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Win My Award

Want to win an award for your website? Or even better, win my award? Well here is your chance! After putting together five websites, I know all the work and dedication it takes to make a functioning and visually appealing site. I also know how hard it is sometimes to get the recognition you feel your site deserves. So that is why I decided to create my own award and honor sites on the internet that reflect that work and dedication. If you have a site that you feel deserves some recognition, or just want to submit it for an award, you can send me an email with the following info, and I will check it out a.s.a.p. If I like what I see, I will notify you by email, and give you a choice of displaying one of the awards I offer pictured below. Send me an email at with your name, the URL of your site, and the title of your site. It can be wrestling related, but does not have to be. I will view and award any site submitted to me, that I feel is of good quality. In addition, I will add your link on my page if I have not done so already. Here are the options I have for awards. Please let me know in your email which award you would like to display should your site be awarded. Thank you very much and I am looking forward to viewing your sites!!

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