Chapter Ten: "Three Great Surprises"

I sat on my bed for a few hours tracking back on our conversation. It was great. But what was I going to tell everyone?? No one would believe me.

The next afternoon I was all hyped up. I knew Taylor was going to call back and after him calling me last night, I knew he was. Stephanie was coming back today and I was thinking about telling her what has happened so far. She probably won't believe me. I didn't even tell Zac about her.

Taylor called before he left the tour bus to his concert. I told him "good luck" along with Zac and Isaac. Stephanie came to my house right after she came home. She wanted to hear all the details. I told her EVERYTHING and even showed her the note. She seemed surprised.

I gave her my signed cd cover for her birthday. I mean, it means A LOT to me but I knew she would want it more cause she didn't meet them. That was the whole conversation that day...I wouldn't shut up about Taylor. I could tell now that Stephanie was getting upset with me.

The phone rang minutes later.

"I GOT IT!", I screamed racing towards the phone. "Hello??"

" Miss Jenny Bazan there?", Taylor said with an accent voice.

"This is! Taylor is this you?"

"What's your favorite scary movie?", Taylor said trying to be funny.

"Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle Of Nowhere! I hate the monkey forest part."

We both laughed. "So how was the concert and the interview?", I said trying to get a conversation going.

"A lot of screaming...just tell ya that. Oh...are you going to be home tomorrow? Cause a surprise is going to be arriving tomorrow!"

I was in was he sweet. "I think don't have to! Well then I'll get a surprise and send it to you!", I said trying to out beat him.

"Impossible! I travel and I'm never home. I won't get it! I travel on a bus remember?"

I could laugh to eternity at his jokes. He was so amazing. He wasn't like anyone I ever met. If only he knew the way I felt towards him. Was it a love feeling? Or was it a best friend love feeling? Was he feeling the same way towards me? Too many thoughts running through my mind!

We talked til midnight. I wanted to let him go. His next concert was next Tuesday in San Francisco and I think they were heading back to Tulsa to chill at home for the next three to four days.

It was nine am the next day I woke up. I was pretty cranky this morning cause the lack of sleep I received. I tried to fall asleep until I heard a loud knock on the front door. It was Taylor, Zac, and Isaac!

"Ohmigosh! What are you doing here? How did you find my house? Aren't you guys suppose to be in Tulsa?", I said acting like an obsessed fan.

"It's okay Jen...calm done hon. My parents are with us and they said it was alright to stay for the day then drive down to Tulsa. She knows how much I wanted to visit you and I never did anything like this before. So we tried something different on our four day break!", Taylor said trying to settle me down.

"It's just so weird...ohmigosh!", I said running up to Taylor to give him a hug. "Where are your parents and the tour bus?"

Taylor pointed to the parking lot near my house. "They said they'll be here in a few. They have some rearranging to do and they also want to meet you"

I literally pushed them into my house. I called Stephanie to come over ASAP bringing no one besides herself. I didn't want all of Racine coming. She was over faster than she ever came to my house in an emergency.

"Zac, Isaac, Taylor...this is Stephanie...Stephanie...this is Hanson.", I said introducing them. She wanted to freak. I gave her looks not to. That would make me look bad. My mom wasn't home at the tome. She was working.

"Nice room you have Jen!", Zac said looking into my Hanson filled room. I blushed. "Thanks..." I felt embarrassed by it for some reason.

The day went on with making macaroni and cheese (Zac) and telling some of our most embarrassing stories (Taylor's idea). They were totally enjoying themselves. Zac and Stephanie looked like they were hitting it off while Taylor and I kept on flirting constantly. Looked like Isaac was getting annoyed by it. Their parents were so awesome. Jessie seemed like she disliked me, Avery was one of those, "cute lil next door girl" type, Mackie acted EXACTLY like Zac, while two year old Zoe laughed at every single joke Taylor, Isaac, or Zac made. It was cute.

Stephanie, Zac, Isaac, and the rest of their family went to meet Stephanie's house while Taylor and I walked alone to her house.

"How could I ever thank you?", I said looking down at my shoes then looking at Taylor's gorgeous blue eyes.

"No need to. You're worth it. If I could find a way to get you to come on tour with us this July starting in Tulsa, would you?"

I stood there in shock. I smiled. That's how I answered his question.

"I'm guessing that's a yes then!", Taylor said pushing playfully.

"How could we get it settled by our parents and there's school coming up in August for me...and my parents just met you. They're over protective of me."

Taylor kept on walking. He was deep into thought about what to respond.

"I'm going to make this happen. I want you to come...if you're parents disagree....", Taylor said as I interrupted him.

"Look! A full orange moon. Isn't that suppose to be out on Halloween? Not the middle of June.", I said accidently said changing the subject.

Taylor laughed. "Jen?"

"Yea Tay?"

"Did you fully understand my note I wrote you on the napkin?"

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "I think so...why?"

