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A monument to procrastination... or complacency

"Mmmm, toe jams."

January 9, 2007

Hello again. A few updates since the last posting. I have since graduated from school with a technical degree in Medical Assistant and a GPA of 3.9 (damn I'm good). Passed my certification exam in June and am able to use the CMA credential.

Scott is history, finally. It only took 6 calls to the police, a made-up eviction notice (thats a long story), and a crew of movers to get him out. Sheesh, too much drama there. I'm now seeing someone quite wonderful and who is just about everything I've been looking for. Only time will tell if he'll stick around and put up with my shenanigans. Him being laid-back and me being, well... not, it will be interesting. They say opposites attract so keep your fingers crossed.

I work for a local health clinic, though sadly, not as an MA at this time. There are upcoming opportunities, they just require patience (those of you that know me, know how little of that I have).

I recently opened up a blog, maybe just to jump on the bandwagon, but more likely to display what little etimological prowess I posess. Check it out, its quite entertaining. The link is at the bottom of the page or copy n paste this to a new window:

Leave thoughts, comments, and what have you- I love feedback.

Well, I'm off to finish updating the page. There are quite a few dead pics and what have you that need to be cleaned out. Take care!

October 6, 2005

Yeah yeah, its not like anyone reads this anyway, right? lol. Just a quick update for those who do check in every once in awhile. I am in school now. NWTC in Green Bay to be exact. Medical Assistant is my game and kicking its ass academically is my name. Um, something like that. I'm doing very well- acing most of my tests (thank goodness for extra credit!). No job, sadly. Don't even ask, it was an honest mistake. Scott has moved in and is healing well after the accident. Some days I'd like to break his jaw all over again, but hey, who's relationship isn't like that? As for major events, I think thats all. Actually, its all I have the patience for right now. lol. See you again in a year!

May 3, 2005

Yeah yeah yeah, I know, its been almost 2 years since I updated. It will probably be 2 more before I get around to it. lol. Not much has happened. In short, no more Troy, moved back home to WI. Thats about it. Satisfied?? hope so....
Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Good monrning all.

I have finally found a job. Holy crap, I never thought it would happen. Granted, its nothing exciting- I work at a Shell station- but I'm finally making money again aren't I? And its not like its a career path. lol. Anyway, its not bad, its a way to experience southern people in all their gun toting, rebel flag wearing, two teeth splendor. And no, Cousin Cady, I don't think I'll be turning southern anytime soon as you are afeared. I'm too much of a northern snob to do that! (Hey, I can admit that much right? lol) But anyway.

Wedding plans move along, though Troy wants no part of them till we set a date. This is a source of confusion for me because what difference does the date make? Its ok though. Still hoping to have it up north at the botanical gardens with a few fancy touches. I've been looking through invitation catalogs (4 so far) and have gotten good ideas from that. There is some fancy dancy stuff out there. lol.

The weather continues to be rainy and dreary. The lawn looks great though- its grown a foot since last weekend when we cut it last! lol. The rose bush is in its full glory- blossoms are everywhere. The branches are so heavy with blooms that they are laying on the ground and I have nothing to stake them up with! =( The constant tornado and flood warnings make me increasingly uneasy and give me an uncontrollable urge to rush down to my local insurance salesman to buy renter's insurance. Troy thinks I'm nuts for this. Easy for him to say, I'm not used to all this meteorological upheaveal!

The children are doing well, though I think Cici is cruising for a new home. One of the cats, we think its her, has started peeing on the rug (how lovely). *sigh* I have to take her to the vet to see if its anything medical thats causing this. The dogs are playing Alcatraz and trying to tunnel their way out of the barn. That weiner can dig, let me tell you. (For those that don't know, Squiggy is our weiner dog).

Hopefully I will be going to WI for the 2nd weekend in August for the get-together. I really miss seeing all of the family. Troy thinks his graduation ceremony might be that weekend as well and I am torn as to which event to attend. Troy says to go home as he will graduate again. We shall see.

That is all for now.


