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This band is one of my all time favorit bands that has come out in a long time, this album though is the second of I belive 3 albums they have produced..A friend of mine tured me on too these death matal mainacs and I am glad too turn them on too you..

There is 12 tracks on this album, tracks includ War is Coming, Revenge of the Zombies, Burning Blood, just too name afew.. Each song drives you too the limits of insanity and brings you back too hell, the vocals of Chris Barnes former singer of "Canible Corpse" are brutal.. Although the tempo is slower then "Canible Corpse", the vocals are of the same throat shreadding tendences.
The guitars and percussion are of hard pounding riffs thats sure to test any thrashers neck muscles.. Greg Gall on the percussion, Allen West on the rhythem and leads, and Terry Butler on the bass brings them together too test there metal roots..
Chris Barns of course is from the killer band Cannibl Courpse, and as always bring a ruff gravely sound to the mix. Six Feet Under well, just the same wicked vocals..This CD is recorded by Metal Blade Records, and is of the utt most quality sounding CD's on the market. A diffenet two thumbs up for these guys and there wicked ways.. Check it out people..

Sorry for the Slayer Midi, couldn't find Six Feet Under anyware.

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