He took a breath. "I was trying to get across that I...I like you more than I ever really liked anyone before. It's hard to explain I guess." There was a moment of silence. "Man do I feel embarrassed. I never told anyone that before. It's just kinda hard for me to actually just come out and say that to someone. I mean....."

"...I like you too. But you knew that since the start. It was embarrassing at McDonald's saying it in front of you guys. I didn't know how to react towards you three."

"Just like you are now...perfect....all your answers and everything you reply is perfect. Nothing could be better."

Here I am confused again. I didn't know what to say. And if I replied now he and I both would know it's stupid. "I...I'm not perfect Taylor...nowhere near it...."

He looked deep into my eyes. There was a still in the air. Everything was silent. No cars passing, we could hear ourselves breath. He grabbed my hand and our fingers entwined.

"I never felt a better time to do this...", Taylor said. I was stilled. We both leaned towards one another. I felt his soft lips touch mine as he put his hands on my waist. I could hear my heart beat faster and faster. The moment was such a rush to me. I never imaged this ever.

We looked at each other in enjoyment , holding hands as we walked the rest of the way to Steph's house.

"I never thought I would kiss the girl of my dreams at such a young age.", Taylor said breaking the silence.

I wanted to cry. I was never treated so sweet in my life from anyone. We just met one and I feel like I've known him forever.

We stopped by Steph's house for awhile. We wanted to spent much time as possible together before he had to leave tonight. We walked to the "Main St. Bridge", and back to my house. We had a lot of fun.

It was now midnight. We headed back to their tour bus from Stephanie's house with Zac, Isaac, Steph, and their family.

"It was really nice meeting you Jenny. It's true what Taylor says about you.", Walker said shaking my hand. "Call them anytime. We don't have to pay the long distance bill anyways. That's what Def Jam comes in handy!"

Everyone laughed.

"Take care Jen and two are so sweet! Isaac, Taylor, and Zac are lucky to have friends like you!", Diana said giving us both a hug. "I'll make sure the boys keep in touch with you no matter what! You guys seem so sweet!"

I've never heard a mom say that to me before. It was interesting though. Jessie, Avery, both hugged us goodbye. Jessie was more into us now that she got to know a little more about one another. Mackie wouldn't stop hugging me and he kept on saying goodbye...what a cutie-patootie...and for Zoe, well she just giggled and gave me a cute little bear hug! I hugged Isaac and Zac. I gave them my address in case they wanted to write. Then they said goodbye.

Then the hard part came. I had to say goodbye to Taylor. Steph already said goodbye to Zac and everyone was waiting on Taylor.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. But I'll make sure there's a way that you're going to go on tour with us.", Taylor said facing me.

I saw his sadness on his face...trying to hide it. "I wish this day could never end. I just can't believe I met you like not even a week ago and we practically know everything about each other."

He smiled. "Here, I want you to have these two things. I know another note also but it was kinda late or too early or whatever it is to actually say this in person to you. See I told you I'm not good at these things. But I hope I can actually say how I feel to you face to face without studdering, loss of mind, or even getting embarrassed in front of you. That would be dreadful. I mean, I don't want to make bad impressions in front of're too perfect for that!", Taylor said handing me a note and one of his necklaces.

"I'm not many times do I have to say that? Nowhere near it. You're closer to perfect than I'll ever be.", I said hugging him not wanting to let go.

"I'll try and write tomorrow but I'll definitely call tomorrow. I can't go a day without hearing your voice.", Taylor added as we let go of our hug.

I covered his mouth. "Hey, stop, you're going to make me cry! This is totally unfair. And if you can't call tomorrow, I understand. You don't have to keep calling if it's too hard to put in your schedule!"

"Now that's something that can definitely be put in my schedule. It wouldn't be the same."

"Wait...before you go...I want you to have this! I mean, I want you to have something from me.", I said giving him my friendship bracelet I made.

Again, we hugged. This one seemed like eternity though. This was the definite Kodak moment that could last forever in a picture frame.

We let go and again stared at each other in each others eyes.

"COMON TAYLOR! We don't have all night!", Zac said peeking his head out the window laughing.

"Bye Jen.", Taylor said as we leaned over to experience our "second kiss". I wish I could frame him and this feeling on the wall...and stare at it til there's no time at all! So I stole his lyrics! That's how I was feelin!

"Alright Taylor!", screamed Zac again filming the kiss.

"That's it! Totally unfair! You better start running!",Taylor said letting go of me and running towards the bus.

That time I had to let go of the moment. It was amazing what I experienced that day with him. He gave me one last hug and he headed back to the bus. I stood there with Stephanie watching them depart. That was one hard day for me. I was definitely Hanson's lucky number fan.

Taylor looked out the window and waved. I watched until I saw nothing but road. That's when the tears came. I realized how much he meant to me. He wasn't famous or even a big rock star in my book. He was just Taylor Hanson. *

Chapter 9
Chapter 11