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My Songs

It Was Your Song

Then What

Shes Gonna Make It

Prop Me Up

My Way

Other Stuff

Web Site Design

Welcome To Dan's Place
Let The Fire Works Begin!!!

I apologize for some of the sound quality however, the songs were recorded off a tape. I hope to upgrade this in the near future to enhance the quality of the songs.

Welcome to my home page

Please check out the links. All the songs you hear are sung by me. Along with each page you will see a poem written by me, unless otherwise stated, pertaining to the subject matter of the song. Some of them might be heavy but these are my inner thoughts that I share with you.

A little bit about myself.

I love singing, camping, cuddling in front of a fire and life in general. I hope you enjoy my site. Please tell all your friends to check it out. Thanks for stopping by.

E-Mail Me

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