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FaNtAsY4u's PaGe

Rosie, Jeremy, and Caleb (the new addition)

HeY tHeRe WeLcOme To mY hOmEpAgE , well anyways my name is Rose, i'm 20(just turned that march 27th) and i live in Wisconsin.. i'm the only girl out of 6 boys and i also have a stepdad. I love to hunt(i go bear and coon hunting). i have many online and off line friends and there's way to many to name so deal with it i dont feel like naming them all.. well its been a while since i've updated my page and lots has happened.. i met this real nice guy named Jeremy, got pregnant and now Jeremy and i are proud parents of a little baby boy... if you would like to see him check out the web page in my linx that says Caleb's page... his name is Caleb Michael Nemeth..... another new thing is I dont know when but soon Jeremy and i will be getting married, him and caleb are the two loves of my life for always.... I live in Green Bay.. i'm working at Toy's R Us... and i think thats pretty much whats all new with me..... luv ya all.. talk to you later... msg me or email me im on aol, yahoo, and msn.. if u eva wanna talk just e-mail me at( aol instant messanger my sn name is (bUgGiE1B00) or (bUgGiE83B00) MSN is ( well thats all for now but keep checkin for updates.. catch ya l8ter.

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CALEB'S PAGE (my little boy)
peteysweetie's new web page
Kewl joke site
Cyber Greeting's- lots of great poem's here
cool sk8ter site