Well, well, well. Guess who has moved to Alabama. Yes, that would be me. On February 3rd, I became an resident. The wicked trolls at my last job fired me(dirty bastards!). Well, in a way I kind of deserved it, as I was online while at work. There is much more to it than that, I just really don't feel like going into it now. Anyway. I am here with Troy and we are doing well, but still adjusting. We also keep threatening to go out and just get married already but I have promised myself that I would get married in WI so my parents can be present for one of their daughter's weddings. Plus I just think it would be much nicer to get it done up there. Though I think it wil be a very very very small wedding, unless y'all want to start a "Troy ~n~ Kimberly Wedding Fund". =)

I will be sending out change of address forms to all of those that I have addresses for. If I miss you, let me know in a couple of weeks as I haven't gotten around to making them yet. We just got the computer set up and I have to figure out how to use the WordPerfect program on here. I love y'all!

Also, thanks to those that signed my guestbook!!


Well well well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!! I now have a pic posted of Troy and I but it seems to be malfunctioning as there is only half of it there.Oh well. Anyway. I am home for the holidays and Troy has come with me. Its been a wonderful time. I wish all of you the best and good luck in the new year.


Well. Looks like I may move to Alabama soon. I don't know yet what will happen but I have an interview this Friday. I fly into Atlanta Thursday night and poor Troy has to come and get me. The position is similiar to what I do now, just sounds like mostly billing. I will keep y'all updated. Stay funky....

Well hello. Just stopping by to see if anything was shakin'. Not a whole lot, i guess on account that this site is just a happenin' place to be.... lol. Anyway. Still haven't decided on a wedding date yet though May 25 of 2005 is tentative. Hopefully we will get it together sooner than that. Started up a site at to keep everyone updated. the link is

You'll have to copy and paste it to your browser as I am not proficient enough to make it a link in this spot!! lol. anyway. I hope you are well and thanks for stopping by. Sign my guest book dangit!!!


Good morning my lovlies. Just wanted to update you on my birthday presents. First of all, Troy, sneaky of all the sneakies, showed up at my work on Monday. That was quite the surprise. But the best was yet to come. Troy, my mother and I all went out to dinner that night and had a lovely time of it. That night, Troy popped the quetion! hehehehehehe. Of course I said yes, what do YOU think. lol. So, I am now engaged, no, I don't know when the wedding is. Not for quite a while yet. We are going to wait and see were we settle after he is done with this school year.


Its my birthday finally. Hard to believe that I have been down here for two birthdays already! Hope this year it will be much more merry that it was last year! I am now an old maid at 22! lol. I think I would rather be 21, but don't we all?! Nothing major planned tonight, just going out for dinner with mom, whom, I have a sneaking suspicion, has my present from Troy! I think on your birthday, it should be customary to have the day off. Oh well, its just as well seeing how as it looks to be a rainy day today!


Good morning everyone. Just wanted to give a shout out to a few ppl. First of all. Happy B-day to my sister, Tonissa! Also check out the new link below for my shady boyfriend's band A Lower Deep. Hey Troy, I thought you guys didn't come up with a name yet? Anyway, Check out their song The Breed, it kicks some ass. Later.


Holy poop! only 24 days to my birthday!! woo hooooooo *does a little dance* Oh gee! only 7 more days til I go to AL for the weekend! yippeeeee! Come one, you know you are excited too!!! *sigh* all right, fine then, be a buzkilllllllll. heheheheh. methinks I got a tainted bagel this morning!

anyway. I was a tad bored and just thought I would throw something in here. On those rare days when I am mentally lucid (today is not one obviously), I do quite a bit of thinking about my life and where I want to go with it. It wants to go to Cleaveland, and I took a wrong turn at Topeka! lol. What I think I mean is.... I have a bad sense of direction. I don't know where I want to go in life. But I have come to realize that one of the things I am sure about is my relationship with Troy. Providing the other shoe doesn't drop (sorry Troy! hehehe), I think he will be the one constant in my life. He is a rock for me to stand on and be supported by. I have never had anything like this in my life before and it is the most wonderful thing ever. I love you Troy and thank you for being there for me.



Here I am again. this time doing the modifications from work. I am stuck out at the University office for the time being. It was great, I was able to cruise the internet all day as it was so slooooowwww. Then of course the evil Bosszilla put an end to that. Thankfully it was not my fault; other ppl had been found abusing the internet!! =(

Not much new. I adopted another cat this past weekend. Her name is Cici and she looks eerily a lot like Simba. Tito is not too happy about it, I am sure they are hissing at each other as we speak (type?). Oh I never did tell y'all about Tito. Well he was an adoption as well. Gorgeous animal. He's a flame point long hair. In other words, White with butterscotch tips markings. Something like that. Extremely laid back and easy going. Cici is a bit opposite. Shes rather extroverted and its quite amusing. She has a problem with her tail, I will find out what when I bring her to the vet next month. I don't know if it is paralyzed or broken or what but it doesn't move, it drags somethimes when she walks.

I have to put a bit in here about the current love of my life. He is the sweetest, most generous, understanding and talented man I have ever met. Unfortunately, he lives in AL so things get rather challenging. Needless to say I have done a lot of travel lately. I'm beginning to think that I can not live without him. Who knows, this could be THE ONE! =)


well, here we are again. I am updating this from my new and well crappy, webtv setup. For those of thinking about getting webtv, reconsider.Its slow, loks bad on a small tv and it has its limitations. But hey, its internet isn't it?! Anyway. What is new. Well, I am finally moving out on my own. I am getting an apartment all of my own sans roommate. This is one of the reasons i got the webtv. My apratment is small (approximately 383 sq feet), its in the same complex I'm at now, but its all mine. I can walk naked around the house if I want to (although it may offend the neighbors as my windows both face a sidewalk within the complex). I move in on the 9th. I'm so excited I could just pee. well not really, but you know what I mean. anyway, my loyal followers, that is all for now. I must go explore this wonderful world of webtv. byeeee.

'k, so I lied. I haven't worked the bugs out yet but the pics will be up soon. I have cramps so I dont' feel like dinking with this thing right now. laater...

9-01-01 UPDATE!!! I have finally added new pics. Not of the best quality but hey, what do you want from a novice?! check it out below!!!!

8-01-01 Well, I finally moved to FL and I am torn between loving everything and hating it all. I've met a nice guy or two, but it seems all the good ones leave and it the skeezy ones that stick around. Story of my life! =) Anyway..... Living in Winter Park is great, to a point. I live with my mother which is rather contentious. I need a roommate to move out with before her and I kill each other. Anyway, like I was saying. I recently met a guy that seems to be worth knowing but, of course, he's moving away. Not too far but far enough. *sigh* oh well. It could work out like that. He talented, funny and not to mention adorable. Hes also a pretty decent musician. Ok, ok I admit it, he good, at least I think so. Well. like I said, who knows how it will all go. I work at a place called Specialty Brace & Limb. We are a DME provider, I guess you would say. For those of you that don't know, DME is Durable Medical Equipment. Basically, we provide braces, orthtics, and all that good stuff. The work isn't that hard, just confusing sometimes. But for what I make, I'm not one to complain!!

Well, thats enough of an update for now. Hopefully I will have a different, more recent pic up soon. Depends on when I get one scanned. Til then...

06-13-01 Well, here we are again. I'm once again updating as sooo much has changed, its almost like I'm a totally different person. First of all. As of June 23, I will be a resident of Winter Park, FL. I'm leaving here for a few reasons, one being my job. I can't wait to go even though I love this area and am very blue about leaving my friends and family here. Since I am now single (result of the fact that I am leaving), its going to be a whole new ball game down there. I'm going to try and concentrate more on work and earning some money instead of guys and spending all that money on them. If the right guys happens along, well so be it, but I'm going to try and restrain myself if at all possible. Also. I no longer live with my sister. As far as I know, I don't have one anymore. Her b/f kicked me out and I haven't spoken to her since then. C'est la vie. what else. Oh yeah, I no longer have the wonderful Festiva (though I do miss it greatly). I sold it to the highest bidder for $175. Instead I'm driving a 1980 Saab. Sounds like a step down but actually its a decent car and worth exponentially more than the Festy. In about a week, my frined from high school will be coming up on leave to see me. He has this notion that he is in love with me I think. I'm not complaining, he's the greatest guy I have ever known, but I don't want to get too invovled since I am leaving. oh well, we shall see how it goes.

