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The Janesville Fife & Drum Corps

The Janesville Fife and Drum Corps is the only reenactment group in Wisconsin devoted to preserving Fife and Drum music and history.

Our membership is diverse: from 8 to 80, male and female, entire families, history buffs, teachers and those who love great historical music.

We perform throughout the entire Midwest, including Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota and Iowa. We have performed throughout the United States, including Colonial Williamsburg and Yorktown, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Lewisburg, West Virginia, Camden, New York, St. Louis, Missouri, Old Fort William, Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada, and even as far west as Cheyenne, Wyoming for Frontier Days.

We are setting our sights on a trip to England, Scotland and Wales during the 1999 marching season.

If you are interested in learning more about or in joining the Janesville Fife and Drum Corps, drop me a line at the email address below.

Teresa Holevas

Co-Music Director Janesville Fife & Drum Corps

or contact our Director:

Mr. Bob Williams

1515 Tyler Street

Janesville, WI 53511


How You Can Be Involved

If You Like 18th Century Music:

A Comprehensive Listing of Fife and Drum Corps around the country (and world)!

Come and Visit My Personal Home Page!
