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From Agrimony to Avocado

Agrimony Alfalfa Almond Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Amaranth A crown of amaranth flowers worn on the head speeds healing. To make sure that you are never struck by a bullet, pull up a whole amaranth plant (including roots) preferably on a Friday during the Full Moon. Leave an offering to the plant and then fold it, roots and all, in a piece of white cloth. Wear this against your breast and you'll be 'bullet-proof.' The dried amaranth flowers have been used to call forth the dead, and are also carried to cure the affections'; i.e. to mend a broken heart. Amber Transforms negative energy into positive. Calms, and attracts loving, faithful emotions. Opens the crown chakra and aligns the etheric bodies with the physical. Attracts prosperity. Angelica Grown, the plant is protective. Use in all protection and exorcism incenses. Sprinkle the four corners of the house with angelica to ward off evil, or do this around the perimeter of the house. Added to the bath angelica removes curses, hexes and any spells that may have been cast against you. The root was carried in the pocket as a gambling talisman among some American Indian tribes. Angelica is also used in healing incenses and mixtures. Anise Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it. This will ensure that you have no nightmares. Use in protection and meditation incenses. Fresh anise leaves placed in a room will drive off evil, and they are sometimes placed around the magic circle to protect the magician from evil spirits. It also averts the evil eye. Anise seed is also used in purification baths, especially with bay leaves. It is used to call forth spirits to aid in magical operations, and a sprig hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth. Apple The fruit, when eaten, induces love. Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Avocado Promotes love and lust. Good when used as a beauty mask.