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***I recentley read something that said you are going wait 1 week for webpages to load this year. So, I took all the fancy mumbo jumbo off this page so it will load faster. Yes its boring now, but at least I'm not wasting your time. Don't worry about thanking me, I'll thank myself.

A few of my pet peeves:
  • People who over/under aphostrasize
  • People who still haven't figured out how to use/turn off their blinker.
  • People who don't flush the toilet.
  • People who insult others when they don't even know them.
  • My alarm clock.
  • Fish.
  • Getting your heart broke.
  • High gas prices.
  • College courses: economics, math, history, and diversity credits.
  • The bad grades I've received in economics, math (applied calc), and history.

  • Those are the actual keys to my old car. A 1987 silver Delta88 Royale. It was a love hate relationship with the D88...it was large, and didn't get good gas mileage, and we had problems with it--but it was a rock, had surprising acceleration for a 4dr sedan, and was a beast when two-wheeling in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I didn't like it when I had it, and I missed it when it was gone. But my friends say my 1990 Buick Century (dark blue w/ new paint) is a step up. We will see how the Buick treats me.

    Update: the buick is a bonafide p.o.s. Granted, I did not buy it, but it never works-its worthless to say I "have" a car because I don't have it at college, and when I was home for Spring Break my brother deemed the engine "done." I am not a happy camper. Though the paint still looks nice.

    Another update: We sold the Buick (thank god!!!)--something was blown. I wasn't really paying attention all I could think was "YES NEW CAR!" Well, I now have a 1994 teal Chevy Cavalier 4dr RS. It's not exactly a car thats pretty to look at, but it runs nice, and the spedomoter actually goes over 85mph! (Thats a first for me.) We sold the Buick to the first person that looked at it after we paid a grand to get it fixed. May it rest in peace. (Update: 3/29/01 Tomorrow the Cavalier receives a new windshiled. I'm sure its as excited about the $200 investment as I am. It only went un-repaired for about 2 months).

    Update: 6/04/03 Well, it must be time for another car update for its gotten a couple makeovers since 2001. This past summer my car and I were best of friends. My air conditioning wasn't working so when I went home to visit my family we brought it into the shop. It's freon was filled and tested and the thing blew air that could freeze your nuts off....for two days. I was approximately 13 miles into the 4 hour trip back to LaCrosse when the a/c stopped working. It was a beautiful 90 degree summer thats for sure. Towards the end of the summer I almost slid through a few intersections because my brakes decided not to work propery. $300 for new drums, rotars, and pads. So you think all is well.......then one rainy spring day my car won't start. Maybe its the distributor cap. Maybe its wet. Well, lots of searching and a few phone calls later I am informed (by my car savvy brother) that my car doesn't even have a distributor cap. Anyways, the car was towed to a shop who said that "he dosen't know if I want to put this kind of money into this car." My brother comes down with a friend, hauls the car away, and two days later it has resurfaced/ground cylinder heads, new spark plugs (regapped), a new antenna, a new fuel filter to stop the restriction...and antifreeze is no longer leaking into my pistons. So all in all, my brother saved my ass. (Though I was hoping to purchase a sweet 1997 VW Passat.)

    11/16/03 Thanks Lindon for making me aware of how long it has been since I've looked at my page and forcing me to update. So be it.

    Ahhh, the continuing legacy that is my car. The car still VROOMS (well as much as an inline 4 can VROOM) at the appropriate times, except for now, included in the VROOM is a mysterious squeak. Not so mysterious in fact, since I know that its coming from my rear left tire and in fact is most definitely a squealcher alerting me that my brakes are bad in the back. So the next servicing should be close to a complete overhaul: new tires, fix the brakes (again), and possibly even set the idle correctly to eliminate the hippy shake its got going on right now.

    But so be it, that is my car.

    Another turning point - A fork stuck in the road - Time grabs you by the wrist Directs you where to go - So make the best of this test - And don't ask why It's not a question - But a lesson learned in time - It's something unpredictable - But in the end is right - I hope you had the time of your life So take the photographs - And still frames in your mind - Hang it on a shelf of Good health and good time - Tattoos of memories - And dead skin on trial For what it's worth - It was worth all the while - It's something unpredictable But in the end is right - I hope you had the time of your life It's something unpredictable - But in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life - It's something unpredictable But in the end is right - I hope you had the time of your life

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