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June 24th, 2001
Minneapolis, MN - Metrodome

*best when maximized*

These are my pictures from the hotel on Sunday afternoon and pics from the concert that night from the 22nd row on the floor. They are untagged and free to take, but please give me credit if you post them anywhere on the net with this webpage. If you have a webpage, DO NOT put your website's name on my pictures. If you would like purchase/trade for any of these 4x6 glossy photos, please send me an e-mail at with the names of the photos (what they are titled when you save them, not the captions) you want and I'll write you back with the cost. Sorry the scans are so bad, the pictures are really great! Enjoy!

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Justin and Trace (Mr. Rainbow-head) getting on the bus.

JC and his.. interesting hat.

Joey and his dog Nikita!

Joey getting on the bus.

Here comes Lance!

Hi Lance!

Lance getting on the bus. (You can see me in the reflection.. the blonde girl!)

A billboard I saw in Minneapolis and I just HAD to take a picture of.

Meredith Edwards and I, she was really nice!

I got Meredith's autograph! Thank you Meredith!

Well, the concert was great. I was 22 rows back on the floor, so my pictures really aren't worth the time of scanning and putting up online. I met a new friend and we had a total blast! We went to the Mall of America and.. *suprise* Eden's Crush was there! I got a picture, but it's too dark for scanning. And I took one of Planet Hollywood's Eden's Crush posters off the wall and kept it. LOL

Interesting things I can remember about the concert.. well, during Chris's 'striptease' he grabbed a pink feather boa from an audience member and danced with it. Then when he fell he sat up and was spitting out pink feathers! It was so cute! When he finished all the boys made fun of him. JC said: "You look good in pink." and Chris just stared at him because he was wearing his 'This I Promise You' outfit which has bright pink patches on it. What a dork.

It was an amazing show and worth the 4 hour drive, although I scratched a lady's new car and got pulled over by a cop on the long, tiring ride home. Ah, the memories.. *wink*

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