dreamer misses with an elbow. Tommy Dreamer nails him with a kick to the midsection. Tommy Dreamer throws Randy Savage out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, Randy Savage reenters the ring. Tommy Dreamer goes for a Hotshot, but Randy Savage counters it with a lariat. Randy Savage whips Tommy Dreamer into the ropes. Randy Savage executes a slap. Randy Savage tags out to Kurt Angle. Jerry Lynn enters the ring, but gets cut off. Randy Savage catches Tommy Dreamer in a swinging neckbreaker. Kurt Angle nails Tommy Dreamer with a flying lariat. Jerry Lynn gets back up and throws Randy Savage out of the ring. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lynn hit Kurt Angle with a double DDT. Jerry Lynn leaves the ring. Tommy Dreamer executes a kneelift. Tommy Dreamer is bleeding like hell. Tommy Dreamer throws Kurt Angle out of the ring. Tommy Dreamer goes through the ropes. Tommy Dreamer reenters the ring. Kurt Angle follows him back in. Tommy Dreamer tags out to Jerry Lynn. Randy Savage enters the ring and throws Tommy Dreamer out of the ring. Kurt Angle and Randy Savage whip Jerry Lynn into the ropes. They hit Jerry Lynn with a double clothesline. Randy Savage leaves the ring. Kurt Angle throws Jerry Lynn out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, Jerry Lynn reenters the ring. Kurt Angle goes for a backslide, but Jerry Lynn reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the thigh. Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes. Kurt Angle hits Jerry Lynn with a clothesline. Kurt Angle executes a double-axhandle chop. Kurt Angle goes for a jack-knife power bomb, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a backdrop. Jerry Lynn nails him with a chinlock deathlock submission. Kurt Angle reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Jerry Lynn nails him with a moonsault bodyblock. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Jerry Lynn executes a DDT. Tommy Dreamer is bleeding like a faucet. Jerry Lynn nails him with an avalanche. Jerry Lynn catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... Jerry Lynn takes him down with a Frankensteiner. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kurt Angle goes for a kick to the thigh, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the thigh. Jerry Lynn executes a fist to the midsection. Jerry Lynn nails him with an armdrag takedown. Jerry Lynn executes a monkey flip. Jerry Lynn whips Kurt Angle into the ropes, but Kurt Angle reverses it. Jerry Lynn goes for an Asai moonsault, but Kurt Angle counters it with a side step. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a jumping side kick. Jerry Lynn nails him with an abdominal stretch. Kurt Angle reaches the ropes after being trapped for 23 seconds. Jerry Lynn tags out to Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lynn whip Kurt Angle into the ropes. They hit Kurt Angle with a double kick to the midsection. Jerry Lynn leaves the ring. Tommy Dreamer executes a bodyslam. Tommy Dreamer tags out to Jerry Lynn. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer goes for a lariat, but Kurt Angle counters it with a duck-down move. Tommy Dreamer leaves the ring. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a knee to the back. Tommy Dreamer enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Tommy Dreamer gives him a powerslam, but Kurt Angle doesn't sell it at all. Tommy Dreamer rolls out of the ring. Kurt Angle nails him with a double underhook backbreaker. Kurt Angle takes him down with a double underhook backbreaker. Randy Savage is bleeding like hell. Kurt Angle goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn goes for a Frankensteiner, but Kurt Angle counters it with a power bomb. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Kurt Angle takes him down with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Kurt Angle throws Jerry Lynn out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, Jerry Lynn reenters the ring. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kurt Angle takes him down with a brain buster. Kurt Angle nails him with a cobra clutch. Jerry Lynn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Kurt Angle takes him down with an inverted atomic drop. Kurt Angle whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes, but Jerry Lynn reverses it. Jerry Lynn goes for an abdominal stretch, but Kurt Angle counters it with a hiptoss. Kurt Angle hops around with energy...the crowd boos.. Jerry Lynn gives him a kick to the thigh, but Kurt Angle doesn't even care. Jerry Lynn catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Jerry Lynn nails him with a monkey flip. Jerry Lynn goes for a faceslam, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Kurt Angle goes for a fireman's carry, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn goes for a monkey flip, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Kurt Angle goes for a forearm to the back, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a side step. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn takes him down with a kneeling headbutt. Jerry Lynn executes an armdrag takedown. Jerry Lynn goes for a kick to the thigh, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Kurt Angle goes for a fireman's carry, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a neck snap. Jerry Lynn gives him an avalanche, but Kurt Angle doesn't budge. Randy Savage enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Tommy Dreamer enters the ring, but gets cut off. Kurt Angle and Randy Savage whip Jerry Lynn into the ropes. They hit Jerry Lynn with a double fist to the midsection. Tommy Dreamer gets back up and throws Randy Savage out of the ring. Jerry Lynn and Tommy Dreamer hit Kurt Angle with a double DDT. Tommy Dreamer leaves the ring. Kurt Angle takes him down with an inverted atomic drop. Kurt Angle executes a brain buster. Kurt Angle goes for a flying lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a fist to the midsection. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn goes for an avalanche, but Kurt Angle counters it with a kick to the head. In turn, Jerry Lynn counters it with a duck-down move. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes. Kurt Angle hits Jerry Lynn with an elbow. Randy Savage enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Kurt Angle and Randy Savage hit Jerry Lynn with a double gutwrench suplex. Randy Savage goes for a lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a duck-down move . Randy Savage rolls out of the ring. Jerry Lynn nails him with a jack-knife power bomb. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Jerry Lynn goes for a falling splash, but Kurt Angle counters it with a knee pull-up. Kurt Angle whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Randy Savage (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kurt Angle misses with a clothesline. Kurt Angle takes him down with an armdrag takedown. Kurt Angle takes him down with a legsweep. Kurt Angle executes a jumping neck snap. Kurt Angle tags out to Randy Savage. Randy Savage whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes. Randy Savage and Jerry Lynn get hit with a double clothesline. Randy Savage nails him with a gutwrench suplex. Randy Savage takes him down with a faceslam. Randy Savage goes for a bodyslam, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a Frankensteiner. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Jerry Lynn catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Jerry Lynn complains about a slow count. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Randy Savage tells his opponent to "Bring It On!". Randy Savage catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Randy Savage tags out to Kurt Angle. Randy Savage takes Jerry Lynn down with a lariat. Kurt Angle catches Jerry Lynn in a lariat. Randy Savage nails Jerry Lynn with a lariat. Kurt Angle takes Jerry Lynn down with a flying lariat. Tommy Dreamer enters the ring, but gets cut off. Kurt Angle and Randy Savage whip Jerry Lynn into the ropes. They hit Jerry Lynn with a double elbowsmash. Randy Savage leaves the ring. Kurt Angle nails him with a kick to the thigh. Randy Savage is bleeding like a faucet. Kurt Angle goes for a flying lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a fist to the midsection. Jerry Lynn executes a backspin DDT. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Jerry Lynn and Tommy Dreamer whip Kurt Angle into the ropes. They hit Kurt Angle with a double kick to the midsection. Tommy Dreamer leaves the ring. Jerry Lynn attempts to place Kurt Angle on the turnbuckle, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a neck snap. Jerry Lynn executes a backspin DDT. Jerry Lynn goes for a kick to the thigh, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Kurt Angle takes him down with a kick to the thigh. Kurt Angle whips Jerry Lynn into the turnbuckle, but Jerry Lynn reverses it. Jerry Lynn charges into the corner. Jerry Lynn attempts to place Kurt Angle on the turnbuckle, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Jerry Lynn whips Kurt Angle into the ropes. Jerry Lynn nails him with a fist to the midsection. Jerry Lynn gives him a kick to the thigh, but Kurt Angle doesn't even care. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kurt Angle nails him with a brain buster. Kurt Angle catches him in a dragon suplex. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. Kurt Angle goes for a chinlock deathlock submission, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn whips Kurt Angle into the ropes. Jerry Lynn executes flying headscissors. Jerry Lynn attempts to place Kurt Angle on the turnbuckle, but Kurt Angle blocks it. Jerry Lynn nails him with an Asai moonsault. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. Jerry Lynn whips Kurt Angle into the turnbuckle. Kurt Angle comes back and rocks Jerry Lynn with an elbow. Kurt Angle takes him down with a backspin DDT. Kurt Angle hops around with energy...the crowd boos.. Kurt Angle whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes. Kurt Angle hits Jerry Lynn with an elbow. Kurt Angle nails him with a cobra clutch. Jerry Lynn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds. 15 minutes have gone by, 15 minutes remain. Kurt Angle (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kurt Angle executes a kick to the thigh. Kurt Angle takes him down with a backspin DDT. Kurt Angle nails him with a gutwrench suplex. Kurt Angle runs into the ropes. Kurt Angle and Jerry Lynn get hit with a double clothesline. Kurt Angle executes a bulldog headlock. Kurt Angle tags Randy Savage. Kurt Angle nails Jerry Lynn with a superplex. Randy Savage executes Big Splash and goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, Tommy Dreamer makes the save. Randy Savage whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes. Randy Savage misses with a clothesline. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a kick to the thigh. Tommy Dreamer enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Jerry Lynn and Tommy Dreamer hit Randy Savage with a double faceslam. Tommy Dreamer takes Randy Savage down with a dropkick. Jerry Lynn goes for an inverted power bomb, but Randy Savage blocks it. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Randy Savage (w/Gorgeous George) vs Jerry Lynn (w/Gorgeous George) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer leaves the ring. Randy Savage nails him with a slap. Randy Savage goes for a small package, but Jerry Lynn reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, Kurt Angle makes the save. Randy Savage re-reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. The winners are Team Madness. Time of match: 0:16:56 JR: AN impressive victory by the US Tag Team Champs. A hard fought battle by both teams. K: I'm telling ya, JR, Team MAdness is the team of the Milennium! JR: Off to a great start, King, but that reamins to be seen. We're coming at you full force folks, as we continue with a full head of steam right into our first TV Title defense. Triple H will be defending the TV Title against Diamond Dallas Page in a CAge Match. K: DDP claiming he got screwed out of the title the last few weeks. I don't what he is whining about. JR: Oh come on King, Diesel was purposely saving HHH's title! K: I ddin't see nothing. Maybe you're..uh...enjoying too much of the BARBEQUE SAUCE, JR? JR: I certainly do like Good Ol' JR's sauce, King. K: *Laughs* JR: What? K: Nothing. Look! Here comes the champ! JR: The winner of this match must either pin his opponent in the ring, or escape the cage! here we go! ~~~~~ Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H attacks Diamond Dallas Page before the bell. Triple H takes him down with an armbar submission. Diamond Dallas Page manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. Triple H grinds Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H takes him down with a legsweep. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page bumps into Pat Patterson. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with an elbow. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Triple H misses with an elbow. Triple H misses with a clothesline. Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with a backdrop. Triple H bumps into the cage. Triple H is out cold. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chop. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H goes for a powerslam, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a lariat . In turn, Triple H counters it with a duck-down move. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the turnbuckle, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page runs shoulder-first into the corner. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Triple H counters it with a side suplex. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Triple H rakes Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H goes for a forearm smash, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H goes for a dropkick, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Triple H bumps into Pat Patterson. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a flying kneedrop. 1 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a flying kneedrop, but Triple H counters it with a roll away. Triple H tries to climb out of the cage. Triple H is on his way up. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Triple H grinds Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H takes him down with a single-leg takedown. Triple H goes for a hiptoss, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backslide. Diamond Dallas Page uses the ropes for leverage. There is no referee to count. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with a clothesline. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a facebite. Diamond Dallas Page executes a stomp. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a choke against the ropes, but Triple H blocks it. 2 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H takes him down with a legsweep. Triple H tries to get out of the door. Triple H is halfway through the ring. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Diamond Dallas Page executes a facebite. Triple H executes a side suplex. Triple H executes a powerslam. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Triple H tries to climb out of the cage. Triple H is on his way up. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a DDT. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Triple H counters it with a side suplex. Triple H runs into the ropes. Triple H executes a bodyslam. Triple H runs into the ropes. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with an elbow. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a vertical suplex, but Triple H reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page re-reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page executes a choke against the ropes. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. Diamond Dallas Page executes a chop. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chop. Diamond Dallas Page rakes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page executes a forearm to the back. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H executes a hiptoss. Triple H executes a double underhook suplex. Triple H tries to get out of the door. Triple H is halfway through the ring. Triple H is three quarters across the ring. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. 4 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a facerake. Diamond Dallas Page executes a ropeburn. Diamond Dallas Page scrapes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a facerake, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H goes for a powerslam, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a lariat . In turn, Triple H counters it with a duck-down move. Triple H goes for a forearm smash, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a backdrop. Diamond Dallas Page bumps into the cage. Triple H tries to get out of the door. Triple H is halfway through the ring. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Triple H runs into the ropes. Triple H misses with an elbow. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a shoulderblock. 5 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H tries to get out of the door. Triple H is halfway through the ring. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Triple H executes an armbar submission. Diamond Dallas Page reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Triple H grinds Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H executes a spinebuster slam. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Triple H tries to climb out of the cage. Triple H is on his way up. Triple H is at the top. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with an elbow. Triple H gives him a powerslam, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Triple H gives him a roundhouse right, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't budge. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the turnbuckle, but Triple H reverses it. 6 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection. Triple H executes the Pedigree and goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Triple H goes for a dropkick, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a bodyslam, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H goes for a kneelift, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a shoulderblock. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a flying clothesline, but Triple H counters it with a duck-down move. Triple H takes him down with a headlock takedown. Triple H takes him down with a forearm smash. Triple H executes a side suplex. Triple H takes him down with a vertical suplex. Triple H scrapes Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. 8 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H executes a single-leg takedown. Triple H places Diamond Dallas Page on the turnbuckle. Triple H takes him down with a superplex. Triple H tries to climb out of the cage. Triple H is on his way up. Triple H is at the top. Triple H is over the top. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Triple H rakes Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H nails him with a fistdrop. Triple H takes him down with a legsweep. Triple H takes him down with a headlock takedown. Triple H takes him down with a roundhouse right. Triple H scrapes Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a chokehold, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a clothesline. 8 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page executes a flying clothesline. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a facebite, but Triple H counters it with a kneelift. In turn, Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Diamond Dallas Page rakes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page executes a bodyslam. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H executes an armbar submission. Diamond Dallas Page manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. Triple H executes a dropkick. Triple H rakes Diamond Dallas Page's face across the cage. Triple H executes a roundhouse right. Triple H gives him a bulldog headlock, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Triple H goes for a roundhouse right, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. 10 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a choke against the ropes, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with an elbow. Triple H tries to get out of the door. Triple H is halfway through the ring. Diamond Dallas Page pulls him back in. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H goes for a side suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page scrapes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a kick. Triple H takes him down with a vertical suplex. Triple H goes for a bulldog headlock, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a throw-off. Triple H gives him a piledriver, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. 11 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H executes a bulldog headlock. Triple H goes for a roundhouse right, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page rakes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a choke against the ropes. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. Diamond Dallas Page executes a fist to the midsection. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the turnbuckle. Triple H charges into the corner. Triple H takes him down with a roundhouse right. Triple H goes for a bodyslam, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Diamond Dallas Page rakes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page executes a kick to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page rakes Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Triple H blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a kick to the midsection. 12 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Triple H blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a vertical suplex. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page grinds Triple H's face across the cage. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a vertical suplex. Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H executes a legsweep. Triple H goes for a headlock takedown, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a back suplex. In turn, Triple H counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Triple H gives him a piledriver, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a fist to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a roundhouse right. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. 13 minutes have gone by. Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a flying clothesline, but Triple H counters it with a duck-down move. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a slap. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a back suplex. Diamond Dallas Page tries to get out of the door. Diamond Dallas Page is halfway through the ring. Diamond Dallas Page is three quarters across the ring. Diamond Dallas Page is at the door. Diamond Dallas Page is on the way out. Diamond Dallas Page has escaped the cage. The winner is Diamond Dallas Page. Time of match: 0:14:08. JR: And just like that, we have new Television Champion! K: Lookit that coward, JR! DDP got the hell out of the cage, because he was afraid of Triple H! JR: I hardly believe that King. Escape was one of the ways to win the match, and DDP did exactly that, and is our new TV Champion. K: That is until our next TV Title Match. JR: We'll see King. 14 minutes have gone by. ~~~~~ Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Paul Diamond executes a rolling kick. Paul Diamond nails him with a dropkick. Stone Cold Tom Stone enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Stone Cold Tom Stone takes Mabel down with a dropkick. Paul Diamond goes for a German suplex, but Mabel counters it with an elbowsmash. Stone Cold Tom Stone leaves the ring. Mabel executes a fist to the midsection. Mabel executes a headbutt. Mabel goes for a choke against the ropes, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond runs into the ropes. Mabel hits Paul Diamond with a kick. Mabel takes him down with a splash. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Paul Diamond goes for a dropkick, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel executes a facebite. Paul Diamond takes him down with a rolling kick. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Diamond tags out to Stone Cold Tom Stone. Stone Cold Tom Stone and Paul Diamond whip Mabel into the ropes. Stone Cold Tom Stone and Paul Diamond hit Mabel with a double dropkick. Paul Diamond leaves the ring. Stone Cold Tom Stone takes him down with a flying cross body press. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Stone Cold Tom Stone executes a front facelock. Mabel reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a back heel kick, but Mabel blocks it. Mabel goes for a choke against the ropes, but Stone Cold Tom Stone blocks it. Stone Cold Tom Stone whips Mabel into the ropes. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits Mabel with a shoulderblock. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a back heel kick, but Mabel blocks it. Mabel nails him with a bearhug. Stone Cold Tom Stone reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds. Mabel runs into the ropes. Mabel goes for a bodyslam, but Stone Cold Tom Stone counters it with a small package. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stone Cold Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits Mabel with a kick. Stone Cold Tom Stone gives him a faceslam, but Mabel doesn't sell it at all. Stone Cold Tom Stone takes him down with a chokehold. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four, five. Jerry Brisco warns Stone Cold Tom Stone. Mabel begs off. Mabel nails him with a roundhouse right. Mabel nails him with a roundhouse right. Mabel nails him with a bearhug. Stone Cold Tom Stone reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Mabel goes for a DDT, but Stone Cold Tom Stone counters it with a backdrop. In turn, Mabel counters it with a sunset flip. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Mabel goes for a kick to the midsection, but Stone Cold Tom Stone blocks it. Paul Diamond enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Stone Cold Tom Stone and Paul Diamond whip Mabel into the ropes. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They hit Mabel with a double kick to the midsection. Stone Cold Tom Stone and Paul Diamond whip Mabel into the ropes. Stone Cold Tom Stone and Paul Diamond hit Mabel with a double dropkick. Paul Diamond leaves the ring. Stone Cold Tom Stone gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Mabel doesn't budge. Mabel takes him down with a facerake. Mabel executes a facerake. Mabel nails him with an avalanche. Mabel goes for a DDT, but Stone Cold Tom Stone counters it with a backdrop. In turn, Mabel counters it with a sunset flip. Jerry Brisco counts: One, shoulder up. Mabel executes a facebite. Mabel executes a roundhouse right. Mabel executes a bodyslam. Mabel grabs a handful of cellulite and jiggles it for the crowd. Mabel executes a stomp. Mabel leaves the ring. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ He returns with a baseball bat. Mabel takes a swing at Stone Cold Tom Stone with the baseball bat, but he gets out of the way. Stone Cold Tom Stone snatches the baseball bat from him. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits him with the baseball bat. Stone Cold Tom Stone tags out to Paul Diamond. Paul Diamond and Stone Cold Tom Stone hit Mabel with a double dropkick. Stone Cold Tom Stone leaves the ring. Paul Diamond nails him with a dropkick. Mabel begs off. Paul Diamond executes a dropkick. Paul Diamond whips Mabel into the turnbuckle, but Mabel reverses it. Mabel runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Paul Diamond lifts his knee. Paul Diamond takes him down with a flying bulldog. Paul Diamond executes a dropkick. Paul Diamond runs into the ropes. Paul Diamond goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Mabel counters it with a duck-down move. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Diamond executes a rolling kick. Paul Diamond nails him with a flying bulldog. Stone Cold Tom Stone enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Stone Cold Tom Stone takes Mabel down with an enzuilariato. Paul Diamond takes Mabel down with a flying bulldog. Paul Diamond and Stone Cold Tom Stone whip Mabel into the ropes. They hit Mabel with a double backdrop. Stone Cold Tom Stone leaves the ring. Paul Diamond takes him down with a flying bulldog. Paul Diamond goes for a dropkick, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel nails him with a bodyslam. Mabel takes him down with a bodyslam. Mabel nails him with a bodyslam. Mabel executes a headbutt. Mabel is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, kickout. Mabel nails him with a roundhouse right. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond whips Mabel into the ropes. Mabel goes for a bodyslam, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond tags out to Stone Cold Tom Stone. Paul Diamond goes for a dropkick, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Paul Diamond leaves the ring. Mabel takes him down with a choke against the ropes. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four. Mabel is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, kickout. Mabel nails him with a bodyslam. Mabel goes for an avalanche, but Stone Cold Tom Stone counters it with a kick to the head. Stone Cold Tom Stone takes him down with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle . Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stone Cold Tom Stone runs into the ropes. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Stone Cold Tom Stone blocks it. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel takes him down with a DDT. Mabel is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Mabel throws Stone Cold Tom Stone out of the ring. Mabel goes through the ropes. Mabel takes him down with a roundhouse right. Mabel whips Stone Cold Tom Stone into the guardrail. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a dropkick, but Mabel counters it with a side step . Mabel is handed a baseball bat. Mabel hits him with the baseball bat. Mabel takes a swing at Stone Cold Tom Stone with the baseball bat, but he gets out of the way. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Stone Cold Tom Stone vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stone Cold Tom Stone snatches the baseball bat from him. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits him with the baseball bat. Stone Cold Tom Stone whips Mabel into the guardrail. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a diving headbutt, but Mabel counters it with a roll away. Dennis Rodman and Jenna comes from behind, but Stone Cold Tom Stone nails Dennis Rodman and Jenna. Mabel nails him with a stomp. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits him with the baseball bat. Stone Cold Tom Stone goes for a backspin DDT, but Mabel counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex. Mabel takes him down with a DDT. Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Stone Cold Tom Stone blocks it. Stone Cold Tom Stone reenters the ring. Mabel follows him back in. Mabel brings the the baseball bat into the ring. Mabel takes a swing at Stone Cold Tom Stone with the baseball bat, but he gets out of the way. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stone Cold Tom Stone snatches the baseball bat from him. Stone Cold Tom Stone hits him with the baseball bat. Stone Cold Tom Stone nails him with a backspin DDT. Stone Cold Tom Stone tags out to Paul Diamond. Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond executes a rolling kick. Paul Diamond whips Mabel into the ropes. Paul Diamond misses with a kick. Mabel nails him with a bodyslam. Mabel leaves the ring. He returns with a microphone. Mabel nails him with a facerake. Mabel hits him with the microphone. Mabel executes a headbutt. Mabel hits him with the microphone. Mabel takes him down with a splash. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, thr... kickout. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mabel takes him down with a stomp. Paul Diamond goes for a dropkick, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel takes him down with a camel clutch. Paul Diamond reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Mabel goes for a ropeburn, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Stone Cold Tom Stone enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Paul Diamond and Stone Cold Tom Stone whip Mabel into the ropes. They hit Mabel with a double elbowsmash. Stone Cold Tom Stone gives him a faceslam, but Mabel doesn't sell it at all. Paul Diamond takes Mabel down with a flying bulldog. Stone Cold Tom Stone leaves the ring. Paul Diamond executes a somersault splash. Paul Diamond takes him down with a flying bulldog. Paul Diamond whips Mabel into the ropes, but Mabel reverses it. Mabel executes a rolling kick. Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond gives him a rolling kick, but Mabel doesn't sell it at all. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Paul Diamond vs Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mabel goes for a headbutt, but Paul Diamond blocks it. Paul Diamond runs into the ropes. Paul Diamond hits Mabel with a kick. Paul Diamond nails him with a somersault splash. Paul Diamond executes a dropkick. Paul Diamond goes for a somersault splash, but Mabel counters it with a knee pull-up. Mabel nails him with an elbowdrop. Mabel executes the Belly-to-Belly Suplex and goes for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three. The winner is Mabel. Time of match: 0:13:27 13 minutes have gone by, 17 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Bastion Booger nails him with a back heel kick. Bastion Booger takes him down with a neck snap. Bastion Booger goes for a kneeling headbutt, but Tommy Dreamer blocks it. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a hiptoss. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a lariat. