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Achilles: yarrow Adonis: adonis (pheasantís eye), anemone, barley, fir, grain, Manila palm, pomegranate, rose, wheat Allah: oak, olive, date palm Anu: tamarisk Apollo: apple, cypress, date palm, fenugreek, heliotrope, flax/linen, larkspur, laurel, lily of the valley, mistletoe, olive, plane tree, poplar, white poplar Arawn: willow Asclepius: chaste tree, lily of the valley, mistletoe, mustard Attis: almond, fir, grain, pine, pomegranate, violet Baal: frankincense Bacchus: ivy, pine, grape vine, fir Baldur: oak, mistetoe, St. John's wort Bel: willow, terebinth tree Belenos: oak, willow Bran: alder Buddha: Hindu lotus, bodhi tree, frangipani Cernunnos: oak Cinteotl: maize Cronus: alder, dogwood, barley, grain Cupid: Cupid's dart, cypress, lovegrass, rose the Dagda: oak Dagon: grain Damuzi: barley, grain, date palm, pomegranate Dionysus: apple, barley, elm, fennel, fig, fir, grain, grape vine, ivy, opium poppy, fly agaric (amanita muscaria) Donar: oak Ek Chua: cocoa El: oak, kerm oak Enlil: grain Eros: rose Ganesha: sesame Gwern: alder Gwydion: ash, willow Hapy: lotus, papyrus, water plants Hercules/Herakles: oak, cypress, olive, aspen, wolfbane; Herakles Melon: apple Hermes: almond Herne: oak Horus/Harpocrates: peach, rose Hyacinthus: hyacinth Hymen: hawthorn Hypnos: poppy Janus: oak Jehovah: oak, terebinth, willow, grain Jesus: grain, grape vine Jove: oak, terebinth, mistletoe Judah: pomegranate Jupiter: carnation, cypress, gorse, mullein, oak, terebinth, vervain Kaneloa: kava kava Krishna: sacred fig tree Llew/Lugh: grain Manannan Mac Lir: mistletoe Maneros: grain Mars: oak, vervain Maui: banyan tree Mercury: willow, almond, hazel Metsik: grain Min: lettuce, wheat Mithras: cypress Narcissus: narcissus Neper: grain Ninib: pomegranate Odin: ash, elm, mistletoe Osiris: acacia, cypress, cedar, ivy, sycamore, fir, barley, grain, orris root, wheat Pan: fir, oak Paeon: peony Peirun: oak Picus: oak Pluto: cypress, mint, peppermint Priapus: pear Prometheus: fennel Proteus: alder, dogwood Ra: acacia, frankincense, myrrh, olive Rimmon: pomegranate Saturn: dogwood, yew, wolfbane Shiva: bael tree, banyan tree, cannabis Tagetes: North African marigold Tubuériki: grain Tammuz: date palm, pomegranate, grain Taranis: oak Teutates: oak Thor: birch, daisy, hazel, gorse, oak, rowan, nettle, tormentil, thistle, vervain Thoth: almond, bamboo, mercury, saffron Usnisa: lotus Vertumnus: cherry, apple, peach Vishnu: basil, bodhi tree, jasmine Volos: grain Vulcan: galangal Xipe Totec: maize Yum Caz: maize Zeus: apple, hyacinth, oak, olive, white poplar, violet; Zeus Polleus: wheat Zoroaster: cypress