Well my lovelies, I must make haste. If you care to contact me, my voice mail is always on. 920-362-5046, leave a message if I don't pick up. Love you all!!

02-17-01 All right. time to update. yeah, I'm slow but we all knew that didn't we? annnnyway. The b/f was having a fit b/c I didn't include him in here, so here he is, hope he is now happy. I no longer work at the Citgo station where I met him. personally I think he was after me for the high performance Festiva that I drive but he strictly denies it! I now work at a plus size shop still in gb, unfortunately. and I still live with me sister, unfortunately. but I need no pity, I swear. there, that is all for now.

till next year kiddies!!!!!

WOW!!! it has been ages since I have edited this sassy page!!! I started this when I was ohhhh 15. I last updated it when I was 18. I'm now 20 and miles away from what I used to be. kinda like a trip down memory lane *melancholic sigh* lol. anyway. I've been through so much lately I can't even describe it all. here's a brief synopsis.

the pic of the guy is my second to last b/f. I was living with him for six months or so. then bitter stuff happened and we broke up. I moved to green bay. was single for about 4 or 5 months and found a new guy. thought he was an improvement over the last (and that wasa tough thing to beat!!). this bastard broke up with me about 4 or 5 months later b/c the voice of his dead great-grandfather told him to. yes, I'm serious. and a few other things, but that was what convinced him to do it. I still work at J.C.Penney in the lingerie department (yes, I now have a large bra and panty collection). I also work part time at the Little store/Citgo on University. THis proves fruitful as I meet many different guys, so consequently, its lots of fun!!! Thats pretty much it. I'm working on moving back in with my sister again. *NOTE TO THOSE WHO ARE THINGKING OF MOVING IN WITH A BOYFRIEND* DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT MOVE IN WITH A SIGNIFICANT OTHER UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY HIM!!!!! I know this from experience. I'm just going to leave the following paragraphs from my old page here as I don't want to mess with it right now. call me at 920-3**-0*** (my future home) luv y'all!!!

I just don't have the time right now to work on it. Check back for updates. luv y'all!



Living in Crivitz is O.K. if you are about 70 and want to relax but for a 18 year old female who hates to be isolated from all that is interesting, it sux big time. Especially when the town is at about 996 people. When veiwing a movie requires driving for a half an hour, you know its boring here. Maybe if I still had a man, it would be different. But thats a whole other paragraph.

My life is generally uneventful. Now that I am out of school, I have nothing to do with myself. Generally, I'm not a very active person unless I have the right motivation. I like to do all sorts of things. I am pretty good in music and puters. I love to watch hockey and football.I also love to be outdoors and just soak in the atmosphere. Hmmm that sounds funny but you know what I mean.

I work at Newton Lake Lodge near my house where I am the multi purpose ass-kisser. I do everything there but bartend and have no intentions of doing that ever. But hey, I make good money, too bad I don't make good hours!!!!!

As I said before, my boyfriend is a whole 'nother paragraph. Well, not really considering that I don't have one anymore. I had one for about ten months and then I decided that I needed to be a free little bird before things really got serious. So now I'm a free agent and I'm still looking for the exciting guy. I've met one interesting male but the only problem is, he's from Australia!!! Actually, right now things are very messy and complicated, so I try not to think about it much!!!

I have finally graduated from the hallowed halls of Crivitz High School. It was fun but I'm glad I'm out. Now looking back, I wish I had done many things but as they say hind sight is 20/20. Oh well, the show must go on and can't live in the past. So now it is off to tech school in the fall. How fun.

If you are really dying to talk to me, you can talk to me at icq if I'm on. My ICQ number is 2******6. Below is a way for you to contact me at icq even if you don't have the program. Page me, we can talk.

Just so y'all don't think I am totally boring I will try to come up with something brilliant and witty to say..............Nevermind. It tickles when I think. Besides its way too early to be creative.

P.S. Let me know what you think of my page.

My e-mail address is:

You can send it to the address at the bottom of the screen too, but that may take me a day or two to reply.

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A Lower Deep
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C & H animations courtesy of Martijn