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Tommy Dreamer goes for an inside cradle, but Bastion Booger blocks it. Bastion Booger takes him down with a faceslam. Tommy Dreamer whips Bastion Booger into the ropes. Bastion Booger hits Tommy Dreamer with an elbow. Bastion Booger takes him down with a neck snap. Bastion Booger nails him with a grapevine. Tommy Dreamer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Bastion Booger takes him down with a cobra clutch. Tommy Dreamer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Bastion Booger nails him with a football tackle. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer goes for a snap mare, but Bastion Booger blocks it. Bastion Booger catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer complains about a slow count. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a faceslam. Tommy Dreamer looks around the crowd for approval. Tommy Dreamer runs into the ropes. Tommy Dreamer hits Bastion Booger with a kick. Tommy Dreamer whips Bastion Booger into the turnbuckle. Tommy Dreamer runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Bastion Booger lifts his knee. Bastion Booger throws Tommy Dreamer out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, two, three, four, five, Tommy Dreamer reenters the ring. Bastion Booger whips Tommy Dreamer into the ropes, but Tommy Dreamer reverses it. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bastion Booger executes a double-axhandle chop. Bastion Booger executes a jawbreaker. Bastion Booger nails him with a bearhug. Tommy Dreamer reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Bastion Booger throws Tommy Dreamer out of the ring. Bastion Booger goes through the ropes. Bastion Booger knocks Tommy Dreamer into the ringpost. Bastion Booger takes him down with a forearm to the back. Bastion Booger nails him with a clawhold. Bastion Booger nails him with a faceslam. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer goes for the DDT, but Bastion Booger counters it with a Hotshot. Bastion Booger nails him with a Hotshot. Tommy Dreamer reenters the ring. Bastion Booger follows him back in. Tommy Dreamer goes for a roundhouse right, but Bastion Booger blocks it. Bastion Booger goes for a cobra clutch, but Tommy Dreamer counters it with an armdrag takedown. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Bastion Booger counters it with a side suplex. Bastion Booger takes him down with an inverted atomic drop. Bastion Booger nails him with a clawhold. Tommy Dreamer breaks the hold after 14 seconds. Tommy Dreamer goes for a faceslam, but Bastion Booger blocks it. Bastion Booger goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Tommy Dreamer blocks it. Tommy Dreamer goes for an abdominal stretch, but Bastion Booger counters it with a hiptoss. Bastion Booger executes a back heel kick. Tommy Dreamer nails him with a kneelift. Tommy Dreamer nails him with a sunset flip. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer throws Bastion Booger out of the ring. Tommy Dreamer goes through the ropes. Tommy Dreamer goes for a snap mare, but Bastion Booger blocks it. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer nails him with a snap mare. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer sets up a table. Bastion Booger is busted wide open. Tommy Dreamer is handed a frying pan. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the frying pan. Tommy Dreamer takes a swing at Bastion Booger with the frying pan, but he gets out of the way. Bastion Booger snatches the frying pan from him. Bastion Booger hits him with the frying pan. Tommy Dreamer is busted wide open. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer goes for a back suplex, but Bastion Booger counters it with a cross-body block. Bastion Booger whips Tommy Dreamer into the guardrail. Bastion Booger goes for a bodyslam, but Tommy Dreamer counters it with a small package. Tommy Dreamer reenters the ring. Bastion Booger follows him back in. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer nails him with a sunset flip. Tommy Dreamer uses the ropes for leverage. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer runs into the ropes. Bastion Booger hits Tommy Dreamer with a clothesline. Bastion Booger is bleeding like a faucet. Bastion Booger goes for a bodyslam, but Tommy Dreamer counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Bastion Booger re-reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer nails him with an atomic drop. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the frying pan. Tommy Dreamer nails him with an armdrag takedown. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the frying pan. Tommy Dreamer is bleeding like hell. Tommy Dreamer whips Bastion Booger into the ropes. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bastion Booger goes for a back heel kick, but Tommy Dreamer blocks it. Tommy Dreamer nails him with an abdominal stretch. Bastion Booger reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a Gorilla Press. Bastion Booger takes him down with a knee to the back. Bastion Booger whips Tommy Dreamer into the turnbuckle. Bastion Booger runs shoulder-first into the corner. Bastion Booger goes for a faceslam, but Tommy Dreamer blocks it. Tommy Dreamer takes him down with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... Tommy Dreamer goes for a vertical suplex, but Bastion Booger reverses it. Bastion Booger nails him with a backbreaker. Bastion Booger executes neck-scissors. Bastion Booger runs into the ropes. Tommy Dreamer misses with a kick. Bastion Booger nails him with an enzuilariato. Bastion Booger nails him with a clawhold. Tommy Dreamer breaks the hold after 14 seconds. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer executes a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Tommy Dreamer complains about a slow count. Tommy Dreamer goes for an inside cradle, but Bastion Booger blocks it. Bastion Booger whips Tommy Dreamer into the ropes. Tommy Dreamer executes a hiptoss. Bastion Booger is bleeding profusely. Tommy Dreamer whips Bastion Booger into the ropes, but Bastion Booger reverses it. Tommy Dreamer misses with a shoulderblock. Bastion Booger misses with a kick. Tommy Dreamer hits Bastion Booger with a backdrop. Bastion Booger falls out of the ring. Tommy Dreamer goes through the ropes. Tommy Dreamer is handed a microphone. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. Tommy Dreamer sets up Bastion Booger on the table. Tommy Dreamer tries to drive Bastion Booger through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer knocks Bastion Booger into the ringpost. Bastion Booger whips Tommy Dreamer into the guardrail. Bastion Booger takes him down with a kick to the head. Bastion Booger knocks Tommy Dreamer into the ringsteps. Tommy Dreamer knocks Bastion Booger into the ringpost. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. Tommy Dreamer hits him with the microphone. Tommy Dreamer goes for a flying cross body press, but Bastion Booger counters it with a rollover. They're brawling on the floor. Tommy Dreamer reenters the ring. Tommy Dreamer (w/) vs Bastion Booger ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bastion Booger follows him back in. Tommy Dreamer nails him with an atomic drop. Tommy Dreamer is bleeding like a faucet. Tommy Dreamer executes the DDT and goes for the pin. Tommy Dreamer pulls the tights. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. The winner is Tommy Dreamer. Time of match: 0:10:01 JR: A Series of bouts there by MAbel, fighting a handicap match and Tommy Dreamer taking on Bastion Booger. K: Yeah, wonder what happened to Mabel's mystery partner? JR: Not sure King. Up next, a mysterious man, Macho Man's protege, is set to take on the mastadon, Vader. WHAT UP MACH!? (As the Team Madness theme plays, the mysterious masked man, deemed Randy Savage's protege, walks out. He wears black leather pants, a Madness t-shirt, and a black leather mask, with blond hair falling out from the back of the mask. He gets in the ring and takes a mic.) Masked Man: "Well, I'm sure that everyone is wondering just who the Macho Man has chosen to his protege. Well, wait no more. Because, I am about to reveal myself. I am none other than... (He takes his mask off) ... "The Test" Andrew Martin!! (As the fans cheer, he begins to get ready for his match.) JR: I can't believe it! It's Test! K: He better be careful, he' sin the ring with the Former International Champion! ~~~~~ Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Vader takes him down with a swinging punch. Vader goes for an inside cradle, but Test blocks it. Test runs into the ropes. Test misses with a clothesline. Vader executes a swinging punch. Vader goes for a sleeperhold, but Test counters it with a jawbreaker. Test takes him down with a legdrop. Test gives him a fist to the midsection, but Vader only stares at him. Test goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Vader counters it with an elbowsmash. Vader executes a swinging punch. Vader goes for a power bomb, but Test blocks it. Test gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Vader only stares at him. Test runs into the ropes. Vader goes for a sunset flip, but Test counters it with a sitdown. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Test nails him with a dropkick to the knee. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Test throws Vader out of the ring. Test jumps onto him with a suicide dive, but Vader moves out of the way. Vader sets up a table. Vader executes a lariat. Vader whips Test into the guardrail. They're brawling on the floor. Vader goes for a powerslam, but Test counters it with a lariat. Test gives him a chop, but Vader only stares at him. Test reenters the ring. Vader follows him back in. Test nails him with a knee to the back. Test takes him down with a chokehold. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three, four. Test whips Vader into the ropes. Test and Vader get hit with a double clothesline. Randy Savage comes to ringside. Test takes him down with a front facelock. Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Test nails him with a belly-to-back suplex. Test takes him down with a knee to the back. Test whips Vader into the ropes. Vader hits Test with a backdrop. Test falls out of the ring. Vader goes through the ropes. Dennis Rodman and Jenna comes from behind, but Test nails Dennis Rodman and Jenna. Vader goes for a roundhouse right, but Test blocks it. Test reenters the ring. Vader follows him back in. Test runs into the ropes. Vader hits Test with a clothesline. Vader catches him in a power bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Vader executes a headbutt. Vader executes an elbowdrop. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Vader goes for a choke slam, but Test blocks it. Test goes for a forearm to the back, but Vader counters it with a side step. Vader nails him with a falling splash. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Vader nails him with a swinging punch. Vader goes for a headbutt, but Test blocks it. Test goes for a forearm to the back, but Vader counters it with a side step. Test whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it. Test hits Vader with a kick. Test goes for a half Boston, but Vader blocks it. Vader goes for an inside cradle, but Test blocks it. Test goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Vader counters it with an elbowsmash. Vader whips Test into the ropes. Vader hits Test with an elbow. Vader catches him in a power bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader takes him down with a powerslam. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Vader complains about a slow count. Test catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Test executes a chop. Test nails him with a chop. Test whips Vader into the ropes. Vader executes a bodyslam. Vader goes for a splash, but Test counters it with a knee pull-up. Vader catches him in a power bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Test catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Test gives him a flying fistdrop, but Vader doesn't sell it at all. Test gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Vader doesn't budge. Test nails him with a front facelock. Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Test nails him with a dropkick to the knee. Test goes for a lariat, but Vader counters it with a duck-down move. Vader runs into the ropes. Test hits Vader with a shoulderblock. Test gives him a flying fistdrop, but Vader doesn't sell it at all. Test nails him with an elbowdrop. Test takes him down with a dropkick to the knee. Test executes a cobra clutch. Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Test nails him with a dropkick to the knee. Vader nails him with a swinging punch. Vader takes him down with a swinging punch. Test bumps into Tito Santana. Vader whips Test into the turnbuckle. Vader runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Test moves out of the way. Test goes for the a flying bulldog, but Dennis Rodman and Jenna shoves him off the turnbuckle. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. There is no referee to count. Randy Savage enters the ring and breaks the pin with a choke slam. Randy Savage puts Test on top of Vader. Test goes for an armbar submission, but Vader blocks it. Vader takes him down with a kneelift. Vader executes a forearm smash. Tito Santana is back on the job. Vader nails him with a swinging punch. Vader places Test on the turnbuckle. Vader nails him with a superplex. Vader executes a flying bodypress. Tito Santana counts: One, two, Randy Savage puts Test's foot on the rope. Vader throws Test out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Test reenters the ring. Vader throws Test out of the ring. Vader goes through the ropes. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Randy Savage ambushes Vader from behind. Tito Santana admonishes Randy Savage. Test reenters the ring. Vader follows him back in. Tito Santana is back on the job. Test whips Vader into the ropes. Test gives him a chokehold, but Vader doesn't even care. Vader takes him down with a roundhouse right. Vader whips Test into the ropes, but Test reverses it. Vader goes for a sleeperhold, but Test counters it with a jawbreaker. Test nails him with a half Boston. Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds. Vader goes for a sunset flip, but Test blocks it. Test takes him down with a forearm to the back. Test goes for an armbar submission, but Vader blocks it. Vader goes for a power bomb, but Test blocks it. Test runs into the ropes. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dennis Rodman and Jenna trips Test. Tito Santana warns Dennis Rodman and Jenna. Test runs into the ropes. Test takes him down with a double-axhandle chop. Test whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it. Vader misses with an elbow. Test misses with a kick. Vader hits Test with a clothesline. Vader is going for the pin. There is no referee to count. Vader goes for a choke slam, but Test blocks it. Test runs into the ropes. Test gives him a faceslam, but Vader doesn't sell it at all. Vader whips Test into the ropes. Test gives him a knee to the back, but Vader doesn't budge. Vader executes a headbutt. Vader takes him down with a choke slam. Tito Santana is back on the job. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Test nails him in the stomach. Vader falls onto the top turnbuckle. Vader falls back into the ring. Test is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Test takes him down with a chokehold. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. Test executes a forearm to the back. Vader goes for a powerslam, but Test counters it with a lariat. In turn, Vader counters it with a duck-down move. Vader goes for a slap, but Test reverses it. Vader re-reverses it. Vader goes for a sunset flip, but Test blocks it. Test goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Vader counters it with an elbowsmash. Vader nails him with a choke slam. Vader executes the Power Bomb and goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, Randy Savage breaks the pin. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tito Santana sends Randy Savage out of the ring. Test catches him in an inside cradle. There is no referee to count. Tito Santana is back on the job. Test nails him with a knee to the back. Test runs into the ropes. Test and Vader get hit with a double clothesline. Test runs into the ropes. Test hits Vader with a kick. Test executes a bow-and-arrow submission. Vader breaks the hold after 9 seconds. Vader goes for a slap, but Test reverses it. Test takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Test nails him with a forearm to the back. Vader nails him with a swinging punch. Vader runs into the ropes. Test takes him down with a faceslam. 15 minutes have gone by, 15 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Test gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Vader doesn't budge. Test goes for a forearm to the back, but Vader counters it with a side step. Test goes for a chokehold, but Vader blocks it. Vader catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Vader takes him down with a swinging punch. Test gives him a chop, but Vader doesn't even care. Test whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it. Dennis Rodman and Jenna trips Test. Tito Santana warns Dennis Rodman and Jenna. Vader attempts to place Test on the turnbuckle, but Test blocks it. Vader throws Test out of the ring. Vader goes through the ropes. Test knocks Vader into the ringsteps. Vader sets up Test on the table. Vader executes the Power Bomb through the table. The table is broken in half. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader nails him with a kick to the midsection. Vader throws Test back into the ring. Vader nails him with a swinging punch. Tito Santana is back on the job. Vader executes a kneelift. Vader catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Vader goes for an inside cradle, but Test blocks it. Test goes for a front facelock, but Vader counters it with a backdrop. Vader executes a slap. Vader executes a roundhouse right. Test gives him a fist to the midsection, but Vader doesn't even care. Test goes for a lariat, but Vader counters it with a duck-down move. Vader takes him down with a headbutt. Vader takes him down with a roundhouse right. Vader executes the Power Bomb and goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, Randy Savage breaks the pin. 18 minutes have gone by, 12 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tito Santana sends Randy Savage out of the ring. Test goes for a chokehold, but Vader blocks it. Tito Santana is back on the job. Vader goes for a forearm smash, but Test blocks it. Test runs into the ropes. Test gives him a double-axhandle chop, but Vader doesn't budge. Test takes him down with an armbar submission. Vader reaches the ropes after being trapped for 22 seconds. Test goes for a chokehold, but Vader blocks it. Vader goes for a choke slam, but Test blocks it. Test gives him a lariat, but Vader doesn't budge. Test throws Vader out of the ring. Test goes through the ropes. Test gives him a belly-to-back suplex, but Vader doesn't sell it at all. Test whips Vader into the guardrail. Test gives him a chop, but Vader doesn't even care. Test reenters the ring. 19 minutes have gone by, 11 minutes remain. Test vs Vader (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Vader follows him back in. Test whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it. Test hits Vader with a clothesline. Test takes him down with a lariat. Test catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Dennis Rodman and Jenna enters the ring and hits Test with a chair. Before Dennis Rodman and Jenna connects, Test moves out of the way. Dennis Rodman and Jenna hits Vader. Test throws Dennis Rodman and Jenna over the top rope. Test goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. The winner is Test. Time of match: 0:20:13 JR: And Savage's protege scores the win! K: AH! Rodman cost Vader that match! JR: Along with some help form Randy Savage, Test makes a successful debut here in the nWWo! (Macho Man grabs a mic.) Macho: That's just a taste of what we're gonna do! Macho & Test in Unison: Ohhh Yeah!!!! JR: Hardcore TItle match next as Leatherface will try to dethrone Sabu, the Hardcore Champion. 20 minutes have gone by, 10 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Sabu goes for a kick to the head, but LeatherFace counters it with a duck-down move. LeatherFace takes him down with a hiptoss. LeatherFace chokes him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the ropes. Sabu hits LeatherFace with an elbow. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the ropes. Sabu hits LeatherFace with an elbow. Sabu nails him with a flying cross body press. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Sabu takes him down with a flying cross body press. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Sabu nails him with an Asai moonsault. Tito Santana counts: One, two, in the ropes... Sabu whips him with the Singapore cane. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the turnbuckle. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu runs shoulder-first into the corner. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the turnbuckle. Sabu charges in with a spinning leg lariat. Sabu hits him with the Singapore cane. Sabu executes a legdrop. Sabu executes a spinning leg lariat. Sabu goes for a springboard legdrop, but LeatherFace counters it with a roll away. LeatherFace takes him down with a snap suplex. Sabu goes for a dropkick, but LeatherFace counters it with a side step. LeatherFace hits him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace takes him down with a jack-knife power bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. LeatherFace complains about a slow count. Sabu chokes him with the Singapore cane. Sabu catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. 2 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu hits him with the Singapore cane. Sabu runs into the ropes. Sabu goes for a bodyslam, but LeatherFace counters it with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Sabu re-reverses it. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Sabu nails him with a bodyslam. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the turnbuckle. Sabu runs shoulder-first into the corner. Sabu nails him with a dropkick. Sabu takes him down with a springboard legdrop. Sabu executes the Triple Jump Moonsault and goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Sabu goes for a moonsault, but LeatherFace counters it with a roll away. LeatherFace executes a low blow. LeatherFace is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. 3 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LeatherFace executes a stomachbreaker. Hayabusa comes to ringside. LeatherFace chokes him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace goes for a tilt-a-whirl piledriver, but Sabu blocks it. Sabu gives him an Asai moonsault, but LeatherFace doesn't sell it at all. Sabu takes him down with a flying cross body press. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Sabu gives him a vertical suplex, but LeatherFace doesn't sell it at all. LeatherFace takes him down with a knee to the back. LeatherFace executes a piledriver. LeatherFace executes an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the ropes. LeatherFace hits Sabu with an elbow. LeatherFace executes a piledriver. LeatherFace is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. LeatherFace complains about a slow count. 4 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Sabu goes for a frog splash, but LeatherFace counters it with a roll away. LeatherFace nails him with a side suplex. LeatherFace whips him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace nails him with a stomp. LeatherFace takes him down with a forearm to the back. LeatherFace chokes him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace executes a low blow. LeatherFace runs into the ropes. LeatherFace goes for a slap, but Sabu blocks it. Sabu whips him with the Singapore cane. Sabu executes a vertical suplex. Sabu executes a kick to the head. Sabu hits him with the Singapore cane. Sabu nails him with a dropkick. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the ropes, but LeatherFace reverses it. 5 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu hits LeatherFace with a shoulderblock. Sabu nails him with a headlock takedown. Sabu goes for a vertical suplex, but LeatherFace blocks it. LeatherFace goes for a piledriver, but Sabu counters it with a backdrop. Sabu nails him with a kick to the head. Sabu runs into the ropes. LeatherFace hits Sabu with a kick. LeatherFace nails him with a double underhook backbreaker. LeatherFace nails him with a slap. LeatherFace hits him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace nails him with a hiptoss. LeatherFace takes him down with a Tombstone. Sabu runs into the ropes. LeatherFace misses with a kick. LeatherFace takes him down with a side suplex. LeatherFace goes for a forearm to the back, but Sabu counters it with a side step. 7 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu nails him with a legdrop. Sabu takes him down with a bodyslam. Sabu goes for a slingshot splash, but LeatherFace counters it with a roll away. LeatherFace chokes him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace throws Sabu out of the ring. LeatherFace goes through the ropes. LeatherFace knocks Sabu into the ringpost. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but LeatherFace nails Bill Alphonso. Hayabusa attacks Sabu from behind. Tito Santana ejects Hayabusa from ringside. LeatherFace goes for a jack-knife power bomb, but Sabu counters it with a backdrop. Sabu goes for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but LeatherFace counters it with a roll away. LeatherFace is handed the Chainsaw. LeatherFace hits him with the Chainsaw. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the guardrail. LeatherFace executes a dropkick. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LeatherFace is handed a bottle. LeatherFace hits him with the bottle. LeatherFace sets up a table. LeatherFace goes for a snap suplex, but Sabu counters it with a vertical suplex. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but LeatherFace nails Bill Alphonso. Sabu takes him down with a lariat. Sabu throws LeatherFace back into the ring. Sabu chokes him with the Singapore cane. Sabu nails him with a grapevine. There is no referee there to ask LeatherFace. Tito Santana is back on the job. LeatherFace reaches the ropes after being trapped for 17 seconds. Sabu chokes him with the Singapore cane. Sabu nails him with a grapevine. LeatherFace manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 7 seconds. Sabu goes for a vertical suplex, but LeatherFace reverses it. LeatherFace whips him with the Singapore cane. 10 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LeatherFace goes for an avalanche, but Sabu counters it with a kick to the head. Sabu whips him with the Singapore cane. Sabu goes for a kick to the midsection, but LeatherFace blocks it. LeatherFace executes a jack-knife power bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. LeatherFace executes a Tombstone. LeatherFace runs into the ropes. LeatherFace hits Sabu with a shoulderblock. LeatherFace goes for an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker, but Sabu counters it with an elbowsmash. Sabu runs into the ropes. LeatherFace hits Sabu with a backdrop. LeatherFace is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... kickout. LeatherFace takes him down with a slap. LeatherFace nails him with a facerake. LeatherFace goes for a punch, but Sabu reverses it. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu takes him down with a bodyslam. Sabu climbs to the top turnbuckle, but LeatherFace nails him in the stomach. Sabu falls onto the top turnbuckle. Sabu falls back into the ring. LeatherFace whips him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace runs into the ropes. LeatherFace nails him with a hiptoss. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the ropes. Sabu hits LeatherFace with an elbow. Sabu takes him down with a ropeflip moonsault. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Sabu goes for a somersault splash, but LeatherFace counters it with a knee pull-up. LeatherFace goes for a tilt-a-whirl piledriver, but Sabu blocks it. Sabu goes for an Asai moonsault, but LeatherFace counters it with a side step. Hayabusa comes to ringside. Sabu attempts to place LeatherFace on the turnbuckle, but LeatherFace blocks it. 12 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu runs into the ropes. Sabu hits LeatherFace with a shoulderblock. Sabu nails him with a half Boston. LeatherFace manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the turnbuckle. Sabu bumps into Tito Santana. LeatherFace charges into the corner, but Sabu moves out of the way. Sabu gives him a piledriver, but LeatherFace doesn't sell it at all. LeatherFace whips him with the Singapore cane. Sabu throws LeatherFace out of the ring. Sabu goes through the ropes. Sabu knocks LeatherFace into the ringpost. Hayabusa hits Sabu with a backspin DDT. LeatherFace takes him down with a snap suplex. They're brawling inside the ring area. Sabu nails him with a dropkick. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but LeatherFace nails Bill Alphonso. Sabu is handed brass knuckles. 13 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu hits him with the knuckles. Sabu sets up LeatherFace on the table. Sabu executes a moonsault through the table. The table is broken in half. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but LeatherFace nails Bill Alphonso. Sabu sets up a table. Hayabusa hits Sabu with a backspin DDT. LeatherFace hits him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace throws Sabu back into the ring. LeatherFace is going for the pin. There is no referee to count. Tito Santana is back on the job. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, Sabu gets back to his feet. LeatherFace nails him with a full nelson. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu submits immediately. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Sabu gets back to his feet. LeatherFace whips Sabu into the ropes, but Sabu reverses it. Bill Alphonso pulls down the top rope. Sabu goes through the ropes. Sabu takes him down with a spinning leg lariat. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts LeatherFace. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the guardrail. Sabu gives him a bodyslam, but LeatherFace doesn't sell it at all. LeatherFace is busted wide open. Sabu executes the Triple Jump Moonsault on the concrete floor. LeatherFace is out cold. Sabu chokes him with the Singapore cane. Sabu goes for a half Boston, but LeatherFace blocks it. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LeatherFace knocks Sabu into the ringsteps. LeatherFace sets up Sabu on the table. LeatherFace executes a moonsault through the table. The table is broken in half. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but LeatherFace nails Bill Alphonso. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the guardrail. Sabu knocks LeatherFace into the ringsteps. Sabu hits him with the Singapore cane. Sabu whips LeatherFace into the guardrail. Sabu knocks LeatherFace into the ringsteps. Sabu whips him with the Singapore cane. Sabu throws LeatherFace back into the ring. Sabu nails him with a Frankensteiner. Tito Santana counts: One, two, Hayabusa distracts Tito Santana. Tito Santana is back on the job. Sabu executes a slingshot legdrop. Sabu throws LeatherFace out of the ring. Sabu goes through the ropes. 15 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu whips LeatherFace into the guardrail. Sabu goes for a kick to the head, but LeatherFace counters it with a duck-down move. LeatherFace is handed a road sign. LeatherFace hits him with the road sign. LeatherFace sets up a table. LeatherFace sets up Sabu on the table. LeatherFace executes a Tombstone through the table. The table didn't break. LeatherFace executes a jumping neck snap. LeatherFace sets up Sabu on the table. LeatherFace tries to drive Sabu through the table with a splash, but he blocks it. Sabu gives him a spinning leg lariat, but LeatherFace doesn't even care. LeatherFace reenters the ring. Sabu follows him back in. LeatherFace executes a piledriver. 17 minutes have gone by. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs LeatherFace They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LeatherFace chokes him with the Singapore cane. LeatherFace executes the 1 1/2 Twisting Senton and goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The winner is LeatherFace. Time of match: 0:17:33. JR: Three times proving to be too much for Sabu, as Leatherface hits that 1 1/2 Twisting Senton, and Sabu is down for the Ten Count. We have a new Hardcore Champion! (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Crippler" Chris Benoit, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he grabs the ropes and loosens up preparing for the war about to take place) (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Iceman" Dean Malenko, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he grabs the ropes and loosens up preparing for the war about to take place) (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Eliminator" Perry Saturn, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he puts his hands over his head and clenches them together, as he prepares the for the war about to take place) JR: Special 6 man tag team match up as The Radical Revolution will face off against members of the Heenan Family. K: Hey wait a minute, JR! Look! (The nWWo JumboTron lights up with a familiar voice, It is the unmistakable voice of the Franchise, Shane Douglas. He watches as three men in street clothes are outside of Ric Flair's Charlotte, NC home, the other two men are, yes, it's the Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow along with the Franchise Shane Douglas) Douglas: DICK Flair!!!, I've been waiting FOREVER to get revenge on you, ever since the day you suggested to Jim Crockett, that it would be real funny if me and Johnny Ace brought a skateboard to the ring for a Dynaimic Dudes gimmick, I've waited for this. Or the time that you pushed me out at the start of my prime when I won the World Tag Titles with Ricky Steamboat, you pushed me down and made me leave and go form ECW in the first place, Flair, you are over the hill and your time has come, to step down, or we are gonna make you step down. Flair, it's call REVENGE, sweet REVENGE, you see DICK Flair, the Giant here, you pushed down, you Hogan, Savage, Piper and the rest of WCW's OVER FIFTY crowd pushed the Giant right to the limit. You always threw him against second rate garbage, like Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash, he was never given the chance to be a main eventer. Well he's not gonna take it anymore, Bam Bam Bigelow, another man, Hogan pulled strings and he ended up losing to a football player. It took him years in ECW, the company I built to bring himself back to the top and with both of us in WCW, what you push us back down so Hogan, you Funk, Luger, the rest of them can take the spotlight, it stops Flair, we are gonna terrorize you until you finally hang up the tights for good and it won't stop until you or I are out of wrestling, and I still have a lot of good years left. You have pushed around, myself, Bam Bam Bigelow, the Giant, Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko long enough, now we push back. Starting today, consider the Radical Revolution two more members stronger (Douglas and Bam Bam rip off their WCW Nitro shirts to reveal Radical Revolution T-shirts.) Giant: Flair, you held me down, I could have been as big as the Rock at the same age already, but no, you had to push me down, make a fool out of me, in the nWo, out of the nWo, well the nWo is gone, Hollywood Hogan is gone, all thanks to me, the Giant and soon you will be too, thanks to the Radical Revolution, the first group to really care about making the Giant a star. Bam Bam: It's all about respect boys, and we simply haven't gotten it, we work our asses off night in and night out, and then we see some fly by night like a Goldberg runs in and jumps over us, Hogan was willing to help him, but never any of us. It makes the blood just boil when you just don't get respect not matter how hard you work, Flair, I'm not responsible for what is about to happen YOU and wrestlers still hanging around like you ARE!!! Douglas: Get the picture DICK Flair, the Radical Revolution warned you about F@CKING WITH US, and you have the audasity to actually admit you carried WCW for 20 years by yourself, that company is as crappy today as the day it was when Ted Turner bought the NWA and made it WCW, and why, all because you are still around it, pulling strings for you and your old buddies. About the only time WCW was good is when you were in the WWF and somehow you weaseled a World Title out of them too. Enough is enough, Ric Flair, you are running for governer of North Carolna, how sad, you aren't even from North Carolina, your actually from Minnesota, why don't you go run against Ventura, you guys are alot alike anyways. Me, I'm 100% Pittsburgh, PN, I don't need to make up a place so I can be more popular with the fans, hell I don't give a damn about the fans, none of us do, they better respect us, because we are the best 6 wrestlers in the world today BAR NONE!!! Flair, why don't you try running for Governer of North Carolina without a house, all of this dirty money you got, it built this house, by holding down talent to make more money, that's what Ric Flair is all about so tonight as pilgramage to the cause of the Radical Revolution we are gonna BURN THAT F*CKING HOUSE DOWN!!! (Bam Bam Bigelow and The Giant grab cans of gasoline, and head over the Flair mansion, they start to spread the gas around the mansion) Douglas: No Flair family members will be harmed in the BURNING of this house, we already broke in and destroyed about everything you own, we also told your family to get the F*CK out. So now is the final piece of the puzzle, and I feel honored to be the one to LIGHT THE TORCH!!! (Douglas lights the torch and throws it on the gasoline, the Flair estate bursts into flames as you can see the three man laughing hysterically as the flames hover over their shoulders giving off and evil glow, the message is loud and clear as Shane Douglas, the Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow continue to laugh as the scene fades out on the JumboTron) (The crowd is in shock, the referee is not sure whether to continue the match or make it a no contest Benoit, Malenko and Saturn all have evil grins on their face as the crowd isn't sure who to cheer and who to boo.) JR: OH MY GOD! The RAdical Revolution is burning down Ric Flair's house! K: AH! JR: I think that these newest members were talking to Flair, but truth is he isn't in the ring yet. K : Look at these animals, they think that's really funny, burning down someone's house. I think it's....Hey JR...LOOK! (From out of the crowd comes Paul Orndorff, Big John Studd, and King Kong Bundy. They enter the ring and smile.) JR: What is this? K: I'm not sure, JR, but it looks like they are here to wrestle. What's going on? JR: Benoit, Saturn and Malenko not backing down. I think we may have a fight on our hands! 17 minutes have gone by. ~~~~~ Chris Benoit (w/) vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Chris Benoit gives him a single-leg takedown, but King Kong Bundy doesn't sell it at all. Chris Benoit whips King Kong Bundy into the ropes. King Kong Bundy bumps into Jerry Brisco. King Kong Bundy hits Chris Benoit with an elbow. King Kong Bundy runs into the ropes. King Kong Bundy hits Chris Benoit with an elbow. King Kong Bundy whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it. King Kong Bundy hits Chris Benoit with a kick. King Kong Bundy is going for the pin. There is no referee to count. King Kong Bundy gives the Triple Threat sign. King Kong Bundy takes him down with a stomachbreaker. King Kong Bundy takes him down with a vertical suplex. King Kong Bundy is going for the pin. There is no referee to count. Jerry Brisco is back on the job. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King Kong Bundy runs into the ropes. King Kong Bundy hits Chris Benoit with an elbow. King Kong Bundy tags out to Big John Studd. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy whip Chris Benoit into the ropes. They hit Chris Benoit with a double elbowsmash. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Big John Studd nails him with a grapevine. Chris Benoit reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds. Big John Studd takes him down with a full nelson. Chris Benoit reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. King Kong Bundy enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy whip Chris Benoit into the ropes. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy hit Chris Benoit with a double fist to the midsection. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Chris Benoit whips Big John Studd into the turnbuckle, but Big John Studd reverses it. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd executes a neck snap. Big John Studd throws Chris Benoit out of the ring. Big John Studd goes through the ropes. Big John Studd reenters the ring. Chris Benoit follows him back in. King Kong Bundy enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy whip Chris Benoit into the ropes. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy hit Chris Benoit with a double bodyslam. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Big John Studd throws Chris Benoit out of the ring. Big John Studd goes through the ropes. Big John Studd whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail. Big John Studd nails him with an enzuilariato. Chris Benoit is busted wide open. Chris Benoit whips Big John Studd into the guardrail. Chris Benoit goes for a sleeperhold, but Big John Studd counters it with a jawbreaker. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd reenters the ring. Chris Benoit follows him back in. Big John Studd executes an enzuilariato. Big John Studd executes an enzuilariato. Big John Studd runs into the ropes. Big John Studd catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Big John Studd complains about a slow count. Big John Studd executes an earringer. Chris Benoit goes for a sunset flip, but Big John Studd blocks it. Big John Studd nails him with a clawhold. Chris Benoit breaks the hold after 15 seconds. Chris Benoit takes him down with a headbutt. Chris Benoit is bleeding profusely. Big John Studd nails him with a knee to the back. Paul Orndorff enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Big John Studd and Paul Orndorff hit Chris Benoit with a double back suplex. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Orndorff leaves the ring. Big John Studd goes for an elbowdrop, but Chris Benoit counters it with a roll away. Chris Benoit whips Big John Studd into the ropes, but Big John Studd reverses it. Chris Benoit hits Big John Studd with a kick. Chris Benoit executes a dropkick. Chris Benoit screams "THAT IS WHAT SILENT BUT VIOLENT IS ALL ABOUT!". Chris Benoit goes for a sleeperhold, but Big John Studd counters it with a jawbreaker. Big John Studd goes for neck-scissors, but Chris Benoit counters it with a duck-down move. Chris Benoit tags out to Dean Malenko. Dean Malenko goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Big John Studd counters it with a side step. Dean Malenko takes him down with a kick to the thigh. Dean Malenko goes for a leg lariat, but Big John Studd counters it with a duck-down move. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd goes for a chokehold, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko goes for a dropkick, but Big John Studd counters it with a side step. Big John Studd executes a jawbreaker. Big John Studd nails him with a facebite. Big John Studd whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits Big John Studd with a shoulderblock. Dean Malenko tags out to Perry Saturn. Dean Malenko takes Big John Studd down with a Russian legsweep. Perry Saturn nails Big John Studd with a moonsault. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Dean Malenko takes Big John Studd down with a Russian legsweep. Perry Saturn catches Big John Studd in a moonsault. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn complains about a slow count. Dean Malenko leaves the ring. Big John Studd catches him in an inside cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chris Benoit is bleeding like hell. Big John Studd gives him a fist to the midsection, but Perry Saturn only stares at him. Big John Studd takes him down with an enzuilariato. Big John Studd catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Big John Studd whips Perry Saturn into the turnbuckle. Big John Studd runs shoulder-first into the corner. Perry Saturn nails him with a spin kick. Perry Saturn nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Perry Saturn executes a punch. Perry Saturn goes for a spin kick, but Big John Studd counters it with a duck-down move. Big John Studd throws Perry Saturn out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, Perry Saturn reenters the ring. Big John Studd goes for an enzuilariato, but Perry Saturn counters it with a duck-down move. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Perry Saturn whips Big John Studd into the ropes. Big John Studd goes for a bulldog headlock, but Perry Saturn counters it with a throw-off. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Big John Studd and Perry Saturn get hit with a double clothesline. Big John Studd executes a knee to the back. Big John Studd goes for an avalanche, but Perry Saturn counters it with a kick to the head. In turn, Big John Studd counters it with a duck-down move. King Kong Bundy enters the ring to make it two-on-one. King Kong Bundy takes Perry Saturn down with a lariat. Big John Studd catches Perry Saturn in a full nelson. Perry Saturn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Big John Studd runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn goes for a facerake, but Big John Studd blocks it. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd nails him with a bulldog headlock. Big John Studd goes for a football tackle, but Perry Saturn counters it with a side step. Perry Saturn whips Big John Studd into the ropes, but Big John Studd reverses it. Big John Studd hits Perry Saturn with a shoulderblock. Big John Studd whips Perry Saturn into the turnbuckle. Big John Studd runs shoulder-first into the corner. Big John Studd executes a chokehold. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four, five. Jerry Brisco warns Big John Studd. Big John Studd tags out to King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy takes him down with a knee to the back. King Kong Bundy whips Perry Saturn into the ropes. King Kong Bundy misses with a kick. Perry Saturn misses with a clothesline. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn nails him with a dropkick. Perry Saturn gives him a flying legdrop, but King Kong Bundy doesn't sell it at all. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn gives him a spin kick, but King Kong Bundy doesn't even care. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn gives him a kick to the midsection, but King Kong Bundy doesn't budge. King Kong Bundy tags out to Paul Orndorff. Chris Benoit enters the ring, but gets cut off. Paul Orndorff and King Kong Bundy hit Perry Saturn with a double kneelift. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Paul Orndorff takes him down with a double underhook suplex. Paul Orndorff executes a back suplex. Paul Orndorff goes for a vertical suplex, but Perry Saturn reverses it. Perry Saturn throws Paul Orndorff out of the ring. Perry Saturn goes through the ropes. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn goes for a tiger bomb, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a backdrop. They're brawling on the floor. Perry Saturn whips Paul Orndorff into the guardrail. Perry Saturn whips Paul Orndorff into the guardrail. Perry Saturn goes for an Asai moonsault, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a side step. Perry Saturn sets up a table. Perry Saturn goes for a senton, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a roll away. They're brawling on the floor. Paul Orndorff reenters the ring. Perry Saturn follows him back in. Paul Orndorff runs into the ropes. Paul Orndorff misses with a clothesline. Perry Saturn executes a swinging neckbreaker. Chris Benoit enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit whip Paul Orndorff into the ropes. Perry Saturn (w/) vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They hit Paul Orndorff with a double elbowsmash. Chris Benoit leaves the ring. Perry Saturn takes him down with a punch. Perry Saturn takes him down with a back suplex. Perry Saturn goes for a falling splash, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a knee pull-up. King Kong Bundy enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Chris Benoit enters the ring and throws King Kong Bundy out of the ring. Chris Benoit leaves the ring. Perry Saturn goes for a moonsault bodyblock, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a side step. Paul Orndorff tags out to King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy and Paul Orndorff hit Perry Saturn with a double vertical suplex . King Kong Bundy and Paul Orndorff whip Perry Saturn into the ropes. They hit Perry Saturn with a double elbowsmash. Paul Orndorff leaves the ring. King Kong Bundy goes for a kneebreaker, but Perry Saturn blocks it. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn whips King Kong Bundy into the ropes. Perry Saturn nails him with a punch. Perry Saturn whips King Kong Bundy into the turnbuckle, but King Kong Bundy reverses it. King Kong Bundy runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Perry Saturn moves out of the way. Perry Saturn whips King Kong Bundy into the ropes. King Kong Bundy misses with a clothesline. Perry Saturn misses with a clothesline. King Kong Bundy misses with an elbow. Perry Saturn takes him down with a savate kick. Perry Saturn nails him with a savate kick. Perry Saturn nails him with a DDT. Perry Saturn whips King Kong Bundy into the turnbuckle, but King Kong Bundy reverses it. King Kong Bundy runs shoulder-first into the corner. King Kong Bundy tags out to Paul Orndorff. 13 minutes have gone by, 17 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King Kong Bundy takes Perry Saturn down with a swinging neckbreaker. Paul Orndorff nails Perry Saturn with a flying fistdrop. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Paul Orndorff goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Perry Saturn blocks it. Perry Saturn whips Paul Orndorff into the turnbuckle. Perry Saturn charges in with a handspring elbow. Chris Benoit is bleeding like a faucet. Perry Saturn executes a bodyslam. Perry Saturn executes a stomp. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn hits Paul Orndorff with a backdrop. Perry Saturn screams "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" then smiles and says "HI MOM!". Perry Saturn tags out to Dean Malenko. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn hit Paul Orndorff with a double dropkick. King Kong Bundy enters the ring and throws Perry Saturn out of the ring. King Kong Bundy nails Dean Malenko with a swinging neckbreaker. Paul Orndorff nails Dean Malenko with a flying fistdrop. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Paul Orndorff nails him with a kneelift. Paul Orndorff nails him with a kneelift. Paul Orndorff goes for a kneelift, but Dean Malenko counters it with a side step . Dean Malenko takes him down with a Victory Roll. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, in the ropes... Dean Malenko nails him with a back suplex. Dean Malenko whips Paul Orndorff into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits Paul Orndorff with a kick. Dean Malenko goes for a kneebreaker, but Paul Orndorff blocks it. Paul Orndorff nails him with a double underhook suplex. Paul Orndorff executes a bodyslam. Paul Orndorff tags out to King Kong Bundy. Paul Orndorff goes for a dropkick, but Dean Malenko counters it with a side step . Paul Orndorff leaves the ring. Dean Malenko throws King Kong Bundy out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, King Kong Bundy reenters the ring. gone by, 15 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Paul Orndorff enters the ring and throws Perry Saturn out of the ring. Paul Orndorff leaves the ring. King Kong Bundy goes for a powerslam, but Dean Malenko counters it with a lariat . Dean Malenko gives him a dropkick to the knee, but King Kong Bundy doesn't even care. Dean Malenko whips King Kong Bundy into the ropes, but King Kong Bundy reverses it. King Kong Bundy takes him down with a chop. King Kong Bundy nails him with a chop. King Kong Bundy gives him a kneelift, but Dean Malenko doesn't budge. King Kong Bundy tags out to Big John Studd. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy whip Dean Malenko into the ropes. They hit Dean Malenko with a double kick to the midsection. King Kong Bundy leaves the ring. Big John Studd throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Big John Studd goes through the ropes. 17 minutes have gone by, 13 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd knocks Dean Malenko into the ringsteps. Big John Studd takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Dean Malenko whips Big John Studd into the guardrail. Dean Malenko knocks Big John Studd into the ringsteps. Big John Studd whips Dean Malenko into the guardrail. Big John Studd goes for an earringer, but Dean Malenko counters it with a backdrop. They're brawling on the floor. Big John Studd goes for a forearm smash, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko goes for a kick to the thigh, but Big John Studd blocks it. Big John Studd reenters the ring. Dean Malenko follows him back in. Big John Studd goes for a Hotshot, but Dean Malenko counters it with a lariat. Dean Malenko goes for a dropkick, but Big John Studd counters it with a side step. Big John Studd goes for a choke against the ropes, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko takes him down with a dropkick to the knee. 18 minutes have gone by, 12 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn hit Big John Studd with a double dropkick. Perry Saturn leaves the ring. Dean Malenko executes a half Boston. Big John Studd reaches the ropes after being trapped for 25 seconds. Dean Malenko takes him down with a spinning toe hold. Big John Studd reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds. Dean Malenko whips Big John Studd into the turnbuckle. Big John Studd comes back, but is met with a clothesline. Dean Malenko takes him down with a reverse neckbreaker. Dean Malenko tags out to Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko whip Big John Studd into the ropes. They hit Big John Studd with a double fist to the midsection. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko whip Big John Studd into the ropes. They attempt to hit Big John Studd with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move. Big John Studd hits them with a double clothesline. 19 minutes have gone by, 11 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko leaves the ring. Big John Studd goes for a bulldog headlock, but Chris Benoit counters it with a throw-off. Chris Benoit tags out to Dean Malenko. Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit whip Big John Studd into the ropes. They hit Big John Studd with a double kick to the midsection. Paul Orndorff enters the ring and throws Chris Benoit out of the ring. Big John Studd and Paul Orndorff whip Dean Malenko into the ropes. They hit Dean Malenko with a double kick to the midsection. Paul Orndorff leaves the ring. Big John Studd gives him a knee to the back, but Dean Malenko only stares at him. Big John Studd throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Big John Studd goes through the ropes. Big John Studd catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Big John Studd reenters the ring. Dean Malenko follows him back in. 20 minutes have gone by, 10 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Big John Studd is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Big John Studd nails him with a knee to the back. Big John Studd takes him down with a kick to the head. Big John Studd tags out to Paul Orndorff. Paul Orndorff goes for a flying fistdrop, but Dean Malenko counters it with a fist to the midsection. Dean Malenko nails him with a rolling reverse cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko nails him with a leg lariat. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko misses with a kick. Paul Orndorff gives him a bearhug, but Dean Malenko doesn't sell it at all. Paul Orndorff whips Dean Malenko into the turnbuckle, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Dean Malenko whips Paul Orndorff into the ropes. Dean Malenko misses with a clothesline. 21 minutes have gone by, 9 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko nails him with a bodyslam. Dean Malenko takes him down with a bodyslam. Dean Malenko takes him down with a dropkick to the knee. Dean Malenko nails him with a dropkick. Dean Malenko executes a Victory Roll. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Dean Malenko goes for a dragon suplex, but Paul Orndorff blocks it. Paul Orndorff nails him with a double underhook suplex. Paul Orndorff tags out to King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy executes a kneebreaker. King Kong Bundy runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits King Kong Bundy with a kick. Dean Malenko takes him down with a diving headbutt. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. King Kong Bundy misses with a shoulderblock. Dean Malenko gives him a leg lariat, but King Kong Bundy doesn't budge. Dean Malenko nails him with a grapevine. Big John Studd makes the save. 23 minutes have gone by, 7 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko throws King Kong Bundy out of the ring. Dean Malenko goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Dean Malenko knocks King Kong Bundy into the ringpost. Dean Malenko gives him a leg lariat, but King Kong Bundy doesn't even care. King Kong Bundy reenters the ring. Dean Malenko follows him back in. King Kong Bundy executes neck-scissors. King Kong Bundy executes a bearhug. Dean Malenko reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. King Kong Bundy throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, Dean Malenko reenters the ring. King Kong Bundy throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Dean Malenko reenters the ring. King Kong Bundy gives him a chokehold, but Dean Malenko doesn't even care. King Kong Bundy whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. 24 minutes have gone by, 6 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Big John Studd (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King Kong Bundy hits Dean Malenko with a shoulderblock. King Kong Bundy whips Dean Malenko into the ropes, but Dean Malenko reverses it. King Kong Bundy misses with an elbow. King Kong Bundy misses with a kick. Dean Malenko and King Kong Bundy get hit with a double clothesline. Dean Malenko nails him with a Russian legsweep. Dean Malenko goes for a spinning toe hold, but King Kong Bundy counters it with a throw-off. King Kong Bundy tags out to Big John Studd. Chris Benoit enters the ring and throws King Kong Bundy out of the ring. Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit hit Big John Studd with a double dropkick. Chris Benoit leaves the ring. Dean Malenko executes a Russian legsweep. Dean Malenko nails him with an armlock hammerlock submission. King Kong Bundy makes the save. Big John Studd goes for a kick to the head, but Dean Malenko counters it with a duck-down move. 25 minutes have gone by, 5 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko throws Big John Studd out of the ring. Dean Malenko goes through the ropes. Big John Studd nails him with a clawhold. Dean Malenko whips Big John Studd into the guardrail. Dean Malenko executes a kick to the thigh. Big John Studd throws Dean Malenko back into the ring. Big John Studd executes a kick to the head. Big John Studd tags out to King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd hit Dean Malenko with a double bodyslam. Perry Saturn enters the ring and throws Big John Studd out of the ring. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn whip King Kong Bundy into the ropes. They hit King Kong Bundy with a double backdrop. Perry Saturn leaves the ring. Dean Malenko whips King Kong Bundy into the turnbuckle, but King Kong Bundy reverses it. King Kong Bundy charges in with the 3/4 Nelson. Chris Benoit is bleeding like hell. 26 minutes have gone by, 4 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King Kong Bundy gives him a chokehold, but Dean Malenko doesn't budge. King Kong Bundy executes a facerake. King Kong Bundy whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits King Kong Bundy with a kick. Dean Malenko takes him down with a dropkick. Dean Malenko nails him with a figure-four leglock. King Kong Bundy reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Chris Benoit enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Chris Benoit goes for a dropkick, but King Kong Bundy counters it with a side step. Chris Benoit leaves the ring. King Kong Bundy nails him with an elbowsmash. Big John Studd enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Big John Studd gives him a kick to the head, but Dean Malenko only stares at him. King Kong Bundy gives him a lariat, but Dean Malenko only stares at him. Big John Studd leaves the ring. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. 27 minutes have gone by, 3 minutes remain. Dean Malenko vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko hits King Kong Bundy with a shoulderblock. Dean Malenko is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko executes a diving headbutt. Dean Malenko goes for a leg lariat, but King Kong Bundy counters it with a duck-down move. King Kong Bundy tags out to Paul Orndorff. Paul Orndorff and King Kong Bundy whip Dean Malenko into the ropes. They hit Dean Malenko with a double elbowsmash. Perry Saturn enters the ring, but gets cut off. King Kong Bundy catches Dean Malenko in a vertical suplex. Paul Orndorff nails Dean Malenko with a flying fistdrop. Perry Saturn gets back up, but gets cut off. King Kong Bundy goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko blocks it. King Kong Bundy rolls out of the ring. Dean Malenko throws Paul Orndorff out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, Paul Orndorff reenters the ring. Perry Saturn (w/) vs Paul Orndorff (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko tags out to Perry Saturn. Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko whip Paul Orndorff into the ropes. Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko hit Paul Orndorff with a double dropkick. Dean Malenko leaves the ring. Perry Saturn takes him down with a punch. Perry Saturn takes him down with a back suplex. Perry Saturn nails him with a headbutt. Perry Saturn whips Paul Orndorff into the ropes, but Paul Orndorff reverses it. Paul Orndorff executes a bearhug. Chris Benoit makes the save. Perry Saturn takes him down with a tiger driver. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn screams "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" then smiles and says "HI MOM!". Perry Saturn executes a punch. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Paul Orndorff reverses it. Paul Orndorff executes a gutwrench suplex. King Kong Bundy enters the ring to make it two-on-one. 29 minutes have gone by, 1 minutes remain. Perry Saturn (w/) vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko enters the ring and throws King Kong Bundy out of the ring. Dean Malenko nails Paul Orndorff with a leg lariat. Perry Saturn goes for a back suplex, but Paul Orndorff counters it with a cross-body block. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko leaves the ring. Paul Orndorff goes for a vertical suplex, but Perry Saturn reverses it. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Paul Orndorff blocks it. Paul Orndorff tags out to King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy and Paul Orndorff whip Perry Saturn into the ropes. They hit Perry Saturn with a double kick to the midsection. Dean Malenko enters the ring and throws Paul Orndorff out of the ring. Dean Malenko nails King Kong Bundy with a Russian legsweep. Perry Saturn gives him a flying legdrop, but King Kong Bundy doesn't sell it at all. Dean Malenko leaves the ring. Perry Saturn nails him with an Asai moonsault. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn (w/) vs King Kong Bundy (w/) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The bell rings. The time-limit has expired. (Big John Studd pulls out a foreign object from his tights, and enters the ring. He immediately attacks Saturn, knocking him out with a blow to the head. Benoit and Saturn enter the ring to save their friend, but, are attacked by Bundy and Orndorff. With all three members of the Radical REvolution down on the mat, the newest members of the Heenan Family smile.) JR: OH MY GOD! We had a draw...a time limit draw, but these men have attacked the Radicals! K: And since their other members are in NC, there's no one here to save them! (STudd and Orndorff lift up Saturn and place him in the corner. Bundy lines up on the other side of the ring, and charges into Saturn!) JR: OH MY GOD! GOOD LORD! K: AVALANCHE JR! (Saturn slumps to the mat, as Studd and Orndorff lift up Benoit and hold him in the corner. Bundy aligns him self across the ring, and charges into the corner to meet the prone body of Benoit.) JR: ANOTHER AVALANCHE! K: What comes around goes around JR! (Malenko is lifted onto the shoulder of Big John Studd, as he applies the Bear Hug, then throws Malenko into the corner of the ring. Bundy again stands in the corner, then charges into the RAdical REvolution member, sending Malenko to the mat. Now, all three members are lying on the mat. Orndorff stacks up the Radicals, one on top of another in the middle of the ring, as Bundy backs away, then dives onto all three of them at one time!) K: I can't look JR! JR: No! No! Dammit! (Bundy hovers on the bodies of the Radicals as Orndorff gets down and counts to three. 1...2...3. Orndorff gets up.) JR: This is sick. (Bundy turns to Orndorff, and yells at him then holds up his hand.) JR: What the hell is this? K: Well, JR, I think he wants a five count! (Bundy drops to his knees, and continues the count up to 5. Bundy gets up and the newest members of the Heenan Family celebrate what they call a victory.) JR: That was disgusting! K: I can't belive it! They took out Benoit Malenko and Saturn and...wait a minute, JR! Look at the Jumbo Tron! (Live Video Footage is starting on the jumbotron. It is the Ric Flair, Rick Rude, and Mr. Perfect sitting in a moving limosuine.) JR: That's where they went! That's why they weren't in the arena! What a bunch of cowards! (Flair starts to talk, The Real World's Championship belt is over his shoulder. A black half of sphere keeps popping up at the bottom of the screen.) Flair: Benoit!!! Malenko!!! Saturn!!! You think you are going to try to get the best of the Real World's Champion, the best of The Ravishing One (Rude shakes his head and smiles), or Mr. Perfect (rolls his head back and laughs)!!! When you said you wanted the Heenan Family, Bobby got right on the phone and called up the big man Bundy! The man Studd, and Mr Wonderful himself! While you were out there fighting the Heenan Family, we were sipping champaign (Flair, Rude, Perfect, and Heather hold up glasses and make a toast and down the champaign). We've been stylin and profilin all over this great city! We've been up and down all over this great city, and speaking of being up and down, I've been up.... (The black half-sphere continues to make it way into the camera view) Flair: While some of us have been down... (Suddenly the black half-sphere rises onto the screen. It was black hair, and the head continues to make it's way into the camera view. Woman pops her head up into the screen with a big smile on her face, and moisture around her lips. Perfect sees this and takes the trademark towel from trademark towel to wipe her mouth.) JR: What the hell!? (Rick Rude's eyes widen, he whispers to Heather, she suddenly lowers herself and disappears off the screen.) King: Oh boy JR! That's Woman!!! The wife of Chris Benoit!!! JR: Damn him, I tell you what that son of a bitch is neither a classy man, nor the Real World's Champion!!! That is low! What is wrong with this guy? Wati utni lhe finds out what happened to his home! King: The Radicals showing they came play the game pretty nasty, but The Nature Boy proving he is the dirtiest player in the game! (Flair grabs Woman by the hair and pushes her out of view again, as you can see her bobbing up and down again.) Flair: Ha Ha Ha... Benoit, Revolution. Why did you think the Real World's Heavyweight Championship was around my shoulder and not my waist??? You came out here and went on about how the game has passed Flair on by. How I should step aside for all you younger guys. How I'm out of my prime. Well boys, Space Mountain might be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line!!! And who was first in line?!?! It was Woman oh Woman won't you marry me now!!!!! How bout some more sugar?!? (Woman pops her head and smiles again at the camera then lowers her head back into Falir's lap to go back to work) Flair: Just when you think you got the best of me, you don't boys! Now it's time to party all night and party a little longer, time to stay all night and stay alittle longer!!!! Driver, back to our suite, The Heenan Family is having a party in Chitown!!! Revolution!!! Don't mess with the best!!! Hope you enjoyed that welcome to the nWWo from the Heenan Family!!! Oh and by the way, Been (emphasizes) WAH! Just so you know... You may be the Wolverine...but your hung like squirrel! So sayeth the Woman! and when you're fast asleep tonight in bed, remember one thing, Woman will be having me go Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ... ALL NIGHT LONG!!! (The camera begins to fade out as hear Woman moaning. Flair and Perfect laugh as the image fades to black.) JR: Damn them, damn the Heenan Family!!! King: Whatever JR... you just wish someone who want to ride your Space Mountain!!! JR: Wait until Ric finds out what they have done to his family's home! Then we'll see who's laughing. K: That's if he ever tries to go home, JR. JR: Folks we apologize for those graphic images, but we gotta show to put on here, so let's get back to the action. Tag team action, as The Show takes on the Wolfpack! 