Chapter Eleven: "Untitled"

It's been two weeks since I talked to Taylor. It's now July 11th and it's my 16th birthday. I invited Taylor and everybody the last time I talked to him. Niqoule, Meitesha, Matt, Stephanie, Raven, and Josh were the only ones who came to my party that day. Stephanie and I kept the "surprise" a secret until I wanted to tell them. Well, I just want them to believe me but who cares if they don't.

Stephanie and Raven were on my bunkbed in my room having some tickle fest as Josh and I ...well...all we did was flirt. Josh and I went out a few times and broke up because of our differences and my "first love", Justin thing. Long story with that, that we won't get into! But whenever I was with Josh now...all I did was think about Taylor. Raven and Steph date on and off like me and Josh but they were more serious with the relationship thing. Right now they have been dating for about three weeks. To me...they won't last long in my point of view. TRUST ME..I know something that will happen between them soon involving another guy.

"JEN! Get the door!", Jeremy said screaming from the kitchen. I made Matt answer the door.

"Hey, is Jenny home?", a guy said clearing his throat after.

"Yea...comon in." Matt followed them into my room where I was caught making out with Josh. "Jenny, you have three guests!", Matt said forcing himself to cough for my attention.

There I total awe. Niqoule and Meitesha were in shock (as usual) and was trying to get the nerve to talk to them again. Josh and I were all over each other as Taylor, Zac, and Isaac entered the room.

"Who's there Jen?", Steph said popping her head up to look down at Zac, Taylor, and Isaac. She pushed herself off Raven and came down the ladder to greet them as she fixed her hair and clothes fast.

"Man look Zac, your woman is all over some dude...that looks like he should be somewhere tripping on ecstacy.", Taylor said now drawing the attention to Stephanie.

"Um....hi Taylor...Zac...Isaac!", I said getting up away from Josh as Raven got down walking to the kitchen pushing Zac into Taylor almost making them both fall over.

"What an as..."

"Don't think about it!", I said covering Zac's mouth. "Umm..Taylor can we talk?", I said bringing myself out of my room. Taylor hurried and followed.

"What was that about? I leave for two weeks and the next time I see you, you're all over someone else? I thought we were going to make something happen?", Taylor said leaning against the wall.

I stood in silence. I couldn't reply. "No, It's not what it looks like...Josh and I always had this thing. It's...I mean he was my first kiss, first boyfriend, and we have history but it's not the same now...he means nothing to me. I've been talking about you constantly to him and..."

"Please...I rather not have excuses now. If he means nothing to you now, then why were you kissing him? It must mean something. You just don't kiss someone and it won't mean a thing."

Raven walked passed us giving me a mean dirty look. "I see how it is Jen. Does Josh know this?", he said opening my door.

Zac, Isaac, Stephanie, Meitesha, Matt, and Niqoule were all talking about their tour coming up while Josh waited for me by the door. Raven started whispering into Josh's ear as Stephanie tried to eavesdrop on it.

Zac was now giving Raven and Josh dirty looks as he knew they were up to something.

"Is that what she said right...well then. I'll think of something don't worry.", Josh said crossing his arms.

"Hey...lets go out and do some illegal stuff...say...fireworks??", Stephanie said with an evil grin on her face. Everyone shrugged and headed outside. I was in the hallway still talking to Taylor as Zac, Isaac, Stephanie, Josh, Matt, Niqoule, Meitesha, and Raven walked out to the backyard.

"So it meant nothing to you then...see I don't know what to believe!", Taylor said as I headed out the porch to see Josh grabbing onto Stephanie and kissing her.

Zac caught it all and ran over to Josh throwing him onto the ground.

"What can defend for my girlfriend THANK YOU!", Raven said pushing Zac into Isaac and Matt.

Zac gets up and runs again after Raven as Isaac tries to hold him back. Raven first kicks Josh in the stomach as he turns around and punches Zac in the stomach.

"Oh that's it!", Taylor said pushing me to the side and running out to get into the fight.

"Taylor don't!", I said now running after him.

Zac was tearing up Raven as Josh started saying crap to Taylor.

"So nothing meant anything to you about us huh Jen?", Josh said as Taylor got into his face.

"That's didn't mean a thing to her now. She used to as now it's all history brotha!", Taylor said shoving him onto Raven.

"Guys stop! There's no need for this!", Isaac said STILL trying to hold Zac back.

