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Dragon Dragon
Imagine a world split apart by the greatest magical forces in the world. Out of the one, there became four seperate worlds: Sky, Stone, Fire, and Sea. Each seperate, yet each dependent on the others. A prison, The Labyrinth, for the rehabilitation of the enemies, and a peaceful world, The Nexus for the rehabilitated make up the fifth and sixth worlds. The thing that holds them all together...
The Seventh Gate

The Death Gate Cycle
(a very brief description)

The Death Gate Cycle is written by my favorite fantasy duo, Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. The cycle consists of seven novels. The paragraph at the top of this page describes the settings for the seven books. Click on the title of each book to get the cover description of each...
Dragon Wing
Elven Star
Fire Sea
Serpent Mage
The Hand Of Chaos
Into The Labyrinth
The Seventh Gate

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The Dragonlance Saga
(an even more brief description)

An on-going saga in the world of Krynn started by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman and continued by many various fantasy authors.

Dragonlance Mini Photo Gallery
Great Fantasy Books
  • The Death Gate Saga - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
  • The Dragonlance Ongoing Saga (especially Chronicles and Legends)

Great Fantasy Links

Margaret Weis Homepage
Tracy Hickman Homepage

Dee's Death Gate Homepage
Book-A-Minute SF: The Death Gate Cycle
The Death Gate Cycle

Chris's Dragonlance Page
Kitiaria's World - DragonLance

Huge Fantasy Art Collection

More Coming Soon!

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Other Great Links

A Personal Webpage - All about me
The Skamish - An Awesome Ska Band
The Onion - Funny Stuff
Monkey Boy's Barrel O' Fun

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people have found the magical Seventh Gate

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mailEmail any questions or suggestions to Sang-drax