Chapter seven: "The Unexpected"

I woke up early around 7 that next morning. I got dressed and ready, and planned on having a few friends over that day. I didn't want to tell them, they wouldn't believe me. I rather keep it between me...and Taylor, if this was actually true. But why would he write it to me? There are thousands, even millions of prettier fans of theirs that he could have wrote this too. I think I'm not that pretty at all. Or maybe it wasn't the could have been my personality that "caught" his attention. Who knows.

Everyone came over around noon. I was telling everyone about the concert and how we meet them there and McDonald's. I don't think anyone believed me but I had the "not processed" pictures to prove it. I wanted everyone to know.

"So Jenny, what did Taylor write you on the napkin?", Niqoule said wanting to know what was going on.

I hesitated. " just had his...e-mail...and umm...his...cellphone number.", I replied trying not to tell what was really on it.

"No way! He would NOT give that out to a fan he barely knows! Lemmi see!"

I didn't want to give it to her. I didn't want anyone to know...I mean, what if they get it up...or even say that I wrote it. But they saw the front of the note yesterday. So they knew it was real. I was just paranoid about the whole situation. I was going to change the subject.

"Hey Matt! What caught your attention when you first met me?", I said facing Matt now.

"Well...I don't know. We just met and got along. It was like that. Well, I can say your personality. You're somebody that anyone could get along with!"

IT CLINKED! My personality got along well with Taylor. But I didn't know for sure. So was really it? "So it's my personality then right...?"

"Why do you want to know? Why are you bringing up the "first impressions" about you?, pointed out Niqoule.

"Nothing...just wanted to know. I just wanna know a little more about myself and how I...react to things."

Everyone looked at one another confused about what I replayed on. "That's kinda odd Jen. I mean, who what's to know their impressions and their personality? Why are you even interested in knowing?"

I sat there ignoring what everyone was saying. I knew the answer to it...I just didn't want them to know. We all argued for awhile on different subjects. No one brought up the letter. Good thing.

"Guys...this is worthless. We're fighting over the stupidest things because of what Jenny said and now we're bringing up even more stupid things. We need to get a life.", Meitesha shouted so she could get everybody's attention. "What are we still doing here anyways? Why don't we actually go somewhere. I mean...we're not expecting a call!"

"I AM!", I blurted out uncontrollably. "I's...nobody like famous or anything...I mean...important! Oh great..I'm busted!"

"Huh?? Who is suppose to call?" There was a pause between what Niqoule said. "That's why you're asking all these unnessersary questions. And you totally dropped the Taylor's letter thing. He's suppose to be calling huh and you didn't want us to know?"

I looked towards the floor feeling embarrassed. "See...I didn't want anyone knowing. I thought no one would believe me and I guess Taylor didn't want anyone to know. So I kept it quiet for awhile. But...I was going to tell you guys!"

Meitesha looked devastated. She was totally in love with Taylor. After seeing me talk about him and getting a letter from him, she must have been really p.o. at me. I felt really bad at that moment.

"Why can't we see the letter?? I mean, you already told us what he wrote. Let's just see it!", Niqoule said as she was getting anxious to see it.

"I think it's fake. I mean, he barely knows her and why would Taylor write YOU out of all these girls!", Meitesha added as she tried not to believe a word I was saying.

I still had the letter in my pocket. I wasn't going to show anyone. They can believe it's fake for all I care. It was now 8 and everyone went home. My parents took a walk, my brothers went out, and I still waited for Taylor's call.

"This is useless. Maybe he just was saying he'd call me. Maybe he didn't like anything about me, he felt bad, and gave this to me. He's probably forgetting about me. Forgot I even existed!", I said reading the note to myself. I sighed and set my head down on the pillow on the couch. I fell asleep and minutes later...the phone rang...

Chapter 6
Chapter 8