I ran out into the yard pushing Stephanie to the side of Matt as I grabbed Taylor away from Josh. "It's okay Taylor!"

"You're just a slut Jenny...that's all you are!", Josh added as Taylor tried to punch him but ended up missing him.

So now there was a huge brawl in my backyard. Taylor kicking the living daylights out of Josh as Zac punches Raven until Justin comes up to my gate.

"Steph?...What's goen on?", Justin said opening up the gate.

Zac and Raven stopped as they were still holding onto one another's shirts.

"Justin? What are you doing here?", I said letting go of Taylor's hand and walking up to Justin in a surprise..

"Yea...what are you doing here?" Taylor asked walking up to Justin and I. He seemed mad. Stephanie walked passed Raven and Zac who were sprawled on the ground like small children.

"I haven't talked to you in a long's everything going?", I said trying to convert a conversation up with Justin.

"Nothin really...happy birthday by the way!", Justin said handed me a card and waving Stephanie on.

"He's my ride guys. I have to go to a festival with him and Reject All American to be water girl. Sorry Jenny, Have a great birthday. Zac, me when you grow up. Josh, do that again and I'll slug you." Stephanie walked up to Justin and they left. There we all were, fighting with each other and one person less. Zac and Raven released each other from their grips and got up.

"This isn't over." Raven said brushing himself off and heading out the front gate to try and catch Stephanie before she left. We could hear him shout as he ran out to the front yard.

"Jerk!",Zac mumbled after Raven left. Josh looked at me.

"So it meant nothing, none of it?" I looked away. "I thought so. Bye" He left. Slowly but surly my friends were leaving. Now it was just Taylor, Isaac, Zac, and me.

"I'm so sorry about what happened this afternoon at my party. I feel totally guilty.", I said apologizing.

"It's okay Jen. I mean that Josh kid has some nerve to mess with girls minds. I'm just glad that nothing happened to Zac. Then there would be some serious beatings goen on.", Taylor said sitten down next to me on the couch. "When a guy starts to fight with a girl, I'm a fighter!"

"I wanna have a party. I'm just in the mood right now. How can we throw one right now?", Zac questioned as he deeply though about his question.

We all looked at one another and laughed.

"Mom said we can throw one the 26th the day before our first concert in the basement. But it's seven right now and there's NO TIME to throw a party and invite everyone. I mean Jenny's friends left already from her party. SO it's kinda impossible!", Taylor added rubbing my arm back and forth with his fingers. "And Jenny, you're invited! We just don't have the invitations but I think you don't need one. I mean, you're with me!"

I smiled at him and began to think. How was I suppose to get down to Tulsa to the party? My parents won't allow this...and the 26th...isn't that my vacation to up north at Fence Lake?? And Taylor was totally confusing me. "You don't need an invitation, I mean, you're with me!" And what is that suppose to mean? He knows how much I like him and everybody knows that he likes me back. Guys can be so confusing at times. Actually all the time but they're all misled though. I sighed.

"Hey Jenny, what's wrong?", Zac said seeming quite interested in how I was feeling.

"I was just family vacation starts July 27th and we're leaving the 26th on that Wednesday. How am I going to be able to go to your party then?"

All three of them sat at thought.

"What if we talk to your parents and my parents talk to yours too and see if you could spent a week in Tulsa with us and we'll fly you home and maybe your brother could wait one extra day to go up north with you or somethen!", Taylor said which was a good response.

"Wow Taylor! Pretty good coming from your head!", Isaac added making a joke out of it. Everyone started bursting out laughing.

We all planned in what we were going to say to our parents and who was going to say what. That end of that day, was going to be my answer if I was going to go or not. My birthday!

That night, Taylor, Isaac, Zac, and I roamed Racine (nothing to do as usual). We headed to the mall and the on the lake Radisson Hotel where their family was staying for the night. Their parents were heading to Infusino's with us for my get together birthday party with some friends. We had to pick up Stephanie cause she was coming too at least I think she was.

As we entered Info's I saw Justin, Stephanie, and some of his friends sitting down at a table eating pizza. He noticed me, nodded his head and told Stephanie that I was here. There I go again...having strong feelings for Justin again but as I look back behind me where Taylor is standing, he gives me a smile on his bright face. Then those feelings went away as he grabbed my hand knowing what I was thinking....

My Favorite Things About Angelfire

Chapter 10
Chapter 12