Chapter one

"This Time Around"

By:Jenny Bazan

Chapter one: "The Disappointment"

"June 19th? No...I'm going to be already in Florida Jen. This can't happen. Why does this have to happen now? This is so unfair.", Steph said to me over the phone.

"I just found out. It's not going to be the same without you. You haveta go. Well, if you want me to, I'll skip it so we could meet them at the same time!"

"No! Go! Meet them, tell Zac I said "what's up", and try to get an autograph for me! Okay, I haveta go eat now. We ordered a pizza from Dave's. Where your man works!" (it's a continued inside joke that she still plants on me. My ex bf used to work, and she STILL says it)

"Shut up Stephanie!" I wanted to hit her for that remark. "Okay, if I go, I'll get an autograph for you and tell Zac about you if I can. See ya later. Call me back."

"Okay, see , bye." We both hung up the phone. This was just the start of it. I was so excited. I was going for sure. But without my best friend Stephanie. We saw them in concert in Milwaukee in 98', and told ourselves that we'd meet them together. I guess that wasn't going to happen. But I promised her it was going to be fun, exciting, and outstanding without her. That's how it was. The best day of my life. (itz my Hanson site)

Chapter Two