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Laina's Webpage!

Stuff I Love

Hey! This is my homepage that I have not worked on in ages!!! It's the summer now so it's easier for me to have the time to go online. I will try to update it more, but I can't guarantee more than once a month. But, keep visiting and signing the guestbook! I love to hear your comments so feel free to email me as you wish! Check out some of the new things also! And yes, that is a picture of me at Homecoming freshman year!

Laina :)

Want to know more about me? Go to my about me page!

>Go to my Poems Page!

>Read about all my embarrassing moments and some of my friends' ones too! Go to my Embarrassing Moments Page!

Check out all My Cool Links!

Go to my Other Thoughts Page! It's basically just some other stuff that I wanted to put on, but had no where else to put it.

Visit the Photo Album This is my page where I have tons of pictures, or at least I will soon. So go check it out if you wanna see what me and my friends look like. I have just added pictures from the World Affairs Seminar, so go look! I also added tons more pictures from my freshman and sophomore years!

If you live in Pennsylvania, go Here.It's a surprise!

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 1, 2000

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This is my one award I have for my homepage from another girls page, Mr. Dinklepuss! Her page is in the links section if you want to check it out!


I have had this many visitors since June 18,2000:
