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Warcraft2 fusk
Tryck enter före och efter koderna.
ON SCREEN:visar hela kartan på/av
 IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE:odödlighet på/av
UNITE THE CLANS:vinner scenariot       
GLITTERING PRIZES:10000guld 5000trä 5000olja
UNITE THE CLANS:vinner scenariot
 HATCHETt: hugger ner trän på 2st. slag
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE:visar vinnar filmen
TIGERLILY:detta måste skrivas för att HUMAN# & ORC# ska funka.
#står för ett tal mellan 1-14

Här kommer några fusk till MDK. Tryck F1 före och ESC/ENTER efteråt.
HEALME: full energi
NASTYSHOTTHANKS:målsökande granater
INEEDABIGGUN:större vapen

Fusk till Need for Speed 2 : Skriv kodena under spelets gång:
POINEER=bättre motor
VOLVO=volvo            BMW=bmw       MERCEDES=mercedes

Fusk tillPOD. Skriv koderna under spelets gång:
RETRO=du ser allt bakifrån       GARAG=lagar bilen   MAP=kort


Fusk till OUTLAWS. Skriv kodrena under spelets gång:
OLPOSTAL=Alla vapen, full ammo
OLCDS=Kort      OLJACKPOT=alla saker
OLAIRHEAD=flyg-läge     OLASH=Oändlig ammo
Lite ban koder:  OLHIDEOUT       OLTOWN        OLTRAIN 
OLCLIFF                OLRANCH

If you write 'baa baa', when you are playing the game, you can get all this: weapons, bananabombs, sheep, minigun.
While playing the game select the machine gun, aim,
press F1 and Spacebar at exactly the same time to shoot. Instead of firing bullets you will fire bazookas at an alarming rate.
While playing, aim at the target (don't stand too close).
Choose uzi. Then press F3 and F5 at the same time and press the spacebar to fire something nice.
Select blowtorch or drill from the list. Then while you are moving through the dirt press Esc. Wait until your worm has stopped moving,
and press 'Return to Game.'
Your worm will automatically start cutting through the dirt again. This process can be repeated as many times as you like.
Om mej själv.
Worms Reinforcements
banana, sheep, minigun: BOBJOB
take banana, etc, off: BOJBOB
NHL '98
Cheats during gameplay are as follows:
MANTIS - Makes the players bigger and stupid looking
NHLKIDS - Makes the players smaller and stupid looking
HOMEGOAL - Scores a goal for the home team
AWAYGOAL - Scores a goal for the away team
PENALTY - Causes a 5 minute major + a game misconduct to be called
INJURY - Duh, just be sure you hit them first.
ZAMBO - Brings the Zamboni on the ice during the game
VICTORY - Starts fireworks below the scoreboard
FLASH - Camera flashes from the crowd
SPOTS - Turns on the pregame spot lights in the crowd
CHECK - Killer code enables you to flatten a player by skating into him
GRAB - Enables grabbing each time you hit someone, like check.
Internet Play:
Click the X in the bottom left to quit, but then type ultimatejudge (case doesn't matter, but no spaces). You should hear a strange noise.
Then go to Connection and select Internet. You need to know your opponents IP address....
Other Cheats:
At the main screen type
eaeao for the EA Blades superteam.
stanley and see the end of season video
NHL '97
Hold Shift and type WAGD. This enables cheats...
Hit H for the home team to score, hit V for the visitors to score. Be careful; it
could cause a season lockout or other problems so don"t use them too much ! More cheats... P - Ends period
G - Ends game
O - Goes to overtime
I - Causes an injury
F - Causes a fight
T - Shrinks players each time you hit it (shows when play stops)
SHIFT-T - Makes players larger each time you hit it (shows when play stops)
1 - Two minute penalty is called
2 - Four minute penalty is called
4 - Five minute penalty is called
5 - Penalty shot
Secret EA Sports Teams :
In order to get the two secret teams in NHL '97 you must do the following: Go into the credits screen and when the picture of all of the Programmers appear,
type pioneer. Let the credits finish and then play in an exhibition game. Scroll
down to the bottom of the list of teams in the team select screen and EA Sports 1
and EA Sports 2 will now appear.
In the game controller setup, you can click on a teams logo. When you do,
it should make a high pitched funny sound. What that sound does is it activates the alternative third uniforms for Pittsburgh,
Boston, Vancouver, Los Angeles and Anaheim. It makes a lower duller sound for all the other teams,
but it only works for the teams that have a third jersey
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Type 't' to go to the Command Console and enter the following codes: kill Kill yourself
red5 All weapons
wamprat All items
imayoda Light Force Master
sithlord Dark Force Master
deeznuts Next Force level
yodajammies Full force
eriamjh Fly mode
jediwannabe on God mode
thereisnotry Next level
raccoonking Both Light and Dark force powers
bactame Full health
5858lvr Show full map
pinotnoir x Warp to level x (where x is between 1 and 21)
whiteflag 1 (0 to turn off) Turns off enemy AI
slowmo 1 (0 to turn off) Slow motion

Hexen 2 PC For all cheats you have to go to the console (hit the ~ button), type in the code and hit return... god - Godmode ON/OFF
noclip - Noclipping ON/OFF
notarget - Enemys don´t recognice you ON/OFF
skill # - Changes skill level (0-3)
map X - Changes level on client (X-Level Name)
changelevel X - Changes level on server (X-Level Name)
playerclass # - Changes player class (1-4)
restart - Restarts the level
name X - Changes your name (X-New Name)
give h X - Gives health (X-Amount of health. Maximum 999)
give 2 - Gives weapon 2
give 3 - Gives weapon 3
give 4 - Gives weapon 4
impulse 9 - All Weapons/Mana
impulse 14 - Gives you a Sheep
impulse 23 - Torch
impulse 43 - All Weapons/Mana/Items
impulse 44 - Throws a Item
impulse 10 - Change Weapon
impulse 13 - Lift Object
impulse 100 - Uses the Torch
impulse 101 - Uses the Quartz Flask
impulse 102 - Uses the Mystic Urn
impulse 103 - Uses the Krater
impulse 104 - Uses the Chaos Device
impulse 105 - Uses the Tome of Tower
impulse 106 - Uses the Summon Stone
impulse 107 - Uses the Invisibility
impulse 108 - Uses the Glyph
impulse 109 - Uses the Boots
impulse 110 - Uses the Repulsion
impulse 111 - Uses the No Peep
impulse 112 - Uses the Ring Of Flight
impulse 113 - Uses the Force Cube
impulse 114 - Uses the Icon Defn
chase_active 1 - Chase Mode (Camera)
r_fullbright x - Lights on
status - Information about the current situation
crosshair x - Crosshair ON/OFF
help - Help menu
clear - Clear console window
echo - Text will be displayed on the screen
screenshot - PCX dump
save - Save as
load - Load
kill - Player dies and restarts the level
timerefresh - Frames per second
showturtle x - If the frame rate is blow 10 a turtle will be displayed
version - Version number
sv_friction # - Changes friction (4)
sv_gravity # - Changes gravity (800)
sv_maxspeed # - Max speed (800)
r_drawentities x - All objects ON/OFF
r_drawflat x - All textures ON/OFF
r_waterwarp x - Underwater effects
fov # - Change view (90)
d_mipscale # - Change mip scale (1)
nosound x - Sound ON/OFF
vid_describemode #< - Informations about mode #
vid_describemodes - Shows all graphic modes
vid_describecurrentmode - Informationen about current graphic mode
vid_mode # - Changes graphic mode
vid_nopageflip x - Page flipping ON/OFF
vid_nummodes - # of modes
vid_testmode # - 5 sec graphic mode test
vid_wait - Sets wait mode
demos - Plays the built-in demos
playdemo - Plays an own demo
record - Records a demo
stop - Stops the recording of a demo
cd eject - Ejects CD
cd loop - Endless loop of track #
cd off - CD OFF
cd on - CD ON
cd play - Plays track #
cd remap - Reconfigures the numbers of the tracks
cd reset - Reloads the CD
cd stop - Stops CD
cd resume - Resume CD
menu_keys - Open keys menu
menu_save - Open save menu
menu_net - Open multiplayer menu
menu_main - Open main menu
menu_options - Open options
menu_load - Open load menu
say - Message to all players
say_team - Message to team players
color - Changes color of clothes
connect (server) - Connects with server, also COM #
maxplayers - Max # of players
hostname - Change host name
net_stats - Network stats
slist - List of all server
ping - Speed of network
soundinfo - Sound info
stopsounds x - All sounds ON/OFF
volume # - Sound volume
bgmvolume # - Music volume
bgmbuffer # - Sound buffer
snd_show x - Sound debugger
cl_rollspeed # - Strafe speed
cl_rollangle # - Sidestep angle
v_kicktime # - Kicktime
v_kickroll # - Kicktime strength
v_kickpitch # - Kicktime strength with hit
r_drawentities x - Show items
r_drawviewmodel x - Show weapons?
r_draworder x - Transparent walls
r_dspeeds - Stats
r_maxedges # - Max # edges
r_polymodelstats - Stats
r_speeds - Stats
r_timegraph - Show graph
sv_nostep x - Player can´t walk over steps
sv_maxvelocity # - Max ammo speed
d_mipscale x - Fuzzy
d_subdiv16 x - Perspective calculated only all 16 pix
m_pitch # - Up-down sensitivity
m_yaw # - Turn around sensitivity
sizeup - Enlarge screen
sizedown - Small screen
bf - Redraw
centerview - Center viewv viewsize # - Change view size
showram x - RAM symbol ON/OFF
showpause x - Pause symbol ON/OFF
lookspring x - Center view after mouse lock ON/OFF
bind - Set key to a certain command, e.g. BIND W "IMPULSE 9"
alias - Combine commands
sensitivity # - Change mouse sensitivity
scr_conspeed # - Change console speed
scr_ofsx - Current x position
scr_ofsy - Current y position
scr_ofsz - Current z position
pause - Pause the game
togglemenu - Console ON/OFF
unbindall - Erases all combinations
profile - Stats
edictcount - Stats
entities - Stats
Quake r_fullbright - gets rid of shadows. only allowed in single player In the very begining of the game it appears that there are only three "skill selects"(easy,normal,hard)!! But if you go through any of those three doors, you can find an even harder skill than "hard"!! When you come to the area where you select your level, go to the last level and walk up slowly to the water. Very slowly go in. As soon as you are in the water, press back immediately. (make sure you're all the way back) When you fall, you will land on a wooden beam. Carefully proceed to your right. If you follow the wooden beam, you will come to a hall. Follow down that hall. The screen will say "THIS HALL SELECTS NIGHTMARE SKILL." Go through the door for a real challenge. This cheat is for those of you out there who get scared when playing Quake. Go to the console and type in 'NOTARGET'. All monsters will not attack you unless you provoke them in some way (e.g you shoot them). At the console, type SV_GRAVITY XXX where XXX is any number above 1. This changes the gravity settings so you can jump further. Default is 800. Note that really high settings can kill you when you step off a kerb ! Setting gravity to very low is excellent for outdoor deathmatch levels when you can jump and "parachute" back to ground dropping grenades all around as you come down. For Quake Shareware: Press ~ and then type REGISTER 1 you will be able to get all registered version's weapons but this does not give you the registered version. Type 'fov' followed by a number on the console. A number less than 90 will 'zoom in' - this can go right down to 20. A number greater than 90 will give you a 'wide-angle' view. Using 90 will return you to your original view. Start the game in single player mode and walk through the hall selecting HARD. When in the room which selects which episode press forward for 2 seconds. Then press ~ and type 'NOCLIP'. Press 'C' until you see a tunnel winding down to the left. Follow it and fall down the pit in the middle of the room. It will say 'Shub-Niggurath Awaits You'. Of course that means you get to fight Shub-Niggurath, the mastermind of Quake. During playing press the ` button to bring a box where you can type these codes: CD DATA = Shows the CD contents CD EJECT = Ejects the CD CD INFO = More information about the CD CD LOOP = Loop mode CD playing CD PLAY# = Plays a desired track CD RESET = Plays the CD from the start CD RESUME = Resumes CD-music CD STOP = Stops the CD-music COLOR = You change your suit's colour CONNECT = You try to connect to the network RECONNECT = You retry to connect to the network GIVE 3 = You get the double barrel shotgun GIVE 4 = You get the nailgun GIVE 5 = You get the perforator GIVE 6 = You get the grenade launcher GIVE 7 = You get the rocket launcher GIVE 8 = You get the thunderbolt GIVE S 255 = Ammo for shotgun GIVE R 255 = ammo for rocket launcher GIVE C 255 = ammo for thunderbolt GIVE H 999 = maximum health press ~ to enter the console panel and type IMPULSE 11 to get a rune. Use only once per console visit Cheat Codes Press the Escape button, go to options and enter the Quake console then type these codes and press enter: COLORxx - Change clothing (xx is No. 1 -- 13) FLY - Fly mode on/off GOD - God mode on/off IMPULSE 9 - All weapons and keys IMPULSE 255 - Quad Damage on KILL - Suicde MAP E#M# - Level warp NAME - Change your name NOCLIP - Clipping on/off Quake 2 (qtest2.exe) cheat codes: Type these in at the Quake 2 command line (press ~) Command Item Quantity god God Mode N/A (on/off) notarget No Target Mode N/A (on/off) noclip No Clipping N/A (on/off) give all All Items 999 of all give jacketarmor Jacket Armor 999 give blaster Blaster 999 give shotgun Shotgun 999 give sshotgun Super Shotgun 999 give machinegun Machinegun 999 give grenadelauncher Grenade Launcher 999 give rocketlauncher Rocket Launcher 999 give shells Shells 999 give bullets Bullets 999 give cells Cells 999 give grenades Grenades 999 give rockets Rockets 999 give slugs Slugs 999 give mines Mines 999 give nuke Nuke 999 give quad Quad Damage 999 give invulnerability Invulnerability 999 give silencer Silencer 999 give rebreather Rebreather 999 give all - besides putting the above in your inventory also gives you 999 of the following: Environment Suit, Data CD, Power Cube, Pyramid Key, Data Spinner, Security Pass, Blue Key, Red Key, Commander's Head, and Air Strike Marker. Access your inventory by pressing "TAB". Navigate with "[" and "]". Crusader: No Regret if you hit "h" after turning on cheat mode then you can move stuff around like walls doors etc. : LOOSECANNON16 - Enable Cheats. CTRL-F10 - Enable Immortality. F10 - All Weapons,Maximum out Energy,and all Items. F - Display's Object Framework. WARP X - Level Skip (X - Level Number) SKILL X - The skill that you want to play at (X - Skill level) Type in JASSICA16 for something different. Be prepared!

Men In Black the game.

During the game, press esc. to get the main menu. type DOUGMATIC several times until it drops you back into the game.

the cheats are now activated.
Press esc. again

KILLEM - Kills Villians
GIVEME - All Weapons
LOADME - Unlimited ammo
HEALME - Full Health
PROTECTME - Invulnerablility
MOVEME - Gives saved games of all levels
AGENTJ - Become Agent J
AGENTK - Become Agent K
AGENTL - Become Agent L
AGENTX - Become Agent X
ARCTIC - Goes to Arctic Level
HQ - Goes to HQ
Fusk tillBlood shareware.Tryck "T" före koden & enter efter: MPKFA=odödlig BUNZ=alla vapen,full ammo, double gun LARA CROFT=alla vapen,oändlig ammo KEYMASTER=alla nycklar SPORK=200 hälsa

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