30 minutes have gone by, 0 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam attacks Scott Hall before the bell. Rob Van Dam goes for a monkey flip, but Scott Hall blocks it. Scott Hall nails him with a piledriver. Scott Hall goes for a vertical suplex, but Rob Van Dam reverses it. Rob Van Dam executes a vertical suplex. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a spin kick. Rob Van Dam attempts to place Scott Hall on the turnbuckle, but Scott Hall blocks it. Rob Van Dam attempts to place Scott Hall on the turnbuckle, but Scott Hall blocks it. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Scott Hall misses with a clothesline. Scott Hall hits Rob Van Dam with a backdrop. Scott Hall executes an atomic drop. Scott Hall executes an abdominal stretch. Rob Van Dam breaks the hold after 27 seconds. Scott Hall nails him with a double underhook suplex. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam misses with a clothesline. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a handspring moonsault. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam tags out to Sabu. Sabu takes him down with a frog splash. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Rob Van Dam places Scott Hall on the turnbuckle. Rob Van Dam nails Scott Hall with the Fisherman buster from the top rope. Kevin Nash enters the ring, but gets cut off. Rob Van Dam goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Scott Hall counters it with a duck-down move. Rob Van Dam leaves the ring. Scott Hall executes a vertical suplex. Scott Hall places Sabu on the turnbuckle. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall nails him with a belly-to-back superplex. Scott Hall goes for the Outsider Edge, but Sabu counters it with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Rob Van Dam enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Kevin Nash enters the ring and throws Rob Van Dam out of the ring. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash whip Sabu into the ropes. They hit Sabu with a double kick to the midsection. Kevin Nash leaves the ring. Scott Hall executes a powerslam. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Scott Hall gives the sign of the Wolfpack. Scott Hall nails him with a sleeperhold. Sabu reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Sabu executes a high cross body. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sabu nails him with a legdrop. Sabu goes for a kick to the midsection, but Scott Hall blocks it. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall executes an atomic drop. Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash hit Sabu with a double kneelift. Rob Van Dam enters the ring and throws Kevin Nash out of the ring. Rob Van Dam takes Scott Hall down with a fisherman buster. Sabu goes for a moonsault, but Scott Hall counters it with a roll away. Rob Van Dam leaves the ring. Scott Hall executes a double underhook suplex. Scott Hall gives the sign of the Wolfpack. Scott Hall whips Sabu into the ropes, but Sabu reverses it. Sabu hits Scott Hall with a clothesline. Sabu tags out to Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam and Sabu whip Scott Hall into the ropes. Rob Van Dam and Sabu hit Scott Hall with a double dropkick. Kevin Nash enters the ring, but gets cut off. Rob Van Dam and Sabu hit Scott Hall with a double vertical suplex. Sabu leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam nails him with a vertical suplex. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam goes for an octopus hold, but Scott Hall counters it with a hiptoss. In turn, Rob Van Dam counters it with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam goes for a monkey flip, but Scott Hall blocks it. Scott Hall goes for an inside cradle, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a monkey flip. Rob Van Dam looks at the camera, points at himself saying "The Whole F'N Show". Scott Hall executes a headbutt. Scott Hall takes him down with a choke slam. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a chop. Rob Van Dam tags out to Sabu. Sabu and Rob Van Dam whip Scott Hall into the ropes. They hit Scott Hall with a double kick to the midsection. Kevin Nash enters the ring, but gets cut off. Sabu and Rob Van Dam hit Scott Hall with a double vertical suplex. Rob Van Dam leaves the ring. Sabu nails him with a bodyslam. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu runs into the ropes. Scott Hall nails him with a single-leg takedown. Scott Hall executes a headbutt. Scott Hall tags out to Kevin Nash. Rob Van Dam enters the ring and throws Scott Hall out of the ring. Sabu and Rob Van Dam whip Kevin Nash into the ropes. They hit Kevin Nash with a double fist to the midsection. Rob Van Dam leaves the ring. Sabu executes a sunset flip. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Sabu goes for a kick to the head, but Kevin Nash counters it with a duck-down move. Scott Hall enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall hit Sabu with a double lariat. Scott Hall leaves the ring. Kevin Nash executes a backbreaker. Kevin Nash goes for a choke slam, but Sabu blocks it. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu tags out to Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam and Sabu whip Kevin Nash into the ropes. They hit Kevin Nash with a double fist to the midsection. Sabu leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam nails him with a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam executes a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam executes a moonsault. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Kevin Nash with a kick. Rob Van Dam looks at the camera, points at himself saying "The Whole F'N Show". Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam executes a legsweep. Rob Van Dam nails him with an armbar submission. Kevin Nash reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Sabu enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Rob Van Dam and Sabu hit Kevin Nash with a double dropkick. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu leaves the ring. Kevin Nash executes a side suplex. Kevin Nash nails him with a bodyslam. Kevin Nash tags out to Scott Hall. Scott Hall executes a lariat. Scott Hall goes for a sleeperhold, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam throws Scott Hall out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, Scott Hall reenters the ring. Sabu enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Kevin Nash enters the ring, but gets cut off. Rob Van Dam and Sabu whip Scott Hall into the ropes. They hit Scott Hall with a double backdrop. Sabu leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam nails him with a forearm smash. Rob Van Dam executes a chop. Sabu enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Rob Van Dam and Sabu whip Scott Hall into the ropes. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam and Sabu hit Scott Hall with a double dropkick. Sabu leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam goes for a double reverse chinlock, but Scott Hall counters it with a facerake. Scott Hall catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Scott Hall executes a kneelift. Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Scott Hall reverses it. Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash whip Rob Van Dam into the ropes. They hit Rob Van Dam with a double elbowsmash. Kevin Nash nails Rob Van Dam with a backbreaker. Scott Hall takes Rob Van Dam down with a flying bulldog. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash hit Rob Van Dam with a double lariat. Kevin Nash leaves the ring. Scott Hall whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes, but Rob Van Dam reverses it. Scott Hall hits Rob Van Dam with a clothesline. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall takes him down with a powerslam. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Scott Hall places Rob Van Dam on the turnbuckle. Scott Hall executes a belly-to-back superplex. Scott Hall executes the Outsider Edge and goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, Bill Alphonso puts Rob Van Dam's foot on the rope. Scott Hall takes him down with an atomic drop. Scott Hall executes a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Scott Hall tags out to Kevin Nash. Sabu enters the ring and throws Scott Hall out of the ring. Sabu goes for a bodyslam, but Kevin Nash counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Sabu rolls out of the ring. Kevin Nash executes a slap. Kevin Nash nails him with a fist to the midsection. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kevin Nash takes him down with a bodyslam. Kevin Nash nails him with a roundhouse right. Kevin Nash goes for a slap, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam whips Kevin Nash into the ropes. Rob Van Dam executes a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam executes a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam executes a slingshot legdrop. Kevin Nash nails him with a chop. Rob Van Dam goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Kevin Nash counters it with a duck-down move. Kevin Nash tags out to Scott Hall. Kevin Nash nails Rob Van Dam with a bodyslam. Scott Hall goes for a flying bulldog, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a side step. Kevin Nash leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam whips Scott Hall into the ropes. Scott Hall goes for a roundhouse right, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. 13 minutes have gone by, 17 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam attempts to place Scott Hall on the turnbuckle, but Scott Hall blocks it. Rob Van Dam whips Scott Hall into the turnbuckle, but Scott Hall reverses it. Scott Hall runs shoulder-first into the corner. Scott Hall runs into the ropes. Bill Alphonso trips Scott Hall. Pat Patterson warns Bill Alphonso. Scott Hall nails him with a kneebreaker. Scott Hall goes for an inside cradle, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam tags out to Sabu. Sabu attempts to place Scott Hall on the turnbuckle, but Scott Hall blocks it. Sabu executes a hiptoss. Sabu goes for a hiptoss, but Scott Hall blocks it. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Scott Hall executes a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Scott Hall takes him down with a lariat. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall goes for a lariat, but Sabu counters it with a duck-down move. Sabu whips Scott Hall into the ropes. Scott Hall goes for a flying clothesline, but Sabu counters it with a duck-down move. Sabu goes for a headlock takedown, but Scott Hall counters it with a back suplex . In turn, Sabu counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Scott Hall begs off. Sabu goes for a vertical suplex, but Scott Hall reverses it. Scott Hall throws Sabu out of the ring. Scott Hall goes through the ropes. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but Scott Hall nails Bill Alphonso. Scott Hall sets up a table. Scott Hall sets up Sabu on the table. Scott Hall tries to drive Sabu through the table with a flying bulldog, but he moves out of the way. 15 minutes have gone by, 15 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The table didn't break. Sabu nails him with a Frankensteiner. Scott Hall is busted wide open. Scott Hall is handed a fire extinguisher. Scott Hall hits him with the fire extinguisher. Scott Hall hits him with the fire extinguisher. Scott Hall nails him with an abdominal stretch. Scott Hall knocks Sabu into the ringsteps. Sabu sets up Scott Hall on the table. Sabu executes a springboard legdrop through the table. The table is broken in half. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts Scott Hall. Sabu sets up a table. Sabu executes a flying somersault splash. Sabu takes a swing at Scott Hall with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way. Scott Hall snatches the fire extinguisher from him. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Scott Hall (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Scott Hall hits him with the fire extinguisher. Scott Hall hits him with the fire extinguisher. Scott Hall takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Scott Hall throws Sabu back into the ring. Scott Hall brings the the fire extinguisher into the ring. Scott Hall begs off. Scott Hall whips Sabu into the ropes, but Sabu reverses it. Scott Hall takes him down with a headlock takedown. Scott Hall takes a swing at Sabu with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way. Sabu snatches the fire extinguisher from him. Sabu hits him with the fire extinguisher. Pat Patterson throws the fire extinguisher out of the ring. Sabu executes a piledriver. Scott Hall begs off. Sabu whips Scott Hall into the ropes. Sabu hits Scott Hall with a shoulderblock. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu nails him with a high cross body. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sabu complains about a slow count. Scott Hall begs off. Sabu whips Scott Hall into the ropes. Sabu goes for a high cross body, but Scott Hall counters it with a backbreaker. Scott Hall tags out to Kevin Nash. Sabu goes for a bodyslam, but Kevin Nash counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Kevin Nash takes him down with a kneelift. Kevin Nash throws Sabu out of the ring. Kevin Nash goes through the ropes. Kevin Nash executes a choke slam. Kevin Nash executes a side suplex. Kevin Nash sets up Sabu on the table. Kevin Nash executes an elbowdrop through the table. The table is broken in half. 17 minutes have gone by, 13 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kevin Nash takes him down with a side suplex. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts Kevin Nash. They're brawling on the floor. Kevin Nash is handed a microphone. Kevin Nash hits him with the microphone. Kevin Nash takes a swing at Sabu with the microphone, but he gets out of the way. Sabu snatches the microphone from him. Sabu hits him with the microphone. Kevin Nash is busted wide open. They're brawling on the floor. Mr. X comes from behind, but Sabu nails Mr. X. Kevin Nash nails him with a kneelift. Kevin Nash whips Sabu into the guardrail. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but Kevin Nash nails Bill Alphonso. Sabu goes for a bodyslam, but Kevin Nash counters it with a small package. Kevin Nash nails him with a kneelift. 17 minutes have gone by, 13 minutes remain. Sabu (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Kevin Nash (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sabu goes for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but Kevin Nash counters it with a roll away. Kevin Nash takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Kevin Nash reenters the ring. Sabu follows him back in. Kevin Nash goes for a backbreaker, but Sabu blocks it. Sabu goes for a sunset flip, but Kevin Nash counters it with a sitdown. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, Rob Van Dam makes the save. Kevin Nash tags Scott Hall. Kevin Nash nails Sabu with a snake eyes. Scott Hall executes The Edge and goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. The winners are The Wolfpack. Time of match: 0:18:13 JR: The Pack taking a definite stand over The Show here tonight., and I just can't get over those antics we saw by the Heenan Family and The RAdical REvolution. K: Speaking of the Radical Revolution, here comes Perry Saturn for his match, JR, but he doesn't look good. The Family really did a number on him earlier! (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Eliminator" Perry Saturn, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he puts his hands over his head and clenches them together, as he prepares the for the war about to take place) JR: Satrun goign to try to regroup as he takes on Owen Hart. ~~~~~ Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Perry Saturn whips Owen Hart into the ropes. Perry Saturn executes a dropkick. Perry Saturn takes him down with a tiger driver. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn nails him with a kick to the midsection. Perry Saturn takes him down with a bodyslam. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Owen Hart reverses it. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn goes for a savate kick, but Owen Hart counters it with a duck-down move. Owen Hart nails him with a Tombstone. Owen Hart executes a rolling reverse cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. Owen Hart misses with a clothesline. Owen Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Perry Saturn counters it with a small package . Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart throws Perry Saturn out of the ring. Owen Hart jumps onto him with a plancha. Owen Hart is handed brass knuckles. Owen Hart hits him with the knuckles. Perry Saturn is busted wide open. Owen Hart hits him with the knuckles. Owen Hart reenters the ring. Perry Saturn follows him back in. Perry Saturn brings the the knuckles into the ring. Owen Hart begs off. Perry Saturn takes him down with a punch. Owen Hart bumps into Jerry Brisco. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Owen Hart blocks it. Jerry Brisco is back on the job. Owen Hart takes him down with a back suplex. Owen Hart hits him with the knuckles. Owen Hart nails him with a bridging back suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart goes for a sunset flip, but Perry Saturn counters it with a sitdown. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn takes him down with a bodyslam. Perry Saturn executes an Asai moonsault. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Perry Saturn nails him with a savate kick. Perry Saturn gives him a legdrop, but Owen Hart doesn't sell it at all. Owen Hart takes him down with a vertical suplex. Owen Hart catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, in the ropes... Owen Hart stands on the turnbuckle and raises his hands. Owen Hart nails him with an enzuigiri. Owen Hart takes a swing at Perry Saturn with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way. Perry Saturn snatches the knuckles from him. Perry Saturn takes a swing at Owen Hart with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart snatches the knuckles from him. Owen Hart hits him with the knuckles. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn and Owen Hart get hit with a double clothesline. Perry Saturn places Owen Hart on the turnbuckle. Perry Saturn nails him with a top-rope Frankensteiner. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn complains about a slow count. Perry Saturn nails him with a jumping neck snap. Perry Saturn nails him with a punch. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Owen Hart and Perry Saturn get hit with a double clothesline. Owen Hart gives him a gutwrench suplex, but Perry Saturn doesn't sell it at all. Perry Saturn executes a bodyslam. Perry Saturn nails him with a spin kick. Perry Saturn runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn hits Owen Hart with an elbow. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn executes a punch. Perry Saturn nails him with a Tombstone. Owen Hart begs off. Perry Saturn catches him in a flying legdrop. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Perry Saturn nails him with a brain buster. Perry Saturn goes for a savate kick, but Owen Hart counters it with a duck-down move. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn hits Owen Hart with a shoulderblock. Perry Saturn whips Owen Hart into the ropes. Owen Hart bumps into Jerry Brisco. Perry Saturn executes a kick to the midsection. Perry Saturn nails him with a back suplex. Perry Saturn whips Owen Hart into the turnbuckle. Perry Saturn charges in with a handspring elbow, but Owen Hart moves out of the way. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart whips Perry Saturn into the ropes. Perry Saturn goes for a lariat, but Owen Hart counters it with a duck-down move. Jerry Brisco is back on the job. Owen Hart takes a swing at Perry Saturn with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way. Perry Saturn snatches the knuckles from him. Perry Saturn hits him with the knuckles. Perry Saturn goes for a headbutt, but Owen Hart blocks it. Owen Hart executes an enzuigiri. Owen Hart takes him down with a vertical suplex. Owen Hart nails him with a high cross body. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Owen Hart catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Owen Hart executes a figure-four leglock on the post. Perry Saturn breaks the hold after 5 seconds. Perry Saturn leaves the ring. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ He returns with a fire extinguisher. Owen Hart goes for a sunset flip, but Perry Saturn blocks it. Perry Saturn takes a swing at Owen Hart with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way. Owen Hart snatches the fire extinguisher from him. Owen Hart hits him with the fire extinguisher. Owen Hart takes him down with a hiptoss. Owen Hart whips Perry Saturn into the ropes. Perry Saturn hits Owen Hart with a backdrop. Perry Saturn takes a swing at Owen Hart with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way. Owen Hart snatches the fire extinguisher from him. Owen Hart takes a swing at Perry Saturn with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way. Perry Saturn snatches the fire extinguisher from him. Perry Saturn hits him with the fire extinguisher. Perry Saturn nails him with a headbutt. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn goes for an Asai moonsault, but Owen Hart counters it with a side step. Owen Hart executes a small package. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. Perry Saturn hits Owen Hart with an elbow. Perry Saturn gives him a bodyslam, but Owen Hart doesn't sell it at all. Owen Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Perry Saturn blocks it. Perry Saturn throws Owen Hart out of the ring. Perry Saturn jumps onto him with a plancha from the second turnbuckle. Perry Saturn nails him with a back suplex. Perry Saturn takes him down with a legdrop. Perry Saturn goes for a back suplex, but Owen Hart counters it with a cross-body block. Owen Hart reenters the ring. Perry Saturn follows him back in. Owen Hart whips Perry Saturn into the turnbuckle. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Perry Saturn whips Owen Hart into the ropes, but Owen Hart reverses it. Owen Hart hits Perry Saturn with an elbow. Owen Hart takes him down with a vertical suplex. Owen Hart executes a backslide. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Owen Hart goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Perry Saturn blocks it. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Owen Hart blocks it. Owen Hart whips Perry Saturn into the ropes. Owen Hart misses with a shoulderblock. Perry Saturn and Owen Hart get hit with a double clothesline. Perry Saturn goes for a bodyslam, but Owen Hart counters it with a small package . Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, in the ropes... Perry Saturn re-reverses it. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Owen Hart reverses it. Owen Hart runs into the ropes. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart misses with a clothesline. Owen Hart hits Perry Saturn with a kick. Owen Hart executes a rolling reverse cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, kickout. Owen Hart nails him with a crucifix. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, in the ropes... Perry Saturn executes a punch. Owen Hart executes a back suplex. Owen Hart goes for the Sharpshooter, but he can't do it. Perry Saturn counters it with an eye poke. Perry Saturn executes a kick to the midsection. Perry Saturn goes for a headbutt, but Owen Hart blocks it. Owen Hart whips Perry Saturn into the ropes. Perry Saturn executes a punch. Owen Hart begs off. Perry Saturn executes a tiger driver. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Perry Saturn vs Owen Hart ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Owen Hart executes a Flying Cross Body Block. He goes for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three. The winner is Owen Hart. Time of match: 0:11:29 JR: Owen Hart, hits a cross body, and gets the three count. K: Saturn was just waiting to be put out of his misery there, JR. I think those Avalanches took their toll. JR: I'm sure you're right, King. that heinous unrelented attack by the Heenan Family earlier tonight. K: Unprovoked huh? What about Ric Flair's house? JR: ... Up next, Jerry Lynn will face off against Tarzan Goto, should Lynn win, he will earn himself a Hardcore Title SHot. K: Yeah, but does he want a place in the Hardcore Revolution or in the gWo? ~~~~~ Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn attacks Tarzan Goto before the bell. Jerry Lynn nails him with a diving shoulderblock. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Jerry Lynn nails him with a faceslam. Jerry Lynn takes him down with an armbar submission. Tarzan Goto manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. Jerry Lynn executes a moonsault bodyblock. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto runs into the ropes. Jerry Lynn misses with a clothesline. Jerry Lynn hits Tarzan Goto with a kick. Jerry Lynn whips Tarzan Goto into the turnbuckle. Jerry Lynn runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Tarzan Goto moves out of the way. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a powerslam. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto goes for a lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a duck-down move. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn takes him down with a knee to the back. Jerry Lynn executes an Asai moonsault. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Jerry Lynn scrapes Tarzan Goto's face across the cage. Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the head. Jerry Lynn tries to get out of the door. Jerry Lynn is halfway through the ring. Jerry Lynn is three quarters across the ring. Jerry Lynn is at the door. Tarzan Goto pulls him back in. Tarzan Goto executes a lariat. Tarzan Goto grinds Jerry Lynn's face across the cage. Tarzan Goto goes for a powerslam, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a lariat. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a knee to the back. Jerry Lynn scrapes Tarzan Goto's face across the cage. Tarzan Goto is busted wide open. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a kneeling headbutt. 1 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn tries to climb out of the cage. Jerry Lynn is on his way up. Tarzan Goto pulls him back in. Tarzan Goto goes for a powerslam, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a lariat. In turn, Tarzan Goto counters it with a duck-down move. Tarzan Goto rakes Jerry Lynn's face across the cage. Tarzan Goto catches him in a power bomb. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a kick to the midsection. Tarzan Goto catches him in a power bomb. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto executes a waistlock suplex. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto runs into the ropes. Jerry Lynn hits Tarzan Goto with a kick. Jerry Lynn nails him with a fist to the midsection. Jerry Lynn goes for an armdrag takedown, but Tarzan Goto counters it with a lariat. 2 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tarzan Goto executes a half Boston. Jerry Lynn manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 10 seconds. Jerry Lynn whips Tarzan Goto into the ropes, but Tarzan Goto reverses it. Tarzan Goto misses with a kick. Jerry Lynn hits Tarzan Goto with a shoulderblock. Jerry Lynn tries to get out of the door. Jerry Lynn is halfway through the ring. Tarzan Goto pulls him back in. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a kneebreaker. Tarzan Goto is bleeding like hell. Jerry Lynn nails him with an armbar submission. Tarzan Goto manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the thigh. Jerry Lynn goes for a faceslam, but Tarzan Goto blocks it. Tarzan Goto catches him in a power bomb. Ken Patera counts: One, kickout. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a figure-four leglock. 4 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds. Tarzan Goto takes him down with an enzuigiri. Tarzan Goto runs into the ropes. Tarzan Goto goes for a lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a duck-down move. Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes. Jerry Lynn nails him with an Asai moonsault. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Tarzan Goto goes for a lariat, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a duck-down move. Jerry Lynn executes a faceslam. Jerry Lynn nails him with a backspin DDT. Jerry Lynn nails him with an abdominal stretch. Tarzan Goto reaches the ropes after being trapped for 19 seconds. Jerry Lynn nails him with a DDT. Jerry Lynn executes a jumping side kick. Jerry Lynn tries to get out of the door. Jerry Lynn is halfway through the ring. Tarzan Goto pulls him back in. 5 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn goes for a flying elbowdrop, but Tarzan Goto counters it with a roll away. Tarzan Goto nails him with a kick to the midsection. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a backspin DDT. Jerry Lynn tries to climb out of the cage. Jerry Lynn is on his way up. Jerry Lynn is at the top. Tarzan Goto pulls him back in. Jerry Lynn executes a flying spinning leg lariat. Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the thigh. Jerry Lynn nails him with a flying spinning leg lariat. Tarzan Goto nails him with a lariat. Tarzan Goto tries to climb out of the cage. Tarzan Goto is on his way up. Jerry Lynn pulls him back in. Tarzan Goto nails him with a lariat. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a lariat. 6 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tarzan Goto goes for a kick to the midsection, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn takes him down with an armbar submission. Tarzan Goto manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds. Tarzan Goto grinds Jerry Lynn's face across the cage. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a headbutt. Jerry Lynn executes a kick to the head. Jerry Lynn executes a faceslam. Jerry Lynn executes an armdrag takedown. Jerry Lynn takes him down with a kick to the head. Jerry Lynn whips Tarzan Goto into the turnbuckle, but Tarzan Goto reverses it. Tarzan Goto charges into the corner, but Jerry Lynn moves out of the way. Jerry Lynn nails him with a backspin DDT. Jerry Lynn goes for a kneeling headbutt, but Tarzan Goto reverses it. Tarzan Goto nails him with an enzuigiri. Jerry Lynn executes a backspin DDT. Jerry Lynn executes a flying bodypress. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. 8 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tarzan Goto executes a powerslam. Ken Patera counts: One, kickout. Tarzan Goto takes him down with a scorpion deathlock. Jerry Lynn manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 7 seconds. Tarzan Goto nails him with an enzuigiri. Tarzan Goto nails him with an enzuigiri. Tarzan Goto nails him with a headbutt. Tarzan Goto goes for a figure-four leglock, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a small package. Ken Patera counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Jerry Lynn goes for an armbar submission, but Tarzan Goto blocks it. Tarzan Goto executes a bodyslam. Tarzan Goto whips Jerry Lynn into the turnbuckle, but Jerry Lynn reverses it. Jerry Lynn rakes Tarzan Goto's face across the cage. Jerry Lynn goes for a neck snap, but Tarzan Goto blocks it. Tarzan Goto goes for a kick to the midsection, but Jerry Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn nails him with a kick to the thigh. 10 minutes have gone by. Jerry Lynn vs Tarzan Goto They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jerry Lynn rakes Tarzan Goto's face across the cage. Jerry Lynn executes the Cradle Piledriver and goes for the pin. Ken Patera counts: One, two, three. The winner is Jerry Lynn. Time of match: 0:10:33. Jerry Lynn picks up the mic. Tarzan Goto is still on the ground. Jerry Lynn: Look at your poor, pathetic road block Sabu! Is this all you got!? Now that I beat your puppet, I get a shot at that belt at next TNT! The New F'n Show has left the building!! JR: WAs that his answer to the gWo? K: Hard to say JR, you know how badly he wanted a shot at the Hardcore TItle! JR: Our next bout, a Falls Count ANywhere bout, is for the nWWo TV Title! It involves the new TV Champion, DDP taking on Triple h! ~~~~~ Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are behind the guardrail. