Charli's Place

Last Updated On 4 April 00


Welcome to my wonderful homepage. I know it's lame, but I'm just learning.


I have many hobbies. One of my favorite things to do is write. If I could, I think I'd write all day long! I'm really into poetry, short stories, and semi-long novels or books when I find enough time to sit down and write one. I'm also really into sports that could kill you. I mean, if I ever get around to it or find someone stupid and adventurous enough to go with me, I plan on ski diving, climbing mountains, bungi jumping, and stuff like that. I'd also like to think I could set a world record for jumping off a high dive into a small pool of water like they do in the Circus. I also enjoy this new sport I've recently gotten into which is Scuba Diving. I really think more people should look into it. There's almost as many things underwater as on land that could kill you. MU HA HA HA HA ha.

About Me

Name = People call me Charli
Gender = Female!
Age = 17 but going on 21
Birthday = November 24th, 1982
Hair Color = Well... I've got brown hair but I dye it so it's brownish-red
Eye Color = Light Brown
Height = I'm 5 feet four inches, actually that's a lie but that's what I said on my driver's licence
Favorite Food = Chocolate. I could live on chocolate. It tastes like a dream! 8) The best stuff is Seroogy's which comes from up in northern Wisconsin!
Favorite TV Show = XENA!!! I love it. I record it everyday just in case I miss it.
Favorite Music = I like the group "Bush" and I love classical. I've also come to love "Live" 8)
I don't think there's anything better than falling asleep to something really, really, loud, or listening to depressing classics by candle light with a good horror book!

When I'm on line I go by the nick name "Charli." I got my nick name a long time ago when I was in a opera for children. There were a few people who shared the same real name with me, and I wanted to be different, so my friend picked out the name for me. I suppose it's really stuck too! People in my real life call me Charli. There's another reason why I'm called Charli that has to do with a cartoon with Biker Mice and a truck shop lady, but that's another story altogether. I also go by PoketSmrf.

Links To My Places And Favorite Places

Happy Poetry
Slightly Depressing Poetry
More Poetry
Recent/Published Poetry
The Coolest Chatroom Page!
Edgar Allen Poe Page