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a roundhouse right, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H nails him with a roundhouse right. Triple H takes him down with a spinebuster slam. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Triple H executes a vertical suplex. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a roundhouse right. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a facerake. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a vertical suplex, but Triple H reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page re-reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chop. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H throws Diamond Dallas Page out of the ring. Triple H goes through the ropes. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H throws Diamond Dallas Page over the guardrail. Triple H nails him with a piledriver. 1 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the back of the arena. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Triple H is handed a frying pan. Triple H hits him with the frying pan. Triple H takes him down with a Boston crab. Diamond Dallas Page manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 14 seconds. They're brawling down the aisle. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a fist to the midsection. They're brawling in mid-arena. Triple H takes him down with a fist to the midsection. They're brawling in mid-arena. Triple H is handed a baseball bat. Triple H hits him with the baseball bat. Triple H hits him with the baseball bat. They're brawling down the aisle. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the stairway. They're brawling in the back of the arena. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are on the first floor. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They're brawling up the arena stairway. Diamond Dallas Page executes a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H is handed a keyboard. Triple H hits him with the keyboard. They're brawling on the first floor. They're brawling down the stairway. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a backbreaker, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H gives him a powerslam, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the stairway. Triple H hits him with the keyboard. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the stairway. They're brawling in the back of the arena. Diamond Dallas Page knocks Triple H into the arena wall. They're brawling up the arena stairway. 4 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are on the first floor. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They're brawling on the first floor. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the stairway. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Triple H executes a side suplex. Diamond Dallas Page is going for the pin. Diamond Dallas Page pulls the tights. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. They're brawling on the first floor. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a facerake, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H is handed a microphone. Triple H hits him with the microphone. They're brawling on the first floor. Triple H is handed a bottle. Triple H hits him with the bottle. They're brawling on the first floor. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H is handed a broom handle. 6 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the back of the arena. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H hits him with the broom handle. They're brawling on the first floor. They're brawling on the first floor. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H is handed a shovel. Triple H hits him with the shovel. They're brawling on the first floor. They're brawling down the stairway. Triple H gives him a spinning leg lariat, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't budge. Diamond Dallas Page executes a slap. Diamond Dallas Page knocks Triple H into the arena wall. Diamond Dallas Page takes a swing at Triple H with the shovel, but he gets out of the way. Triple H snatches the shovel from him. Triple H takes a swing at Diamond Dallas Page with the shovel, but he gets out of the way. 8 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in mid-arena. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page snatches the shovel from him. Diamond Dallas Page hits him with the shovel. Diamond Dallas Page is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. They're brawling up the aisle. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a powerslam. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. The winner is Diamond Dallas Page. Time of match: 0:09:29. JR: DDP putting away Triple H rather Quickly as in the mid-arena area, DDP hits a powerslam, and gets the pinfall on Triple H, successfully defending the TV Title. K: Yeah, but they have one more mathc to go JR! JR: Antoher title match next as Chris Jericho defends the International Title against The Giant! K: Who just got back from his little escapade, JR! JR: The GIant, one of the newer members of the RAdicals. (Rage Against The Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a dark tall figure emerges from the back. He walks out revealing to the fans, The Giant. The Giant walks out wearing his Radical Revolution T-Shirt. He raises his arm and signals for The ChokeSlam and screams. The Giant has a very concentrated look on his face as he heads to the ring. He gets on the apron and lifts his leg over the top rope and rips off his Radical Revolution T-Shirt. He then signals with the big hand for The ChokeSlam) ~~~~~ Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chris Jericho attacks The Giant before the bell. Chris Jericho nails him with a spinning leg lariat. Chris Jericho nails him with a spin kick. Chris Jericho goes for the Lion Tamer, but The Giant blocks it. Chris Jericho gives him a spinning leg lariat, but The Giant doesn't even care. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho comes back and rocks The Giant with an elbow. Chris Jericho whips The Giant into the ropes, but The Giant reverses it. The Giant misses with an elbow. The Giant hits Chris Jericho with an elbow. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the ropes. The Giant executes a powerslam. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. The Giant takes him down with a double-axhandle chop. The Giant nails him with a bodyslam. The Giant nails him with an avalanche. The Giant nails him with a forearm to the back. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Giant takes him down with an avalanche. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the ropes. The Giant goes for a clothesline, but Chris Jericho counters it with a duck-down move. Chris Jericho runs into the ropes. The Giant goes for a clothesline, but Chris Jericho counters it with a duck-down move. Chris Jericho gives him a lariat, but The Giant doesn't budge. The Giant takes him down with a vertical suplex. Chris Jericho begs off. Chris Jericho runs into the ropes. Chris Jericho nails him with a dropkick. Chris Jericho gives him an enzuigiri, but The Giant doesn't even care. Chris Jericho takes him down with a scorpion deathlock. The Giant reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Chris Jericho nails him with an enzuigiri. Chris Jericho gives him a single-leg takedown, but The Giant doesn't sell it at all. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Giant takes him down with a forearm smash. The Giant takes him down with a vertical suplex. The Giant goes for a powerslam, but Chris Jericho counters it with a lariat. Chris Jericho nails him with a flying cross body press. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Jericho goes for a spinning leg lariat, but The Giant counters it with a duck-down move. The Giant takes him down with a back suplex. The Giant goes for a headbutt, but Chris Jericho blocks it. Chris Jericho throws The Giant out of the ring. Chris Jericho goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Chris Jericho executes an Asai moonsault. Chris Jericho gives him a dropkick, but The Giant only stares at him. They're brawling on the floor. Chris Jericho gives him a chop, but The Giant doesn't budge. The Giant is handed a bottle. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Giant hits him with the bottle. The Giant hits him with the bottle. The Giant sets up a table. The Giant goes for a backbreaker, but Chris Jericho blocks it. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the guardrail. The Giant catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. The Giant hits him with the bottle. Chris Jericho is busted wide open. The Giant hits him with the bottle. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the guardrail. The Giant hits him with the bottle. The Giant hits him with the bottle. The Giant reenters the ring. Chris Jericho follows him back in. Chris Jericho brings the the bottle into the ring. The Giant gives the sign for the Show Stopper. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho bumps into Tito Santana. Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Giant runs shoulder-first into the corner. The Giant catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. There is no referee to count. The Giant gives the sign for the Show Stopper. The Giant whips Chris Jericho into the turnbuckle. The Giant charges into the corner, but Chris Jericho lifts his leg. Chris Jericho goes for a dropkick, but The Giant counters it with a side step. Tito Santana is back on the job. The Giant nails him with a diving headbutt. The Giant gives the sign for the Show Stopper. The Giant nails him with a side suplex. The Giant goes for a forearm smash, but Chris Jericho blocks it. Chris Jericho runs into the ropes. Chris Jericho executes an enzuigiri. Chris Jericho gives him a single-leg takedown, but The Giant doesn't sell it at all. Chris Jericho executes an Asai moonsault. Tito Santana counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Chris Jericho vs The Giant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chris Jericho catches him in a flying legdrop. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Jericho complains about a slow count. Chris Jericho whips The Giant into the ropes. The Giant goes for a kick to the midsection, but Chris Jericho blocks it. Chris Jericho gives him a lariat, but The Giant doesn't even care. The Giant catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. The winner is The Giant. Time of match: 0:05:46 JR: And The Giant wins! The Giant has regained the INT Title! K: Jericho attempting a lariat, but the Giant shrugs it off, and hits a belly to belly suplex for the win...and the Title! JR: up next, not a standard match by any means as Hayabusa will face off against Psicosis in a FMW rules match. K: A what? JR: A taped fist, broken glass, barbed wire matchu up. K: That does not sound healthy. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Hayabusa vs Psicosis They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Psicosis goes for a powerslam, but Hayabusa counters it with a lariat. In turn, Psicosis counters it with a duck-down move. Psicosis rakes Hayabusa's face across the barbed wire. Hayabusa is busted wide open. Psicosis nails him with a powerslam. Psicosis goes for the Flying Senton, but Hayabusa counters it with a knee pull-up. Hayabusa executes a front slam. Hayabusa is going for the pin. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Hayabusa is bleeding profusely. Psicosis takes him down with an enzuigiri. Psicosis gives him a dropkick, but Hayabusa only stares at him. Psicosis goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Hayabusa blocks it. Hayabusa executes a dropkick to the knee. Hayabusa executes a single-leg takedown. 1 minutes have gone by. Hayabusa vs Psicosis They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Psicosis goes for a dropkick, but Hayabusa counters it with a side step. Hayabusa hits him with the Broken Glass. Hayabusa nails him with a Frankensteiner. Hayabusa executes the Star Dust Press and goes for the pin. Ken Patera counts: One, two, three. Ken Patera counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The winner is Hayabusa. Time of match: 0:01:55. JR: It didn't take much for Hayabusa to put away Psicosis tonight. K: Psicoisis a Bit out of his element as with one hit of the broken glass, a frankensteiner and the stardust press, Hayabusa put Psicosis away! JR: Tag team Action next as the New age outlaws take on the Old age outlaws, in the Texas Longhorns. ~~~~~ Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Dusty Rhodes nails him with an elbowsmash. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with an earringer. Road Dogg Jesse James enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Road Dogg Jesse James nails Dusty Rhodes with a flying lariat. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a back suplex, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a cross-body block. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Road Dogg Jesse James leaves the ring. Dusty Rhodes goes for a bodyslam, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes, but Dusty Rhodes reverses it. Dusty Rhodes goes for a roundhouse right, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a side suplex. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. He returns with a microphone. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a high cross body. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes a swing at Dusty Rhodes with the microphone, but he gets out of the way. Dusty Rhodes snatches the microphone from him. Dusty Rhodes takes a swing at Bad Ass Billy Gunn with the microphone, but he gets out of the way. Bad Ass Billy Gunn snatches the microphone from him. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes a swing at Dusty Rhodes with the microphone, but he gets out of the way. Dusty Rhodes snatches the microphone from him. Dusty Rhodes hits him with the microphone. Dusty Rhodes takes him down with a kneelift. Dusty Rhodes takes him down with a reverse neckbreaker. Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with a kick. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Dusty Rhodes with an elbow. Bad Ass Billy Gunn tags out to Road Dogg Jesse James. Road Dogg Jesse James executes a flying headbutt. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dusty Rhodes goes for an inside cradle, but Road Dogg Jesse James blocks it. Road Dogg Jesse James hits him with the microphone. Jerry Brisco throws the microphone out of the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes hits Road Dogg Jesse James with a backdrop. Dusty Rhodes is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Dusty Rhodes tags out to Barry Windham. Barry Windham and Dusty Rhodes whip Road Dogg Jesse James into the ropes. Barry Windham and Dusty Rhodes hit Road Dogg Jesse James with a double hiptoss. Dusty Rhodes leaves the ring. Barry Windham whips Road Dogg Jesse James into the ropes. Barry Windham executes a single-leg takedown. Barry Windham executes a sleeperhold. Bad Ass Billy Gunn makes the save. Road Dogg Jesse James takes him down with a small package. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James tags out to Bad Ass Billy Gunn. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a chop. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a chop. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Barry Windham into the turnbuckle. Bad Ass Billy Gunn runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Barry Windham moves out of the way. Barry Windham executes a bodyslam. Barry Windham throws Bad Ass Billy Gunn out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, Bad Ass Billy Gunn reenters the ring. Barry Windham executes a backslide. Jerry Brisco counts: One, shoulder up. Dusty Rhodes enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Dusty Rhodes nails Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a dropkick. Barry Windham takes Bad Ass Billy Gunn down with a waistlock suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, kickout. Dusty Rhodes leaves the ring. Barry Windham runs into the ropes. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with a shoulderblock. Barry Windham hits Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a kick. Barry Windham goes for a side suplex, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a headlock takedown, but Barry Windham counters it with a back suplex. In turn, Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a cross-body block. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Barry Windham into the ropes, but Barry Windham reverses it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Barry Windham with a shoulderblock. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a legdrop. Bad Ass Billy Gunn tags out to Road Dogg Jesse James. Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn whip Barry Windham into the ropes. They attempt to hit Barry Windham with a double fist to the midsection, but he counters it with a double clothesline. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. Barry Windham whips Road Dogg Jesse James into the ropes. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James hits Barry Windham with a clothesline. Barry Windham falls out of the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James goes through the ropes. Barry Windham sets up a table. They're brawling on the floor. Barry Windham takes him down with a piledriver. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a forearm smash. Road Dogg Jesse James takes him down with a headbutt. Barry Windham is busted wide open. Road Dogg Jesse James knocks Barry Windham into the ringsteps. Road Dogg Jesse James takes him down with a bodyslam. Road Dogg Jesse James throws Barry Windham back into the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a faceslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a flying clothesline, but Barry Windham counters it with a duck-down move. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. Barry Windham throws Road Dogg Jesse James out of the ring. Barry Windham goes through the ropes. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Barry Windham goes for a sleeperhold, but Road Dogg Jesse James counters it with a jawbreaker. Barry Windham takes him down with a backbreaker. Barry Windham knocks Road Dogg Jesse James into the ringsteps. Barry Windham reenters the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James follows him back in. Barry Windham is bleeding profusely. Dusty Rhodes enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring and throws Dusty Rhodes out of the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn hit Barry Windham with a double vertical suplex. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Barry Windham nails him in the stomach. Road Dogg Jesse James falls onto the top turnbuckle. Barry Windham executes a superplex. Barry Windham executes the Leaping DDT and goes for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, Bad Ass Billy Gunn makes the save. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James tags out to Bad Ass Billy Gunn. Road Dogg Jesse James goes for a back suplex, but Barry Windham blocks it. Road Dogg Jesse James rolls out of the ring. Barry Windham takes him down with a backslide. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Barry Windham whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the turnbuckle, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn reverses it. Barry Windham comes back and rocks Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a kick to the midsection. Barry Windham takes him down with a snap mare. Barry Windham goes for a backbreaker, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a back suplex, but Barry Windham blocks it. Barry Windham executes a backslide. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Barry Windham runs into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Barry Windham with an elbow. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a flying cross body press. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn crotch chops the crowd. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a kick to the midsection. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a bridging back suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Road Dogg Jesse James enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Bad Ass Billy Gunn and Road Dogg Jesse James hit Barry Windham with a double back suplex. Road Dogg Jesse James leaves the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a flying clothesline. Bad Ass Billy Gunn is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn complains about a slow count. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a chop. Bad Ass Billy Gunn is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Barry Windham nails him with a legsweep. Barry Windham throws Bad Ass Billy Gunn out of the ring. Barry Windham goes through the ropes. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Barry Windham nails him with a double underhook suplex. Barry Windham sets up Bad Ass Billy Gunn on the table. Barry Windham tries to drive Bad Ass Billy Gunn through the table with an elbowdrop, but he moves out of the way. The table didn't break. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes the Fam-Asser on the concrete floor. Barry Windham is out cold. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reenters the ring. Barry Windham follows him back in. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a side suplex. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a kneelift. Road Dogg Jesse James enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Bad Ass Billy Gunn and Road Dogg Jesse James whip Barry Windham into the ropes. They hit Barry Windham with a double backdrop. Road Dogg Jesse James leaves the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a monkey flip. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a flying clothesline, but Barry Windham counters it with a duck-down move. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Barry Windham nails him with a high cross body. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Barry Windham tags out to Dusty Rhodes. Barry Windham nails Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a lariat. Dusty Rhodes takes Bad Ass Billy Gunn down with a sleeperhold. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Barry Windham leaves the ring. Dusty Rhodes executes an elbowsmash. Dusty Rhodes executes an earringer. Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes hits Bad Ass Billy Gunn with an elbow. Barry Windham enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Road Dogg Jesse James enters the ring, but gets cut off. Dusty Rhodes and Barry Windham whip Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. They hit Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a double kick to the midsection. Barry Windham leaves the ring. Dusty Rhodes executes a snap mare. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dusty Rhodes executes an elbowsmash. Dusty Rhodes nails him with a hiptoss. Dusty Rhodes executes a hiptoss. Dusty Rhodes whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the turnbuckle, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn reverses it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Dusty Rhodes moves out of the way. Dusty Rhodes goes for a piledriver, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for an earringer, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a backdrop. Barry Windham is bleeding like a faucet. Dusty Rhodes nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. Dusty Rhodes is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Dusty Rhodes throws Bad Ass Billy Gunn out of the ring. Dusty Rhodes goes through the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn knocks Dusty Rhodes into the ringsteps. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a dropkick. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Dusty Rhodes into the guardrail. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a chop. Chyna comes from behind, but Dusty Rhodes nails Chyna. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reenters the ring. Dusty Rhodes follows him back in. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a double underhook suplex. Bad Ass Billy Gunn tags out to Road Dogg Jesse James. Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn whip Dusty Rhodes into the ropes. They hit Dusty Rhodes with a double fist to the midsection. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James runs into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Road Dogg Jesse James counters it with a side suplex. Road Dogg Jesse James whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes. Road Dogg Jesse James misses with a clothesline. Dusty Rhodes misses with an elbow. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James hits Dusty Rhodes with an elbow. Road Dogg Jesse James whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes nails him with a roundhouse right. Road Dogg Jesse James throws Dusty Rhodes out of the ring. Road Dogg Jesse James goes through the ropes. Road Dogg Jesse James goes for a kick to the midsection, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it. Dusty Rhodes whips Road Dogg Jesse James into the guardrail. Dusty Rhodes whips Road Dogg Jesse James into the guardrail. Dusty Rhodes takes him down with a chop. Dusty Rhodes executes a roundhouse right. Dusty Rhodes throws Road Dogg Jesse James back into the ring. Dusty Rhodes executes a roundhouse right. Dusty Rhodes executes a swinging neckbreaker. Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes hits Road Dogg Jesse James with a kick. Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James misses with an elbow. Road Dogg Jesse James hits Dusty Rhodes with a kick. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a double leg cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Road Dogg Jesse James complains about a slow count. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails Dusty Rhodes with a flying clothesline. Road Dogg Jesse James catches Dusty Rhodes in an inside cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Barry Windham enters the ring and throws Bad Ass Billy Gunn out of the ring. Dusty Rhodes and Barry Windham whip Road Dogg Jesse James into the ropes. They hit Road Dogg Jesse James with a double elbowsmash. Barry Windham leaves the ring. Dusty Rhodes goes for a figure-four leglock, but Road Dogg Jesse James blocks it. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a sunset flip. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 13 minutes have gone by, 17 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a snap mare. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a sunset flip. Jerry Brisco counts: One, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Barry Windham enters the ring and throws Bad Ass Billy Gunn out of the ring. Dusty Rhodes and Barry Windham hit Road Dogg Jesse James with a double vertical suplex. Barry Windham leaves the ring. Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes. Road Dogg Jesse James misses with a clothesline. Dusty Rhodes misses with a shoulderblock. Dusty Rhodes misses with a clothesline. Road Dogg Jesse James executes an armdrag takedown. Road Dogg Jesse James takes him down with a sunset flip. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Road Dogg Jesse James catches him in an inside cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Dusty Rhodes (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James runs into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes takes him down with a small package. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Barry Windham is bleeding like a faucet. Road Dogg Jesse James executes a kick to the midsection. Road Dogg Jesse James gives him a vertical suplex, but Dusty Rhodes doesn't sell it at all. Road Dogg Jesse James runs into the ropes. Dusty Rhodes misses with a clothesline. Road Dogg Jesse James goes for a roundhouse right, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it. Dusty Rhodes executes an elbowsmash. Dusty Rhodes throws Road Dogg Jesse James out of the ring. Dusty Rhodes goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Dusty Rhodes knocks Road Dogg Jesse James into the ringsteps. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Dusty Rhodes. Road Dogg Jesse James whips Dusty Rhodes into the guardrail. 15 minutes have gone by, 15 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Dogg Jesse James executes a single-leg takedown. Road Dogg Jesse James executes a forearm smash. Road Dogg Jesse James takes him down with a chop. Road Dogg Jesse James reenters the ring. Dusty Rhodes follows him back in. Road Dogg Jesse James goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a side suplex. Dusty Rhodes tags out to Barry Windham. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring and throws Dusty Rhodes out of the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails Barry Windham with a vertical suplex. Road Dogg Jesse James nails Barry Windham with a flying kneedrop. Bad Ass Billy Gunn leaves the ring. Barry Windham goes for a high cross body, but Road Dogg Jesse James counters it with a backbreaker. Road Dogg Jesse James executes a flying lariat. Road Dogg Jesse James whips Barry Windham into the turnbuckle. Road Dogg Jesse James runs shoulder-first into the corner. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Road Dogg Jesse James (w/Chyna) vs Barry Windham (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Barry Windham begs off. Road Dogg Jesse James nails him with a piledriver. Bad Ass Billy Gunn enters the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn and Road Dogg Jesse James hit Barry Windham with the The Spiked Piledriver. Road Dogg Jesse James goes for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three. The winners are The New Age Outlaws. Time of match: 0:16:29 JR: HArd fought victory for The Road Dogg and Mr. Ass as they put away Windham with the Spiked Piledriver! K: Form one oAo to the next, JR, as Stan Hansen will take on the Big Show Paul Wight! ~~~~~ Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Wight attacks Stan Hansen before the bell. Paul Wight nails him with a backbreaker. Paul Wight throws Stan Hansen out of the ring. Paul Wight goes through the ropes. Paul Wight is handed the ring bell. Paul Wight hits him with the ring bell. Stan Hansen is busted wide open. Paul Wight hits him with the ring bell. Paul Wight executes a series of punches. Paul Wight reenters the ring. Stan Hansen follows him back in. Stan Hansen brings the the ring bell into the ring. Stan Hansen bellows to the crowd. Stan Hansen takes him down with a roundhouse right. Paul Wight goes for a choke slam, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen runs into the ropes. Stan Hansen misses with a clothesline. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Wight executes a roundhouse right. Paul Wight hits him with the ring bell. Paul Wight goes for a powerslam, but Stan Hansen counters it with a lariat. Stan Hansen nails him with a kick to the head. Stan Hansen goes for a chokehold, but Paul Wight blocks it. Paul Wight throws Stan Hansen out of the ring. Paul Wight goes through the ropes. Paul Wight reenters the ring. Stan Hansen follows him back in. Paul Wight goes for a powerslam, but Stan Hansen counters it with a lariat. Stan Hansen leaves the ring. He returns with a microphone. Stan Hansen hits him with the microphone. Jerry Brisco throws the microphone out of the ring. Stan Hansen executes a chokehold. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four. Stan Hansen whips Paul Wight into the turnbuckle. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Wight comes back and rocks Stan Hansen with an elbow. Paul Wight throws Stan Hansen out of the ring. Paul Wight goes through the ropes. Stan Hansen knocks Paul Wight into the ringpost. Stan Hansen throws Paul Wight back into the ring. Stan Hansen executes a dropkick. Stan Hansen whips Paul Wight into the ropes. Stan Hansen executes a roundhouse right. Stan Hansen goes for a back suplex, but Paul Wight counters it with a cross-body block. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Paul Wight takes him down with a boot choke. Paul Wight goes for a punch, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen gives him a kneelift, but Paul Wight doesn't even care. Paul Wight goes for a backbreaker, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen nails him with a headbutt. Stan Hansen runs into the ropes. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stan Hansen hits Paul Wight with a clothesline. Paul Wight falls out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, Paul Wight reenters the ring. Stan Hansen is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Stan Hansen runs into the ropes. Paul Wight hits Stan Hansen with a clothesline. Paul Wight nails him with a boot choke. Paul Wight goes for a choke slam, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen gives him a roundhouse right, but Paul Wight only stares at him. Stan Hansen goes for a short lariat, but Paul Wight counters it with a duck-down move. Paul Wight whips Stan Hansen into the ropes. Stan Hansen executes a short lariat. Jerry Brisco counts: One, kickout. Stan Hansen complains about a slow count. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stan Hansen whips Paul Wight into the turnbuckle, but Paul Wight reverses it. Paul Wight runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Stan Hansen lifts his knee. Stan Hansen gives him a roundhouse right, but Paul Wight doesn't budge. Stan Hansen gives him a chop, but Paul Wight doesn't even care. Stan Hansen nails him with a chop. Stan Hansen whips Paul Wight into the ropes. Paul Wight goes for a chokehold, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen nails him with a back suplex. Stan Hansen executes a kick to the head. Stan Hansen nails him with a chop. Paul Wight runs into the ropes. Stan Hansen goes for a kick to the head, but Paul Wight counters it with a duck-down move. Paul Wight goes for a choke slam, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen goes for a sleeperhold, but Paul Wight counters it with a jawbreaker . Paul Wight nails him with a bearhug. Paul Wight lets go after 17 seconds. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Paul Wight executes a boot choke. Stan Hansen executes a back suplex. Stan Hansen nails him with a kneedrop. Stan Hansen executes an elbowdrop. Stan Hansen goes for a dropkick, but Paul Wight counters it with a side step. Paul Wight gives him a backbreaker, but Stan Hansen doesn't sell it at all. Stan Hansen runs into the ropes. Paul Wight goes for a powerslam, but Stan Hansen counters it with a lariat. Paul Wight takes him down with a backbreaker. Stan Hansen is bleeding like a faucet. Paul Wight executes a clothesline. Paul Wight whips Stan Hansen into the turnbuckle. Stan Hansen comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection. Paul Wight nails him with a roundhouse right. Stan Hansen nails him with a back suplex. Stan Hansen nails him with a kick to the head. Stan Hansen is going for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stan Hansen whips Paul Wight into the ropes, but Paul Wight reverses it. Paul Wight gives him a roundhouse right, but Stan Hansen only stares at him. Stan Hansen goes for a facerake, but Paul Wight blocks it. Paul Wight goes for an atomic drop, but Stan Hansen counters it with a bulldog headlock. In turn, Paul Wight counters it with a throw-off. Paul Wight executes a chokehold. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four. Paul Wight executes a bodyslam. Paul Wight gives the sign for the Show Stopper. Paul Wight nails him with a clothesline. Paul Wight takes him down with a roundhouse right. Stan Hansen gives him a belly-to-belly suplex, but Paul Wight doesn't sell it at all. Paul Wight executes a boot choke. Paul Wight goes for a roundhouse right, but Stan Hansen blocks it. Stan Hansen goes for a dropkick, but Paul Wight counters it with a side step. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Paul Wight vs Stan Hansen (w/Dick Murdoch) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stan Hansen gives him a back suplex, but Paul Wight doesn't sell it at all. Paul Wight executes a bulldog. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Paul Wight leaves the ring. He returns with a baseball bat. Stan Hansen gives him a roundhouse right, but Paul Wight only stares at him. Stan Hansen goes for a dropkick, but Paul Wight counters it with a side step. Paul Wight hits him with the baseball bat. Paul Wight executes a chokehold. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three, four. Paul Wight gives the sign for the The Show Stopper. Paul Wight executes the The Show Stopper and goes for the pin. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, three. The winner is Paul Wight. Time of match: 0:09:58 K: The Big Show put away Hansen! JR: A dominating win for the other big man in the nWWo! Up next, Bert Hart versus Edge. ~~~~~ Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart attacks Edge before the bell. Bret Hart executes a back suplex. Edge goes for a crotch slam, but Bret Hart counters it with a backward kick. Bret Hart nails him with a piledriver. Bret Hart takes him down with an atomic drop. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Edge takes him down with a flying lariat. Edge nails him with a fallaway slam. Edge runs into the ropes. Edge hits Bret Hart with a kick. Edge throws Bret Hart out of the ring. Pedro Morales counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Edge executes a bridging back suplex. Pedro Morales counts: One, shoulder up. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge goes for a headlock takedown, but Bret Hart counters it with a back suplex. Bret Hart goes for an inside cradle, but Edge blocks it. Edge nails him with a jumping DDT. Edge goes for a backspin DDT, but Bret Hart counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex. Bret Hart pulls the tights. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, he sees it. Bret Hart executes a snap suplex. Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it. Bret Hart takes him down with a monkey flip. Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it. Edge hits Bret Hart with an elbow. Edge goes for a jumping DDT, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. Bret Hart takes him down with a hiptoss. Bret Hart executes an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Bret Hart goes for the Sharpshooter, but Edge blocks it. Bret Hart takes him down with a hiptoss. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart takes him down with a small package. Pedro Morales counts: One, kickout. Bret Hart complains about a slow count. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Edge misses with a clothesline. Bret Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Edge blocks it. Edge executes a headlock takedown. Edge nails him with a faceslam. Edge takes him down with an octopus hold. Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds. Edge goes for a German suplex, but Bret Hart blocks it. Bret Hart goes for a small package, but Edge reverses it. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, shoulder up. Edge goes for a jumping DDT, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. Bret Hart takes him down with a dropkick. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Bret Hart hits Edge with a backdrop. Edge falls out of the ring. Pedro Morales counts: one, two, three, Edge reenters the ring. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it. Bret Hart goes for a small package, but Edge reverses it. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Edge goes for an armbar submission, but Bret Hart blocks it. Bret Hart goes for a headbutt, but Edge blocks it. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes, but Bret Hart reverses it. Edge misses with an elbow. Bret Hart hits Edge with a clothesline. Edge falls out of the ring. Pedro Morales counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, Edge reenters the ring. Bret Hart nails him with a figure-four leglock. Edge reaches the ropes after being trapped for 17 seconds. Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes. Edge hits Bret Hart with a clothesline. Bret Hart falls out of the ring. Edge goes through the ropes. Edge executes an abdominal stretch. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge executes a double chickenwing submission. Bret Hart knocks Edge into the ringpost. Bret Hart goes for a hiptoss, but Edge counters it with a backslide. Edge goes for a European uppercut, but Bret Hart counters it with a backslide. Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge follows him back in. Bret Hart goes for a side suplex, but Edge blocks it. Edge nails him with a fist to the midsection. Edge takes him down with a European uppercut. Edge whips Bret Hart into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart comes back and rocks Edge with a kick to the midsection. Bret Hart takes him down with an atomic drop. Bret Hart executes a backslide. Pedro Morales counts: One, kickout. Bret Hart goes for a European uppercut, but Edge counters it with a backslide. Pedro Morales counts: One, kickout. Edge executes a double underhook suplex. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes, but Bret Hart reverses it. Bret Hart nails him with a small package. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Edge goes for a faceslam, but Bret Hart blocks it. Bret Hart catches him in an inside cradle. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Bret Hart executes a European uppercut. Bret Hart nails him with a hiptoss. Bret Hart whips Edge into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart runs shoulder-first into the corner. Bret Hart executes a back suplex. Edge nails him with a choke against the ropes. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, three. Edge nails him with a double underhook suplex. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Edge hits Bret Hart with a shoulderblock. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge nails him with an inverted power bomb. Edge goes for a double underhook suplex, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. Bret Hart whips Edge into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart runs shoulder-first into the corner. Bret Hart takes him down with a dropkick. Bret Hart tells the crowd he is the best there is, was, and ever will be. Bret Hart goes for a snap suplex, but Edge counters it with a vertical suplex. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes. Bret Hart hits Edge with a backdrop. Bret Hart executes a snap suplex. Bret Hart takes him down with a bulldog headlock. Bret Hart takes him down with a hiptoss. Bret Hart goes for a monkey flip, but Edge blocks it. Edge nails him with a forearm to the back. Edge takes him down with a European uppercut. Edge takes him down with a double chickenwing submission. Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge takes him down with a jumping DDT. Bret Hart takes him down with a back suplex. Bret Hart goes for a crucifix, but Edge counters it with a Samoan Drop. Edge executes a grapevine. Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds. Edge runs into the ropes. Edge hits Bret Hart with a kick. Edge nails him with a jumping DDT. Edge throws Bret Hart out of the ring. Edge jumps onto him with a Jumping Suicide Dive, but Bret Hart moves out of the way. Edge knocks Bret Hart into the ringpost. Edge takes him down with a fallaway slam. Edge knocks Bret Hart into the ringsteps. Edge reenters the ring. Bret Hart follows him back in. Edge goes for an octopus hold, but Bret Hart counters it with a hiptoss. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart throws Edge out of the ring. Bret Hart goes through the ropes. Edge goes for a faceslam, but Bret Hart blocks it. Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge follows him back in. Bret Hart executes a crucifix. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Bret Hart nails him with a bodyslam. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. Edge and Bret Hart get hit with a double clothesline. Edge takes him down with a headlock takedown. Edge nails him with an abdominal stretch. Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Edge executes a back heel kick. Edge nails him with an inverted power bomb. Edge goes for a crotch slam, but Bret Hart counters it with a backward kick. Bret Hart goes for a backbreaker, but Edge blocks it. 13 minutes have gone by, 17 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge takes him down with a legsweep faceslam. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes. Edge hits Bret Hart with a kick. Edge executes an inverted power bomb. Edge executes a backspin DDT. Bret Hart goes for a headbutt, but Edge blocks it. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes. Bret Hart misses with an elbow. Bret Hart hits Edge with an elbow. Bret Hart nails him with a back suplex. Bret Hart goes for a bulldog headlock, but Edge counters it with a throw-off. Edge takes him down with a jumping DDT. Edge nails him with an elbowdrop. Edge goes for a backspin DDT, but Bret Hart counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex. Pedro Morales counts: One, kickout. Bret Hart goes for a hiptoss, but Edge counters it with a backslide. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, shoulder up. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge throws Bret Hart out of the ring. Edge goes through the ropes. Edge goes for an armbar submission, but Bret Hart blocks it. Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge follows him back in. Bret Hart executes a dropkick. Bret Hart takes him down with a backslide. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bret Hart goes for a back suplex, but Edge counters it with a cross-body block. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Edge nails him with an inverted power bomb. Bret Hart places Edge on the turnbuckle. Bret Hart nails him with a superplex. Bret Hart attempts to place Edge on the turnbuckle, but Edge blocks it. Bret Hart nails him with a German suplex. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Bret Hart runs into the ropes. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Edge hits Bret Hart with a clothesline. Bret Hart falls out of the ring. Pedro Morales counts: one, two, three, Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge whips Bret Hart into the ropes, but Bret Hart reverses it. Bret Hart executes a Russian legsweep. Bret Hart goes for a sunset flip, but Edge blocks it. Edge executes a backspin DDT. Edge goes for a double underhook suplex, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. Bret Hart whips Edge into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart runs shoulder-first into the corner. Bret Hart executes a hiptoss. Bret Hart nails him with a Russian legsweep. Bret Hart nails him with a dropkick. Bret Hart takes him down with a figure-four leglock on the post. Edge reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes. 17 minutes have gone by, 13 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart hits Edge with a backdrop. Bret Hart takes him down with a snap suplex. Edge takes him down with a fallaway slam. Edge goes for a double underhook suplex, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. Bret Hart whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it. Bret Hart nails him with a monkey flip. Bret Hart executes a single-leg takedown. Bret Hart goes for a backbreaker, but Edge blocks it. Edge takes him down with an armbar submission. Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Edge goes for a bridging back suplex, but Bret Hart counters it with a headlock takedown. Bret Hart executes a sunset flip. Bret Hart uses the ropes for leverage. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bret Hart takes him down with an atomic drop. 18 minutes have gone by, 12 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart nails him with a hiptoss. Bret Hart executes the Sharpshooter. Edge reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Edge throws Bret Hart out of the ring. Edge goes through the ropes. Edge goes for a kick to the head, but Bret Hart counters it with a duck-down move. Bret Hart reenters the ring. Edge follows him back in. Bret Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Edge counters it with a small package. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Edge gives him a kick to the head, but Bret Hart doesn't even care. Edge nails him with a jumping DDT. Edge executes a fallaway slam. Edge takes him down with a falling splash. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, kickout. Edge goes for a jumping DDT, but Bret Hart counters it with a backdrop. 20 minutes have gone by, 10 minutes remain. Bret Hart (w/) vs Edge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bret Hart takes him down with a small package. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Bret Hart takes him down with a European uppercut. Bret Hart is going for the pin. Pedro Morales counts: One, two, three. The winner is Bret Hart. Time of match: 0:20:27 (Bret Hart rolls up to be met with Edge. Bret extends his hand out. Edge shakes Harts hand. Bret is handed a mic) Bret Hart: Now that is an athelete. I do believe you have past my little test here Edge, now you can go on into combat. You see, I have recruited Edge to join me. I have been stabbed in the back so many times that its unbelieveable. Why you ask? Simple. The Kliq dissolved and I can live with that, but there was Michaels, and X-Pac. You see Shawn I haven't gotten my revenge on you yet but I will, you and your friend Diesel. It seems that the only person I can trust is someone who is.....well you know I am from Calgary Alberta Canada. My dad trained the best, Jericho, Owen, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, Chris Benoit and even Adam over here. You see Adam Copeland, or as you know him as Edge, has become somewhat of a student to me. I taught him how to live in the wrestling buisness and now as my apprentice, we have formed the greatest wrestling elite in the buisness and as Adam as an learner to the great Bret The Hitman Hart, their ain't no stopping us now! (Bret Hart and Edge leave) JR: Did you hear that, Edge is The Hitman's new Apprentice as the Bret put it. KING: Yea well I've never really like Bret Hart anyway! But one guy I do like...is RAven! JR: A Raven's Rules match next as RAven defends the IC TItle in his own game against one half of the World Tag Team Champions, sting. 20 minutes have gone by, 10 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Sting whips Raven into the ropes. Sting executes a bulldog headlock. Sting goes for a powerslam, but Raven counters it with a lariat. Sting executes a powerslam. Tito Santana counts: One, shoulder up. Sting nails him with a dropkick. Raven bumps into Tito Santana. Sting executes the Tower of Doom. Sting runs into the ropes. Raven hits Sting with an elbow. Tito Santana is back on the job. Raven nails him with a single-leg takedown. Raven is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Raven nails him with a German suplex. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. 1 minutes have gone by. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Raven nails him with a gutwrench suplex. Raven is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Raven stands in a crucifix position. Raven goes for a powerslam, but Sting counters it with a lariat. Sting goes for a faceslam, but Raven blocks it. Raven nails him with an elbowsmash. Raven goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Sting blocks it. Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Raven reverses it. Raven goes for a bodyslam, but Sting counters it with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Raven re-reverses it. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Raven takes him down with a single-leg takedown. Raven goes for a power bomb, but Sting blocks it. Sting takes him down with a backslide. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. 2 minutes have gone by. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting takes him down with a lariat. Sting whips Raven into the ropes. Sting goes for a clothesline, but Raven counters it with a duck-down move. Raven gives him a backbreaker, but Sting doesn't sell it at all. Sting whips Raven into the ropes. Raven misses with a kick. Raven nails him with a single-leg takedown. Sting goes for a hiptoss, but Raven blocks it. Raven takes him down with a single-leg takedown. Raven executes a flying cross body press. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Raven climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Sting nails him in the stomach. Raven falls onto the top turnbuckle. Sting takes him down with a faceslam. Sting nails him with a chop. Sting goes for a backbreaker, but Raven blocks it. Raven goes for a power bomb, but Sting blocks it. 4 minutes have gone by. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting goes for a Tombstone, but Raven reverses it. Raven gives him an elbowsmash, but Sting only stares at him. Raven runs into the ropes. Raven hits Sting with a backdrop. Sting falls out of the ring. Raven goes through the ropes. Raven is handed a bottle. Raven hits him with the bottle. Raven hits him with the bottle. Raven sets up a table. They're brawling on the floor. Sting nails him with a backbreaker. Raven knocks Sting into the ringsteps. They're brawling on the floor. Raven takes him down with a German suplex. Raven knocks Sting into the ringsteps. Raven executes a back suplex. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Raven reenters the ring. Sting follows him back in. Raven is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Raven executes the Sidewalk Slam. Raven runs into the ropes. Raven hits Sting with a clothesline. Sting falls out of the ring. Raven goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Raven whips Sting into the guardrail. Raven nails him with a short clothesline. Raven sets up Sting on the table. Raven tries to drive Sting through the table with a flying kneedrop, but he moves out of the way. The table is broken in half. Sting nails him with a single-leg takedown. 5 minutes have gone by. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Raven sets up a table. Raven sets up Sting on the table. Raven executes a power bomb through the table. The table didn't break. Raven nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Raven sets up Sting on the table. Raven executes a power bomb through the table. The table is broken in half. Raven takes him down with a dropkick. They're brawling on the floor. They're brawling on the floor. Sting goes for an atomic drop, but Raven blocks it. Raven reenters the ring. Sting follows him back in. Raven nails him with a chop. Raven goes for a short clothesline, but Sting counters it with a duck-down move. Sting takes him down with a headlock takedown. 6 minutes have gone by. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting executes a vertical suplex. Sting whips Raven into the ropes. Raven misses with a clothesline. Sting hits Raven with a clothesline. Sting goes for a back elbow, but Raven counters it with a duck-down move. Raven whips Sting into the ropes. Sting hits Raven with a kick. Sting goes for a powerslam, but Raven counters it with a lariat. Raven takes him down with a spinning toe hold. Sting breaks the hold after 29 seconds. Raven nails him with a chop. Raven takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Raven throws Sting out of the ring. Raven goes through the ropes. Sting is handed a bottle. Sting hits him with the bottle. Sting hits him with the bottle. Sting sets up a table. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They're brawling on the floor. Raven knocks Sting into the ringsteps. Raven hits him with the bottle. Raven takes him down with a Boston crab. Sting whips Raven into the guardrail. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Raven blocks it. Sting goes for a splash, but Raven counters it with a knee pull-up. Raven reenters the ring. Sting follows him back in. Sting brings the the bottle into the ring. Sting hits him with the bottle. Raven is busted wide open. Raven nails him with the Sidewalk Slam. Raven whips Sting into the turnbuckle. Raven charges into the corner, but Sting moves out of the way. Sting takes him down with a lariat. Sting nails him with a chop. Raven (w/Mr. X) vs Sting (w/Mr. X) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting takes him down with a dropkick. Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Raven reverses it. Sting whips Raven into the ropes, but Raven reverses it. Raven executes an armdrag takedown. Raven takes him down with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Raven takes him down with a vertical suplex. Mr. X enters the ring and hits Raven with a chair. Sting whips Raven into the ropes. Raven misses with a clothesline. Raven nails him with a hiptoss. Raven executes the Evenflow DDT and goes for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. The winner is Raven. Time of match: 0:09:45 JR: EVENFLOW DDT! RAven hit that devastating manuever and retains the IC Title! BAttle of the "Chosen Ones" so to speak, as next Jeff JArret will face off against The Rock. 9 minutes have gone by. ~~~~~ Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. The Rock catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. The Rock nails him with a grapevine. The Rock lets go after 13 seconds. The Rock goes for a flying bulldog, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a side step. Jeff Jarrett goes for a backslide, but The Rock reverses it. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. The Rock goes for an inside cradle, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it. Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes. The Rock bumps into Tito Santana. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a kick to the midsection. Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes. The Rock nails him with a bodyslam. The Rock executes a Hotshot. Tito Santana is back on the job. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Rock tells his opponent to "Know his Role and Shut his Mouth". The Rock executes an elbowdrop. The Rock takes him down with a kneedrop. The Rock takes him down with a bridging back suplex. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. The Rock gives him a flying bulldog, but Jeff Jarrett doesn't sell it at all. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the turnbuckle. Jeff Jarrett runs shoulder-first into the corner, but The Rock lifts his knee. The Rock places Jeff Jarrett on the turnbuckle. The Rock catches him in a double underhook superplex. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. The Rock gives him a double underhook suplex, but Jeff Jarrett doesn't sell it at all. The Rock takes him down with a jumping DDT. The Rock runs into the ropes. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jeff Jarrett goes for a side suplex, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock takes him down with a lariat. The Rock takes him down with a knee to the back. The Rock executes a knee to the back. The Rock executes a reverse flying elbowdrop. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it. The Rock misses with a shoulderblock. The Rock misses with an elbow. Jeff Jarrett and The Rock get hit with a double clothesline. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a sunset flip. Tito Santana counts: One, shoulder up. Jeff Jarrett takes him down with a backslide. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a backslide. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a sleeperhold. The Rock reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes. Jeff Jarrett executes a kick to the midsection. Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but The Rock counters it with a jawbreaker. The Rock nails him with a flying lariat. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it. Jeff Jarrett hits The Rock with an elbow. Jeff Jarrett breaks into a strut "Ain't I great?". Jeff Jarrett takes him down with a sleeperhold. The Rock reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds. Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes. Jeff Jarrett and The Rock get hit with a double clothesline. Jeff Jarrett catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. The Rock executes a flying forearm. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. The Rock attempts to place Jeff Jarrett on the turnbuckle, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Rock takes him down with a jawbreaker. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes. The Rock goes for a bodyslam, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes. Jeff Jarrett hits The Rock with a kick. Jeff Jarrett is going for the pin. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. The Rock nails him with an enzuilariato. Jeff Jarrett goes for a side suplex, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock nails him with a jawbreaker. The Rock throws Jeff Jarrett out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Jeff Jarrett reenters the ring. Jeff Jarrett begs off. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the turnbuckle. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Rock takes him down with a double underhook suplex. The Rock takes him down with a Hotshot. Jeff Jarrett begs off. Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes. The Rock hits Jeff Jarrett with an elbow. The Rock goes for an elbowdrop, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a roll away. Jeff Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it. Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock executes the Doctor Bomb. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes. Jeff Jarrett goes for a dropkick, but The Rock counters it with a side step. The Rock takes him down with a kneedrop. Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock goes for a lariat, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a duck-down move. Jeff Jarrett throws The Rock out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, two, The Rock reenters the ring. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Jeff Jarrett (w/) vs The Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes. The Rock nails him with a bodyslam. The Rock whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it. Jeff Jarrett hits The Rock with an elbow. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a Boston crab. The Rock reaches the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds. Jeff Jarrett takes him down with a bodyslam. Jeff Jarrett goes for a side suplex, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock executes a lariat. The Rock nails him with an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker. The Rock goes for a Boston crab, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it. Jeff Jarrett nails him with a sleeperhold. The Rock reaches the ropes after being trapped for 31 seconds. Jeff Jarrett goes for a kick to the midsection, but The Rock blocks it. The Rock takes him down with a flying forearm. Tito Santana counts: One, two, three. The winner is The Rock. Time of match: 0:10:17 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Shawn Michaels with a shoulderblock. Bad Ass Billy Gunn throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring. Ken Patera counts: one, two, three, four, five, Shawn Michaels reenters the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for an abdominal stretch, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a hiptoss. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with an elbow. Shawn Michaels hits Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a shoulderblock. Shawn Michaels executes a flying cross body press. Ken Patera counts: One, kickout. Shawn Michaels takes him down with an inverted atomic drop. Shawn Michaels is going for the pin. Ken Patera counts: One, kickout. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the turnbuckle. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shawn Michaels charges in with a flying clothesline. Shawn Michaels nails him with a sunset flip. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels executes a single-leg takedown. Shawn Michaels nails him with a wristlock. Shawn Michaels executes an elbowsmash. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with a kick. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Shawn Michaels with a kick. Bad Ass Billy Gunn is going for the pin. Ken Patera counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn complains about a slow count. Shawn Michaels catches him in an inside cradle. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels goes for a sunset flip, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a sitdown. Ken Patera counts: One, two, shoulder up. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ In turn, Shawn Michaels counters it with a double leg-hook. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels goes for a sunset flip, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a sitdown. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a DDT. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for an atomic drop, but Shawn Michaels blocks it. Shawn Michaels executes an abdominal stretch. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes. Shawn Michaels misses with a kick. Shawn Michaels goes for a back elbow, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a duck-down move. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a faceslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a kneelift, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a side step. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for an inside cradle, but Shawn Michaels blocks it. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shawn Michaels goes for a sunset flip, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a sitdown. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Bad Ass Billy Gunn throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring. Ken Patera counts: one, Shawn Michaels reenters the ring. Shawn Michaels begs off. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes. Shawn Michaels misses with a shoulderblock. Shawn Michaels misses with a clothesline. Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with a kick. Shawn Michaels nails him with a small package. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels goes for a snap mare, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn blocks it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Ken Patera counts: One, two, shoulder up. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a bodyslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn crotch chops the crowd. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Shawn Michaels into the turnbuckle. Bad Ass Billy Gunn runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Shawn Michaels moves out of the way. Shawn Michaels nails him with a back elbow. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a dropkick, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a side step. Shawn Michaels goes for an armdrag takedown, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a lariat. Bad Ass Billy Gunn takes him down with a flying clothesline. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a kick to the midsection. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes, but Shawn Michaels reverses it. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a faceslam, but Shawn Michaels blocks it. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a dropkick, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a side step. Shawn Michaels executes a rolling reverse cradle. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Shawn Michaels with a backdrop. Shawn Michaels begs off. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a small package, but Shawn Michaels reverses it. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels executes a single-leg takedown. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Shawn Michaels goes for an abdominal stretch, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a hiptoss. In turn, Shawn Michaels counters it with a backslide. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Shawn Michaels gives him a forearm smash, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn doesn't budge. Shawn Michaels whips Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ropes. Shawn Michaels hits Bad Ass Billy Gunn with a shoulderblock. Shawn Michaels goes for a flying cross body press, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a rollover. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a faceslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn crotch chops the crowd. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a flying cross body press, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a rollover. Ken Patera counts: One, two, shoulder up. Shawn Michaels executes an atomic drop. Shawn Michaels executes an elbowsmash. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a kneelift. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes a headlock takedown. Bad Ass Billy Gunn catches him in an inside cradle. Ken Patera counts: One, kickout. Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a faceslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn runs into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes for a sunset flip, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a sitdown. Ken Patera counts: One, two, kickout. Bad Ass Billy Gunn throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes through the ropes. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn nails him with a faceslam. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reenters the ring. Shawn Michaels follows him back in. Bad Ass Billy Gunn runs into the ropes. Shawn Michaels goes for a dropkick, but Bad Ass Billy Gunn counters it with a side step. Bad Ass Billy Gunn crotch chops the crowd. Bad Ass Billy Gunn throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring. Ken Patera counts: one, two, Shawn Michaels reenters the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes. Bad Ass Billy Gunn misses with an elbow. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits Shawn Michaels with a clothesline. Shawn Michaels falls out of the ring. Bad Ass Billy Gunn goes through the ropes. Chyna comes from behind, but Shawn Michaels nails Chyna. Bad Ass Billy Gunn sets up a table. They're brawling on the floor. Bad Ass Billy Gunn gives him an armdrag takedown, but Shawn Michaels doesn't sell it at all. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chyna comes from behind, but Shawn Michaels nails Chyna. Bad Ass Billy Gunn is handed the ring bell. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits him with the ring bell. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits him with the ring bell. Shawn Michaels is busted wide open. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits him with the ring bell. Bad Ass Billy Gunn hits him with the ring bell. Chyna comes from behind, but Shawn Michaels nails Chyna. Bad Ass Billy Gunn executes the Fam-Asser on the concrete floor. Shawn Michaels sets up Bad Ass Billy Gunn on the table. Shawn Michaels executes a flying elbowdrop through the table. The table didn't break. Shawn Michaels hits him with the ring bell. Shawn Michaels nails him with an inverted atomic drop. Shawn Michaels knocks Bad Ass Billy Gunn into the ringpost. Bad Ass Billy Gunn reenters the ring. Shawn Michaels follows him back in. Shawn Michaels vs Bad Ass Billy Gunn (w/Chyna) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bad Ass Billy Gunn whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes. Shawn Michaels nails him with an inverted atomic drop. Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes. Chyna pulls down the top rope. Ken Patera disqualifies Bad Ass Billy Gunn. The winner is Shawn Michaels. Time of match: 0:09:11 JR: Shawn Michaels taking the match as Chyna interferes in this one, and The Rock defeating Jeff Jarrett. K: Team Madness on another role tongiht, JR. JR: MAbel is up next, takign Razor Ramon. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mabel attacks Razor Ramon before the bell. Mabel goes for a bodyslam, but Razor Ramon counters it with a small package. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Mabel goes for a facerake, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Mabel counters it with a side suplex. Mabel gives him a bodyslam, but Razor Ramon doesn't sell it at all. Mabel goes for a roundhouse right, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon runs into the ropes. Mabel misses with a clothesline. Mabel hits Razor Ramon with a backdrop. Mabel nails him with a ropeburn. Big Daddy Cool Diesel comes to ringside. Mabel whips Razor Ramon into the ropes, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Mabel begs off. Razor Ramon goes for a bulldog headlock, but Mabel counters it with a throw-off. Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon goes for a faceslam, but Mabel blocks it. Mabel executes a bearhug. Razor Ramon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 18 seconds. Mabel nails him with a fist to the midsection. Mabel nails him with a facebite. Mabel nails him with a roundhouse right. Mabel nails him with a facerake. Mabel gives him a ropeburn, but Razor Ramon doesn't budge. Razor Ramon goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Mabel counters it with a side suplex. Mabel takes him down with a facebite. Mabel goes for a DDT, but Razor Ramon counters it with a backdrop. In turn, Mabel counters it with a sunset flip. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Mabel goes for a facebite, but Razor Ramon counters it with a kneelift. Razor Ramon nails him with a kneelift. Razor Ramon whips Mabel into the ropes. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mabel hits Razor Ramon with a kick. Mabel grabs a handful of cellulite and jiggles it for the crowd. Mabel runs into the ropes. Razor Ramon hits Mabel with an elbow. Razor Ramon pauses, point at himself and says "BAD GUY!". Razor Ramon nails him with a flying clothesline. Razor Ramon goes for a bulldog headlock, but Mabel blocks it. Mabel executes a bodyslam. Mabel nails him with a DDT. Razor Ramon goes for a flying clothesline, but Mabel counters it with a duck-down move. Mabel runs into the ropes. Mabel hits Razor Ramon with a kick. Mabel leaves the ring. He returns with a bottle. Mabel gives him a facerake, but Razor Ramon doesn't even care. Mabel begs off. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon gives him a single-leg takedown, but Mabel doesn't sell it at all. Mabel takes a swing at Razor Ramon with the bottle, but he gets out of the way. Razor Ramon snatches the bottle from him. Razor Ramon hits him with the bottle. Tito Santana throws the bottle out of the ring. Razor Ramon throws Mabel out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, Razor Ramon distracts Tito Santana. Big Daddy Cool Diesel hits Mabel with the Jackknife. Tito Santana is back on the job: one, Mabel reenters the ring. Razor Ramon goes for a flying bulldog, but Mabel counters it with a side step. Mabel nails him with a rolling kick. Mabel takes him down with a bodyslam. Mabel whips Razor Ramon into the ropes. Mabel gives him a fist to the midsection, but Razor Ramon only stares at him. Mabel gives him a ropeburn, but Razor Ramon doesn't budge. Mabel takes him down with a roundhouse right. Mabel whips Razor Ramon into the turnbuckle, but Razor Ramon reverses it. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Mabel lifts his knee. Mabel goes for a kick to the midsection, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Mabel begs off. Razor Ramon goes for a bulldog headlock, but Mabel counters it with a throw-off. Mabel takes him down with a roundhouse right. Mabel goes for a kick to the midsection, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon gives him a single-leg takedown, but Mabel doesn't sell it at all. Razor Ramon goes for a flying clothesline, but Mabel counters it with a duck-down move. Razor Ramon nails him with a bulldog headlock. Mabel begs off. Razor Ramon whips Mabel into the ropes, but Mabel reverses it. Mabel goes for the Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Mabel throws Razor Ramon out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Razor Ramon reenters the ring. Mabel throws Razor Ramon out of the ring. Mabel goes through the ropes. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dennis Rodman and Jenna comes from behind and distracts Razor Ramon. Mabel sets up a table. Mabel whips Razor Ramon into the guardrail. Mabel executes a bodyslam. Mabel sets up Razor Ramon on the table. Mabel executes an elbowdrop through the table. The table is broken in half. Mabel nails him with a bodyslam. Mabel sets up a table. Dennis Rodman and Jenna comes from behind and distracts Razor Ramon. Mabel nails him with a DDT. Big Daddy Cool Diesel clobbers Mabel from behind. Tito Santana admonishes Big Daddy Cool Diesel. Razor Ramon executes a lariat. Razor Ramon throws Mabel back into the ring. Tito Santana is back on the job. Razor Ramon pauses, point at himself and says "BAD GUY!". Mabel (w/Dennis Rodman and Jenna) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon goes for a sleeperhold, but Mabel blocks it. Mabel gives him a ropeburn, but Razor Ramon doesn't even care. Mabel goes for a kick to the midsection, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon throws Mabel out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, Razor Ramon distracts Tito Santana. Big Daddy Cool Diesel hits Mabel with the Jackknife. Mabel is out cold. Tito Santana is back on the job: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The winner is Razor Ramon. Time of match: 0:07:36 K: HAHA! JR: I guess some things never change, King. Looks Razor and Diesel are still up to their old tricks. K: If it's not broken, don't fix it, JR. How many times has the Asylum fallen like this? It's great! (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Crippler" Chris Benoit, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he grabs the ropes and loosens up preparing for the war about to take place) JR: Speaking of the Asylum, Benoit is set to face off against Sid right here next. ~~~~~ Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Chris Benoit whips Sycho Sid into the ropes. Chris Benoit goes for a lariat, but Sycho Sid counters it with a duck-down move. Sycho Sid gives him an elbowsmash, but Chris Benoit only stares at him. Sycho Sid goes for a bodyslam, but Chris Benoit counters it with a small package . Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Benoit goes for a back suplex, but Sycho Sid blocks it. Sycho Sid takes him down with an elbowsmash. Sycho Sid goes for a ropeburn, but Chris Benoit blocks it. Chris Benoit nails him with a crucifix. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Chris Benoit nails him with a piledriver. Chris Benoit executes a legdrop. Chris Benoit goes for a sleeperhold, but Sycho Sid blocks it. Sycho Sid nails him with a roundhouse right. Sycho Sid whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sycho Sid misses with a shoulderblock. Chris Benoit takes him down with a lariat. Chris Benoit executes a crucifix. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Benoit catches him in a Northern Lights suplex. Tito Santana counts: One, kickout. Chris Benoit complains about a slow count. Sycho Sid catches him in an inside cradle. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. Sycho Sid throws his arms in the air and yells "Psycho!". Sycho Sid whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it. Chris Benoit hits Sycho Sid with an elbow. Chris Benoit executes a single-leg takedown. Chris Benoit executes a tiger driver. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Benoit goes for a back suplex, but Sycho Sid counters it with a cross-body block. Tito Santana counts: One, two, shoulder up. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sycho Sid whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it. Sycho Sid executes a roundhouse right. Chris Benoit catches him in a Northern Lights suplex. Tito Santana counts: One, two, kickout. Chris Benoit runs into the ropes. Chris Benoit nails him with flying headscissors. Chris Benoit goes for a flying cross body press, but Sycho Sid counters it with a rollover. Tito Santana counts: One, shoulder up. Sycho Sid throws his arms in the air and yells "Psycho!". Sycho Sid nails him with a roundhouse right. Sycho Sid runs into the ropes. Chris Benoit hits Sycho Sid with a clothesline. Sycho Sid falls out of the ring. Chris Benoit goes through the ropes. Chris Benoit executes a flying cross body press. Chris Benoit climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Sycho Sid nails him in the stomach. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chris Benoit falls onto the top turnbuckle. Sycho Sid falls back into the ring. Sycho Sid is busted wide open. Chris Benoit knocks Sycho Sid into the ringsteps. Chris Benoit nails him with a back suplex. Chris Benoit catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Chris Benoit executes a single-leg takedown. Chris Benoit whips Sycho Sid into the guardrail. Chris Benoit knocks Sycho Sid into the ringsteps. They're brawling on the floor. Sycho Sid nails him with a short clothesline. Sycho Sid is handed the ring bell. Sycho Sid hits him with the ring bell. Sycho Sid hits him with the ring bell. Sycho Sid goes for a back suplex, but Chris Benoit counters it with a cross-body block. Chris Benoit hits him with the ring bell. Chris Benoit catches him in a Northern Lights suplex. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sycho Sid goes for a lariat, but Chris Benoit counters it with a duck-down move. Chris Benoit knocks Sycho Sid into the ringsteps. Sycho Sid goes for the Power Bomb, but Chris Benoit counters it with a Frankensteiner. Chris Benoit hits him with the ring bell. Chris Benoit takes him down with a legsweep. Chris Benoit hits him with the ring bell. Sycho Sid goes for a Gorilla Press, but Chris Benoit blocks it. Sycho Sid sets up a table. Sycho Sid sets up Chris Benoit on the table. Sycho Sid executes the Power Bomb through the table. The table is broken in half. Chris Benoit catches him in a Northern Lights suplex. Sycho Sid knocks Chris Benoit into the ringsteps. Sycho Sid executes a chokehold. Sycho Sid hits him with the ring bell. Sycho Sid hits him with the ring bell. Sycho Sid goes for a backbreaker, but Chris Benoit blocks it. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Chris Benoit (w/) vs Sycho Sid (w/Dennis Rodman) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chris Benoit nails him with a piledriver. Chris Benoit nails him with a snap mare. Chris Benoit reenters the ring. Sycho Sid follows him back in. Chris Benoit throws Sycho Sid out of the ring. Tito Santana counts: one, Sycho Sid reenters the ring. Chris Benoit gives the sign for the Crippler Crossface. Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface. Sycho Sid submits after 7 seconds. The winner is Chris Benoit. Time of match: 0:05:52 JR: Reminescent of their WCW World Title Match some time back the Crippler battles back to defeat the Vicious Man, Sid. Looks like Benoit coming back more successfully from that attack then Saturn, as he earns a win right here tonight. K: WEll, let's see if Malenko will fare as well as his teammate, as he gets a shot at the CW Title when RVD puts it on the line in this 2 out of 3 fall match up. (Rage Against the Machine's "Guerrilla Radio" plays over the nWWo sound system as a figure emerges from the back, he is dressed from head to toe in black and sporting the new Radical Revolution black T-Shirt, he walks through the curtain the fans erupt as out comes "the Iceman" Dean Malenko, he has a very serious look on his face as he walks down the aisle and into the ring, he grabs the ropes and loosens up preparing for the war about to take place) ~~~~~ Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam attacks Dean Malenko before the bell. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Rob Van Dam goes through the ropes. Dean Malenko knocks Rob Van Dam into the ringsteps. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but Dean Malenko nails Bill Alphonso. Dean Malenko is busted wide open. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts Dean Malenko. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the guardrail. Dean Malenko nails him with a Victory Roll. Rob Van Dam nails him with a spin kick. Rob Van Dam reenters the ring. Dean Malenko follows him back in. Rob Van Dam attempts to place Dean Malenko on the turnbuckle, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko executes a Russian legsweep. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam goes for a power bomb, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko goes for a dragon suplex, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam executes a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam executes a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam places Dean Malenko on the turnbuckle. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a top-rope Frankensteiner. Rob Van Dam pulls the tights. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. Rob Van Dam executes an armbar submission. Dean Malenko reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a vertical suplex. Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Dean Malenko nails him with a hiptoss. Dean Malenko executes a kick to the thigh. Dean Malenko executes a kneebreaker. Dean Malenko nails him with a German suplex. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. 2 minutes have gone by, 43 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko throws Rob Van Dam out of the ring. Dean Malenko goes through the ropes. They're brawling on the floor. Rob Van Dam goes for a monkey flip, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Rob Van Dam takes him down with spinning headscissors. Rob Van Dam is busted wide open. Dean Malenko knocks Rob Van Dam into the ringpost. Dean Malenko nails him with a dropkick. Dean Malenko throws Rob Van Dam back into the ring. Dean Malenko nails him with a vertical suplex. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes, but Rob Van Dam reverses it. Dean Malenko goes for a bodyslam, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam executes a dropkick. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko executes a Russian legsweep. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko screams "NOW THAT'S ICE COLD!!". Dean Malenko goes for a kneebreaker, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a forearm smash. Rob Van Dam executes a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam goes for an octopus hold, but Dean Malenko counters it with a hiptoss. Dean Malenko screams "NOW THAT'S ICE COLD!!". Dean Malenko catches him in a dragon suplex. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Dean Malenko misses with a shoulderblock. Dean Malenko hits Rob Van Dam with a backdrop. Dean Malenko executes a Russian legsweep. Dean Malenko screams "NOW THAT'S ICE COLD!!". Dean Malenko takes him down with a Victory Roll. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... kickout. Dean Malenko executes a back suplex. 4 minutes have gone by, 41 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Dean Malenko with a shoulderblock. Rob Van Dam goes for a dropkick, but Dean Malenko counters it with a side step. Dean Malenko goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam goes for a back heel kick, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko goes for a dragon suplex, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Dean Malenko with a backdrop. Rob Van Dam is going for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Rob Van Dam goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Dean Malenko counters it with a duck-down move. Dean Malenko executes a bodyslam. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam executes a spin kick. Rob Van Dam takes him down with an octopus hold. Dean Malenko reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. 6 minutes have gone by, 39 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam takes him down with a monkey flip. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Dean Malenko with a shoulderblock. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits Rob Van Dam with an elbow. Dean Malenko executes a hiptoss. Dean Malenko executes a bodyslam. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Dean Malenko nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. Dean Malenko takes him down with a hiptoss. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Rob Van Dam executes a dropkick. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a spin kick. Rob Van Dam throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Rob Van Dam jumps onto him with a somersault plancha , but Dean Malenko moves out of the way. Rob Van Dam is out cold. 7 minutes have gone by, 38 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko goes for a backflip cradle, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a side step. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the guardrail. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts Dean Malenko. They're brawling on the floor. Dean Malenko executes a reverse cradle. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the guardrail. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but Dean Malenko nails Bill Alphonso. Rob Van Dam sets up a table. Rob Van Dam takes him down with an armbar submission. Rob Van Dam gives him a forearm smash, but Dean Malenko only stares at him. Rob Van Dam is handed a chair. Rob Van Dam hits him with the chair. Rob Van Dam hits him with the chair. They're brawling on the floor. Rob Van Dam executes a vertical suplex. Dean Malenko hits him with the chair. Dean Malenko reenters the ring. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam follows him back in. Rob Van Dam brings the the chair into the ring. Rob Van Dam hits him with the chair. Rob Van Dam is bleeding like a faucet. Rob Van Dam nails him with a monkey flip. Rob Van Dam executes a grapevine. Rob Van Dam lets go after 25 seconds. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Rob Van Dam misses with a clothesline. Dean Malenko executes spinning headscissors. Dean Malenko goes for a reverse cradle, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a sitdown. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a forearm smash. Rob Van Dam takes a swing at Dean Malenko with the chair, but he gets out of the way. Dean Malenko snatches the chair from him. 9 minutes have gone by, 36 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko hits him with the chair. Dean Malenko takes him down with a backflip cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a chop. Rob Van Dam nails him with a vertical suplex. Rob Van Dam takes a swing at Dean Malenko with the chair, but he gets out of the way. Dean Malenko snatches the chair from him. Dean Malenko hits him with the chair. Pat Patterson throws the chair out of the ring. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Rob Van Dam goes for a dropkick, but Dean Malenko counters it with a side step. Dean Malenko executes a grapevine. Rob Van Dam reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko nails him with a reverse cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... 10 minutes have gone by, 35 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Dean Malenko takes him down with a dropkick. Dean Malenko takes him down with a grapevine. Rob Van Dam reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds. Dean Malenko is bleeding profusely. Dean Malenko nails him with a hiptoss. Rob Van Dam executes a Five Star Frog Splash from the top rope. He goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. The winner is Rob Van Dam. Time of match: 0:11:24 ~~~~~ Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Dean Malenko goes for a kneebreaker, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam executes spinning headscissors. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a somersault splash. Rob Van Dam places Dean Malenko on the turnbuckle. Rob Van Dam nails him with the Fisherman buster from the top rope. Rob Van Dam throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Rob Van Dam goes through the ropes. Bill Alphonso comes from behind, but Dean Malenko nails Bill Alphonso. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the guardrail. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam knocks Dean Malenko into the ringsteps. Rob Van Dam sets up Dean Malenko on the table. Rob Van Dam tries to drive Dean Malenko through the table with a power bomb, but he blocks it. Bill Alphonso comes from behind and distracts Dean Malenko. They're brawling on the floor. Dean Malenko goes for a kneebreaker, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam reenters the ring. Dean Malenko follows him back in. Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes, but Rob Van Dam reverses it. Dean Malenko misses with an elbow. Dean Malenko hits Rob Van Dam with a backdrop. Dean Malenko screams "NOW THAT'S ICE COLD!!". Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a legsweep. Rob Van Dam goes for a power bomb, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko takes him down with a backflip cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Dean Malenko whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes. Rob Van Dam goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Dean Malenko counters it with a duck-down move. Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Rob Van Dam goes for a power bomb, but Dean Malenko blocks it. 12 minutes have gone by, 33 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam is bleeding profusely. Dean Malenko takes him down with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Dean Malenko with a shoulderblock. Rob Van Dam throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Rob Van Dam jumps onto him with a somersault plancha , but Dean Malenko moves out of the way. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam goes for a fisherman buster, but Dean Malenko counters it with a small package. Dean Malenko reenters the ring. Rob Van Dam follows him back in. Rob Van Dam is bleeding like a faucet. Dean Malenko takes him down with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko nails him with a rolling reverse cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. Dean Malenko complains about a slow count. Dean Malenko nails him with a Frankensteiner. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Dean Malenko takes him down with an armlock hammerlock submission. Rob Van Dam reaches the ropes after being trapped for 20 seconds. Dean Malenko executes a sunset backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Dean Malenko goes for a Frankensteiner, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a power bomb. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Rob Van Dam goes for a vertical suplex, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Dean Malenko goes for a headlock takedown, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a back suplex. In turn, Dean Malenko counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... 15 minutes have gone by, 30 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko takes him down with a bodyslam. Dean Malenko executes the Texas Cloverleaf. Rob Van Dam reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Dean Malenko goes for a German suplex, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a chop. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Rob Van Dam nails him with a legsweep. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Dean Malenko nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. Dean Malenko executes a kneebreaker. Dean Malenko executes a Russian legsweep. Dean Malenko executes a kneedrop. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits Rob Van Dam with a shoulderblock. Dean Malenko is bleeding profusely. Bill Alphonso enters the ring and hits Dean Malenko with the chair. Pat Patterson disqualifies Rob Van Dam. 16 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The winner is Dean Malenko. Time of match: 0:16:38 ~~~~~ Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam attacks Dean Malenko before the bell. Rob Van Dam takes him down with a fisherman buster. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes. Dean Malenko hits Rob Van Dam with a backdrop. Dean Malenko executes a headlock takedown. Dean Malenko executes a vertical suplex. Dean Malenko runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam hits Dean Malenko with a backdrop. Rob Van Dam runs into the ropes. Rob Van Dam misses with a clothesline. Dean Malenko goes for a dropkick, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a side step. Rob Van Dam throws Dean Malenko out of the ring. Rob Van Dam jumps onto him with a somersault plancha , but Dean Malenko moves out of the way. Rob Van Dam is out cold. Dean Malenko reenters the ring. Rob Van Dam follows him back in. 17 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rob Van Dam is bleeding like a faucet. Dean Malenko goes for a German suplex, but Rob Van Dam blocks it. Rob Van Dam executes a thrust kick to the head. Rob Van Dam goes for a slingshot somersault splash, but Dean Malenko counters it with a roll away. Dean Malenko goes for a back suplex, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Rob Van Dam executes spinning headscissors. Rob Van Dam executes a moonsault. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. Rob Van Dam looks at the camera, points at himself saying "The Whole F'N Show". Rob Van Dam executes a slingshot legdrop. Dean Malenko is bleeding profusely. Rob Van Dam goes for a fisherman buster, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko nails him with a leg lariat. Rob Van Dam whips Dean Malenko into the ropes, but Dean Malenko reverses it. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alphonso) vs Dean Malenko þ þ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dean Malenko goes for a Frankensteiner, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a power bomb. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Rob Van Dam goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Dean Malenko counters it with a duck-down move. Dean Malenko goes for an atomic drop, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a bulldog headlock. Rob Van Dam goes for a fisherman buster, but Dean Malenko blocks it. Dean Malenko nails him with a hiptoss. Dean Malenko executes the Texas Cloverleaf. Rob Van Dam submits after 12 seconds. The winner is Dean Malenko. Time of match: 0:19:48 JR: New Champion! Malenko has defeated RVD to regain the CW Title! And under his own duress this time! K: Big deal JR, he had to cheat for his first fall, what was Bill alhponso thinking? JR: Not sure King, but he may have cost his man the CW Title. K: It's our third and final TV Title match, an I Quit Match, JR. JR: THe man who wins this match will walk out of TNT the TV Champion. K: Submission only, here, JR, the only way to win is to make your oppoenent tell the ref he quits! JR: That's right King, and here we go with our thrid and final TV Title Match! 19 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Diamond Dallas Page executes a slap. Triple H executes a forearm smash. Triple H goes for a piledriver, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backdrop. Diamond Dallas Page gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter and yells "BANG!". Diamond Dallas Page executes a headbutt. Diamond Dallas Page executes a fist to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a choke against the ropes. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three, four. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Triple H counters it with a side suplex. Triple H takes him down with a double underhook suplex. Triple H executes a back suplex. Triple H nails him with a powerslam. Triple H nails him with an elbowdrop. 1 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H takes him down with a side suplex. Triple H executes an armbar submission. Diamond Dallas Page manages to escape the hold after being trapped for 8 seconds. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Chyna pulls down the top rope. Triple H goes through the ropes. Triple H takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Triple H reenters the ring. Diamond Dallas Page follows him back in. Triple H nails him with a powerslam. Triple H executes a piledriver. Triple H gives him a legsweep, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with a backdrop. Triple H falls out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a flying kneedrop, but Triple H counters it with a roll away. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. Triple H nails him with a fistdrop. Diamond Dallas Page sets up a table. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a forearm to the back, but Triple H counters it with a side step. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H nails him with a spinebuster slam. Triple H throws Diamond Dallas Page back into the ring. Triple H takes him down with a spinebuster slam. Triple H runs into the ropes. Triple H goes for a headlock takedown, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a back suplex. Diamond Dallas Page executes a facebite. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a side suplex. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Triple H counters it with a side suplex. Triple H goes for a back suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a cross-body block. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. Chyna pulls down the top rope. Triple H goes through the ropes. Triple H throws Diamond Dallas Page back into the ring. Triple H executes a side suplex. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a kick to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Triple H blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a chokehold. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three, four. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. Chyna trips Diamond Dallas Page. Pat Patterson warns Chyna. Triple H goes for a piledriver, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backdrop. 5 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ In turn, Triple H counters it with a sunset flip. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a backbreaker, but Triple H blocks it. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Triple H takes him down with a legsweep. Triple H goes for a spinning backbreaker, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with an elbowsmash. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page jumps onto him with a plancha. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page executes a bodyslam. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page tries to drive Triple H through the table with an elbowdrop, but he moves out of the way. The table didn't break. Triple H executes a back suplex. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringpost. Triple H goes for a snap mare, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. 6 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a facebite. Diamond Dallas Page knocks Triple H into the ringsteps. Diamond Dallas Page executes a facebite. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter through the table. The table didn't break. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page tries to drive Triple H through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a chokehold. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H goes for a side suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chokehold. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. 7 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H executes a sleeperhold. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringpost. Diamond Dallas Page knocks Triple H into the ringsteps. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a back suplex. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a powerslam. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H back into the ring. Diamond Dallas Page executes a gutwrench suplex. Diamond Dallas Page executes a backbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. Triple H nails him with a hiptoss. Triple H takes him down with a Boston crab. Diamond Dallas Page reaches the ropes after being trapped for 32 seconds. Triple H executes the Pedigree. Triple H gives him a bulldog headlock, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Diamond Dallas Page executes a roundhouse right. Diamond Dallas Page executes a gutwrench suplex. 11 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H nails him with a dropkick. Triple H goes for a dropkick, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Diamond Dallas Page executes a ropeburn. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page knocks Triple H into the ringpost. Diamond Dallas Page reenters the ring. Triple H follows him back in. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a slap, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H takes him down with a powerslam. Triple H nails him with a spinebuster slam. Triple H reenters the ring. Diamond Dallas Page follows him back in. Diamond Dallas Page brings the table into the ring. 11 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H takes him down with a kneelift. Triple H takes him down with a single-leg takedown. Triple H executes the Pedigree. Triple H takes him down with a double underhook suplex. Triple H nails him with a kneelift. Triple H takes him down with a bulldog headlock. Triple H takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chokehold. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a DDT. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter through the table. The table is broken in half. Chyna enters the ring and hits Diamond Dallas Page with a chair. Triple H goes for a sleeperhold, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter. 18 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a facebite. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H goes for a bodyslam, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a backbreaker, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H takes him down with a headlock takedown. Triple H executes a vertical suplex. Triple H takes him down with a piledriver. Triple H goes for a hiptoss, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backslide. Triple H takes him down with a headlock takedown. Triple H runs into the ropes. Triple H misses with a kick. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Triple H counters it with a side suplex. Triple H executes the Pedigree. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a headbutt. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. 19 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page misses with a clothesline. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a kick. Triple H executes a spinning backbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a back suplex, but Triple H counters it with a cross-body block. Triple H executes a fist to the midsection. Triple H nails him with a vertical suplex. Triple H gives him a back suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page jumps onto him with a plancha. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringpost. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. Triple H goes for a hiptoss, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backslide. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a bodyslam, but Triple H blocks it. 20 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a bodyslam, but Triple H blocks it. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H goes for a vertical suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Triple H blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page executes a powerslam. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a bodyslam. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a powerslam, but Triple H counters it with a lariat . Triple H goes for a flying elbowdrop, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a roll away. Diamond Dallas Page gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter and yells "BANG!". 21 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page executes a chokehold. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H back into the ring. Diamond Dallas Page gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page jumps onto him with a plancha. Diamond Dallas Page sets up a table. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page executes a chop. Diamond Dallas Page executes a facerake. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page tries to drive Triple H through the table with a legdrop, but he moves out of the way. The table is broken in half. Triple H nails him with a fist to the midsection. 24 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page reenters the ring. Triple H follows him back in. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a back suplex. Diamond Dallas Page executes a chop. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a clothesline. Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with an elbow. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a clothesline. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with an elbow. Triple H executes the Pedigree. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the turnbuckle, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page runs shoulder-first into the corner. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a choke against the ropes. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, three. 27 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chyna enters the ring and hits Diamond Dallas Page with a chair. Triple H goes for a roundhouse right, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a fist to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a backbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a shoulderblock. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a kick. Triple H nails him with a flying elbowdrop. Triple H goes for an elbowdrop, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a roll away. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a kick to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page executes a stomp. 28 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page sets up a table. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Triple H nails him with a kneelift. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a powerslam, but Triple H counters it with a lariat . They're brawling inside the ring area. They're brawling inside the ring area. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a side suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H goes for a hiptoss, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a backslide. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a slap, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H nails him with a single-leg takedown. 29 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Triple H nails him with a powerslam. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H goes for a kneelift, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a side step. Diamond Dallas Page executes a camel clutch. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. Triple H executes a legsweep. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H goes for a powerslam, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a lariat . Diamond Dallas Page gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter and yells "BANG!". Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. 32 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page executes a legdrop through the table. The table is broken in half. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a kick to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the guardrail. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. Triple H nails him with a spinning backbreaker. They're brawling inside the ring area. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H goes for a kick to the midsection, but Diamond Dallas Page blocks it. Diamond Dallas Page executes an elbowsmash. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H back into the ring. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page executes a backbreaker. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a back suplex. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a chokehold, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H executes the Pedigree. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. 36 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with a kick. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Diamond Dallas Page sets up a table. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H nails him with a bulldog headlock. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page reenters the ring. Triple H follows him back in. Diamond Dallas Page runs into the ropes. Triple H misses with a shoulderblock. Diamond Dallas Page misses with a kick. Diamond Dallas Page hits Triple H with a clothesline. Triple H falls out of the ring. Diamond Dallas Page goes through the ropes. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are inside the ring area. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a chop. Diamond Dallas Page goes for a facebite, but Triple H blocks it. Triple H knocks Diamond Dallas Page into the ringsteps. Triple H gives him a sleeperhold, but Diamond Dallas Page doesn't sell it at all. Diamond Dallas Page takes him down with a bodyslam. Diamond Dallas Page nails him with a fist to the midsection. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page tries to diamond cutter Triple H through the table, but he moves out of the way. The table didn't break. They're brawling inside the ring area. Chyna comes from behind, but Diamond Dallas Page nails Chyna. Triple H takes him down with a fist to the midsection. Triple H nails him with a single-leg takedown. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. They're brawling inside the ring area. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H executes a spinebuster slam. They're brawling inside the ring area. They're brawling inside the ring area. Chyna comes from behind and distracts Diamond Dallas Page. They're brawling inside the ring area. Diamond Dallas Page sets up Triple H on the table. Diamond Dallas Page tries to drive Triple H through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it. Triple H takes him down with a vertical suplex. Triple H executes a kneelift. Triple H whips Diamond Dallas Page into the guardrail. Triple H goes for a vertical suplex, but Diamond Dallas Page reverses it. Diamond Dallas Page throws Triple H back into the ring. Diamond Dallas Page gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page executes the Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page whips Triple H into the ropes. Triple H hits Diamond Dallas Page with a kick. 41 minutes have gone by. Triple H (w/Chyna) vs Diamond Dallas Page (w/Kimberly) They are in the ring. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Triple H executes the Pedigree. Triple H nails him with a Boston crab. Diamond Dallas Page submits immediately. The winner is Triple H. Time of match: 0:41:08. JR: Niether man wanting to give it up, and after 41 minutes of action, we have a winner! K: Say it JR! JR: Triple H has regained the TV Title! K: HAHA! I told ya! JR: Hard fought match up, but in the end, HHH regains the title. K: That was two title changes in the TV Title in one night JR! JR: WOrld Tag Team Title match next as the cahmpions, Sting and Lex Luger defend against the former Champs, perhaps the best tag team to ever hit the ring here in the nWWo, the Kliq Express. 41 minutes have gone by. ~~~~~ Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting attacks Razor Ramon before the bell. Sting executes the Stinger Splash. Sting executes the Scorpion Deathlock. Syxx makes the save. Sting executes a series of punches. Sting is going for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the ropes, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon misses with an elbow. Razor Ramon nails him with a powerslam. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Razor Ramon and Syxx whip Sting into the ropes. They hit Sting with a double kick to the midsection. Syxx leaves the ring. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes, but Sting reverses it. Razor Ramon misses with a clothesline. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Syxx ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon executes a single-leg takedown. Razor Ramon goes for a fallaway slam, but Sting counters it with a forearm smash . Sting takes him down with a bodyslam. Sting attempts to place Razor Ramon on the turnbuckle, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Sting tags out to Lex Luger. Lex Luger goes for a back suplex, but Razor Ramon counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Razor Ramon places Lex Luger on the turnbuckle. Razor Ramon nails him with a belly-to-back superplex. Razor Ramon tags out to Syxx. Syxx and Razor Ramon hit Lex Luger with a double vertical suplex. Sting enters the ring and throws Razor Ramon out of the ring. Sting leaves the ring. Lex Luger whips Syxx into the ropes, but Syxx reverses it. 1 minutes have gone by, 29 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Syxx ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lex Luger executes a chop. Lex Luger executes a Gorilla Press. Lex Luger executes a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Lex Luger gives him a short clothesline, but Syxx doesn't sell it at all. Lex Luger flexes his pecs. Lex Luger nails him with a side suplex. Lex Luger takes him down with a Gorilla Press. Lex Luger executes a backbreaker. Lex Luger is going for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Lex Luger runs into the ropes. Lex Luger hits Syxx with an elbow. Lex Luger goes for a double underhook suplex, but Syxx counters it with a backdrop. Syxx leaves the ring. He returns with a road sign. 2 minutes have gone by, 28 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Syxx ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Syxx hits him with the road sign. Pat Patterson throws the road sign out of the ring. Syxx catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Syxx climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Lex Luger nails him in the stomach. Syxx falls onto the top turnbuckle. Lex Luger tags out to Sting. Razor Ramon enters the ring and throws Lex Luger out of the ring. Razor Ramon takes Sting down with a belly-to-back superplex. Razor Ramon leaves the ring. Sting nails him with a hiptoss. Sting nails him with a clothesline. Sting nails him with a bulldog headlock. Sting runs into the ropes. Sting nails him with a clothesline. Sting executes a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting runs into the ropes. Syxx hits Sting with a kick. Syxx runs into the ropes. Sting executes a lariat. Syxx takes him down with a vertical suplex. Syxx whips Sting into the turnbuckle. Syxx runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Sting moves out of the way. Sting nails him with a kick to the head. Sting runs into the ropes. Syxx executes a bodyslam. Syxx leaves the ring. He returns with a frying pan. Syxx hits him with the frying pan. Syxx tags out to Razor Ramon. Lex Luger enters the ring, but gets cut off. Razor Ramon and Syxx whip Sting into the ropes. They hit Sting with a double fist to the midsection. 4 minutes have gone by, 26 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lex Luger gets back up and throws Syxx out of the ring. Lex Luger goes for a football tackle, but Razor Ramon counters it with a side step. Lex Luger hits Sting. Syxx tangles up Lex Luger. Razor Ramon goes for a powerslam, but Sting counters it with a lariat. Lex Luger leaves the ring. Razor Ramon nails him with a faceslam. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the turnbuckle. Sting comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection. Razor Ramon takes him down with an atomic drop. Sting executes a lariat. Sting nails him with a series of punches. Sting tags out to Lex Luger. Sting goes for a lariat, but Razor Ramon counters it with a duck-down move. Sting leaves the ring. Razor Ramon executes a headlock takedown. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon executes a double underhook suplex. Lex Luger bumps into Pat Patterson. Razor Ramon leaves the ring. He returns with a road sign. Razor Ramon hits him with the road sign. Razor Ramon takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Razor Ramon pauses, point at himself and says "BAD GUY!". Razor Ramon takes him down with a bulldog headlock. Razor Ramon takes him down with a small package. Razor Ramon uses the ropes for leverage. There is no referee to count. Razor Ramon runs into the ropes. Razor Ramon misses with a shoulderblock. Lex Luger hits Razor Ramon with a kick. Lex Luger tags out to Sting. Sting and Lex Luger whip Razor Ramon into the ropes. They hit Razor Ramon with a double elbowsmash. 6 minutes have gone by, 24 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lex Luger leaves the ring. Sting takes him down with a back elbow. Sting is going for the pin. There is no referee to count. Sting takes him down with an atomic drop. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Sting attempts to place Razor Ramon on the turnbuckle, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the turnbuckle. Sting nails him with a Gorilla Press. Sting takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the ropes, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon misses with an elbow. Razor Ramon nails him with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the turnbuckle, but Sting reverses it. Sting charges in with the Stinger Splash, but Razor Ramon moves out of the way. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon runs into the ropes. Razor Ramon misses with an elbow. Sting hits Razor Ramon with a shoulderblock. Sting goes for a hiptoss, but Razor Ramon counters it with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Sting re-reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Sting goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Lex Luger enters the ring, but gets cut off. Syxx goes for a dropkick, but Sting counters it with a side step. Syxx hits Razor Ramon. Lex Luger tangles up Syxx. Sting attempts to place Razor Ramon on the turnbuckle, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Syxx leaves the ring. Sting goes for the Tower of Doom, but Razor Ramon counters it with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. 8 minutes have gone by, 22 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon takes him down with a headlock takedown. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the ropes, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon misses with a kick. Razor Ramon goes for an abdominal stretch, but Sting counters it with a hiptoss. Sting leaves the ring. He returns with a keyboard. Sting nails him with the Jab to the throat. Sting hits him with the keyboard. Pat Patterson throws the keyboard out of the ring. Sting tags out to Lex Luger. Lex Luger and Sting whip Razor Ramon into the ropes. They hit Razor Ramon with a double backdrop. Sting leaves the ring. Lex Luger throws Razor Ramon out of the ring. Lex Luger goes through the ropes. Razor Ramon takes him down with a single-leg takedown. Razor Ramon reenters the ring. 9 minutes have gone by, 21 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lex Luger follows him back in. Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Razor Ramon and Syxx whip Lex Luger into the ropes. They attempt to hit Lex Luger with a double elbowsmash, but he counters it with a duck-down move. Lex Luger hits them with a double clothesline. Syxx leaves the ring. Lex Luger nails him with a piledriver. Lex Luger tags out to Sting. Sting and Lex Luger whip Razor Ramon into the ropes. They hit Razor Ramon with a double fist to the midsection. Lex Luger leaves the ring. Sting executes a series of punches. Sting goes for an atomic drop, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes. Razor Ramon misses with a clothesline. Razor Ramon hits Sting with a shoulderblock. 10 minutes have gone by, 20 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon throws Sting out of the ring. Pat Patterson counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Sting reenters the ring. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes. Sting executes a chop. Sting goes for a backslide, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Pat Patterson counts: One, kickout. Sting executes a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sting takes him down with a bodyslam. Sting executes a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, shoulder up. Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon nails him with a bodyslam. Razor Ramon takes him down with a powerslam. Razor Ramon uses the ropes for leverage. Pat Patterson counts: One, shoulder up. 11 minutes have gone by, 19 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon leaves the ring. He returns with a road sign. Razor Ramon gives him a flying bulldog, but Sting doesn't sell it at all. Razor Ramon takes a swing at Sting with the road sign, but he gets out of the way. Sting snatches the road sign from him. Sting hits him with the road sign. Sting gives him a bodyslam, but Razor Ramon doesn't sell it at all. Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes. Sting bumps into Pat Patterson. Sting takes him down with a hiptoss. Sting goes for a backslide, but Razor Ramon reverses it. There is no referee to count. Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes, but Sting reverses it. Razor Ramon hits Sting with a shoulderblock. Razor Ramon executes a vertical suplex. 12 minutes have gone by, 18 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Razor Ramon and Syxx hit Sting with a double vertical suplex. Syxx leaves the ring. Razor Ramon goes for a lariat, but Sting counters it with a duck-down move. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the ropes. Sting executes a bulldog headlock. Pat Patterson is back on the job. Sting goes for a wristlock, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon nails him with a flying bulldog. Razor Ramon goes for a back suplex, but Sting counters it with a cross-body block. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sting tags out to Lex Luger. Lex Luger nails him with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Sting enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Lex Luger and Sting hit Razor Ramon with a double hiptoss. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting leaves the ring. Lex Luger goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Razor Ramon executes a fallaway slam. Syxx enters the ring. Syxx nails Lex Luger with the Spinning heel kick. Razor Ramon executes Fall Away Slam and goes for the pin. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, in the ropes... Razor Ramon executes an atomic drop. Razor Ramon goes for a powerslam, but Lex Luger counters it with a lariat. Razor Ramon places Lex Luger on the turnbuckle. Razor Ramon nails him with a belly-to-back superplex. Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Sting enters the ring and throws Syxx out of the ring. Lex Luger and Sting hit Razor Ramon with a double vertical suplex. Sting leaves the ring. Lex Luger goes for a vertical suplex, but Razor Ramon reverses it. Razor Ramon takes him down with a kneelift. 14 minutes have gone by, 16 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon executes an abdominal stretch. Lex Luger reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Razor Ramon goes for a kneelift, but Lex Luger counters it with a side step. Lex Luger tags out to Sting. Sting gives him a backbreaker, but Razor Ramon doesn't sell it at all. Razor Ramon executes a choke slam. Razor Ramon hits him with the road sign. Razor Ramon goes for a fallaway slam, but Sting counters it with a forearm smash . Razor Ramon whips Sting into the ropes. Razor Ramon goes for a roundhouse right, but Sting blocks it. Sting whips Razor Ramon into the turnbuckle. Sting runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Razor Ramon lifts his knee. Razor Ramon nails him with a gutwrench suplex. Razor Ramon places Sting on the turnbuckle. Razor Ramon takes him down with a belly-to-back superplex. Razor Ramon catches him in an inside cradle. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. 16 minutes have gone by, 14 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Syxx takes Sting down with a vertical suplex. Syxx leaves the ring. Razor Ramon nails him with a lariat. Razor Ramon takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Razor Ramon nails him with a single-leg takedown. Razor Ramon goes for a flying bulldog, but Sting counters it with a side step. Sting tags out to Lex Luger. Syxx enters the ring and throws Sting out of the ring. Razor Ramon and Syxx whip Lex Luger into the ropes. They hit Lex Luger with a double clothesline. Syxx leaves the ring. Razor Ramon whips Lex Luger into the ropes, but Lex Luger reverses it. Mr. X trips Razor Ramon. Pat Patterson warns Mr. X. Lex Luger gives him a back suplex, but Razor Ramon doesn't sell it at all. Pat Patterson is back on the job. 17 minutes have gone by, 13 minutes remain. Lex Luger (w/Mr. X) vs Razor Ramon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Razor Ramon executes a lariat. Razor Ramon goes for an abdominal stretch, but Lex Luger counters it with a hiptoss. In turn, Razor Ramon counters it with a backslide. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. Razor Ramon whips Lex Luger into the ropes, but Lex Luger reverses it. Razor Ramon misses with a shoulderblock. Lex Luger hits Razor Ramon with a kick. Lex Luger goes for a double underhook suplex, but Razor Ramon counters it with a backdrop. Lex Luger runs into the ropes. Razor Ramon hits Lex Luger with a clothesline. Syxx enters the ring to make it two-on-one. Sting enters the ring, but gets cut off. Syxx gives him a spinning leg lariat, but Lex Luger only stares at him. Razor Ramon takes Lex Luger down with a lariat. Sting gets back up and throws Syxx out of the ring. 18 minutes have gone by, 12 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Syxx ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lex Luger and Sting whip Razor Ramon into the ropes. Lex Luger and Sting hit Razor Ramon with a double chop. Sting leaves the ring. Lex Luger nails him with a football tackle. Lex Luger tags out to Sting. Lex Luger catches Razor Ramon in a football tackle. Sting goes for an inside cradle, but Razor Ramon blocks it. Lex Luger leaves the ring. Razor Ramon takes him down with a bodyslam. Razor Ramon nails him with a headbutt. Razor Ramon pauses, point at himself and says "BAD GUY!". Razor Ramon tags out to Syxx. Razor Ramon takes Sting down with a lariat. Syxx goes for a German suplex, but Sting counters it with an elbowsmash. Razor Ramon leaves the ring. Syxx nails him with a small package. Pat Patterson counts: One, two, kickout. 19 minutes have gone by, 11 minutes remain. Sting (w/Mr. X) vs Syxx ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sting walks out for the countout. The winners are The nWo Express. Time of match: 0:19:19 K: WHat? JR: Sting! Sting! Sting walked out of the match! K: So the Express wins... JR: BUt the Pack keeps the Tag Team Titles! It's about time someone uses the Kliq's own strategy on them! K: Oh be quiet JR! JR: Hard fought matchup, but Sting getting out of there while the getting's good. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the Express. World Title and Main Event time as Kanyon will defend his newly won Heavyweight Championship against the man known as Taz. 19 minutes have gone by, 11 minutes remain. ~~~~~ Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ They lock up. Kanyon whips Taz into the ropes. Taz bumps into Jerry Brisco. Kanyon misses with a shoulderblock. Kanyon hits Taz with a clothesline. Taz falls out of the ring. Kanyon goes through the ropes. Kanyon whips Taz into the guardrail. Kanyon goes for an inverted power bomb, but Taz blocks it. Taz knocks Kanyon into the ringpost. Taz sets up a table. Taz executes a kick to the midsection. Taz goes for a forearm smash, but Kanyon blocks it. Taz is busted wide open. They're brawling on the floor. Kanyon knocks Taz into the ringsteps. They're brawling on the floor. Kanyon executes a bulldog headlock. Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kanyon knocks Taz into the ringsteps. Kanyon takes him down with a jumping side kick. Kanyon reenters the ring. Taz follows him back in. Taz takes him down with a bridging back suplex. There is no referee to count. Taz executes an armlock leglock submission. There is no referee there to ask Kanyon. Jerry Brisco is back on the job. Kanyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Taz nails him with a German suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Taz takes him down with an armlock hammerlock submission. Kanyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds. Taz nails him with a roundhouse right. Kanyon takes him down with a spin kick. Kanyon goes for a jack-knife power bomb, but Taz counters it with a backdrop. Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Taz runs into the ropes. Kanyon hits Taz with a shoulderblock. Kanyon nails him with a bulldog headlock. Kanyon executes a diving elbow smash. Kanyon runs into the ropes. Kanyon hits Taz with a kick. Kanyon executes a thrust kick to the head. Kanyon throws Taz out of the ring. Jerry Brisco counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Taz reenters the ring. Taz is bleeding like a faucet. Kanyon goes for a kick to the head, but Taz counters it with a duck-down move. Taz goes for a standing wristlock, but Kanyon blocks it. Kanyon takes him down with an inverted power bomb. Kanyon goes for a faceslam, but Taz blocks it. Taz whips Kanyon into the ropes. Kanyon gives him an ipponzei, but Taz doesn't sell it at all. 3 minutes have gone by, 27 minutes remain. Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kanyon whips Taz into the ropes, but Taz reverses it. Taz hits Kanyon with a clothesline. Taz nails him with an armlock hammerlock submission. Kanyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Taz nails him with an armbar submission. Kanyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 37 seconds. Taz executes a kick to the head. Taz whips Kanyon into the ropes. Kanyon executes a jumping side kick. Kanyon nails him with a spinning DDT. Kanyon takes him down with a spin kick. Kanyon takes him down with a diving elbow smash. Kanyon catches him in an inside cradle. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Kanyon whips Taz into the ropes, but Taz reverses it. Kanyon gives him a kick to the thigh, but Taz doesn't even care. Kanyon goes for a dragon suplex, but Taz blocks it. 5 minutes have gone by, 25 minutes remain. Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Taz takes him down with a fireman's carry. Taz executes an armlock hammerlock submission. Kanyon reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds. Taz takes him down with a legsweep. Taz takes him down with a fireman's carry. Kanyon nails him with a jack-knife power bomb. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Kanyon executes a bulldog headlock. Kanyon executes an ipponzei. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Kanyon goes for a diving elbow smash, but Taz counters it with a duck-down move. Taz catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, kickout. Taz catches him in a Northern Lights suplex. Jerry Brisco counts: One, two, shoulder up. Taz goes for a headscissors submission, but Kanyon blocks it. Kanyon goes for a kick to the thigh, but Taz blocks it. 7 minutes have gone by, 23 minutes remain. Kanyon vs Taz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Taz takes him down with a tiger suplex. Taz goes for the Tazmission, but Kanyon blocks it. Taz executes a bow-and-arrow submission. Kanyon submits after 11 seconds. The winner is Taz. Time of match: 0:07:40 JR: TAZ WINS! TAZ has regained the nWWo World Heavyweight Title! K: Kanyon tried his best, but Taz stretched him like a white lie, and after 11 seconds, he taps out. JR: Wow, what an amazing night of action. We have a new, two time World Champion! Taz has defeated Kanyon among a ton of great action! K: It certainly was a great night, JR, but can we see that footage of Woman again? HAHA! That was great! Come on! Let's see it again! JR: I think not, King, that was disgusting. We are out of time folks, thanks for joining us on this special peresentation of TNT! For The King good night! ~~~~~