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Yeah, you heard right. We are officially gone. I just can't do it anymore. I suck at web design, you *obviously* know that already. I don't have the time to get screen caps, either. It takes forever (7-8 hours for one Alias ep), and the quality sucks. Sorry if you really wanted to see this site, but I'm am seriously embarassed to keep this thing up. The only reason I didn't pull it down sooner was cuz I kept forgetting. Read below for some other interesting info. . . One last thing, for some AMAZING Alias wallpapers, Digital Prophet is the place to go. Good to see ya one last time, and farewell AnS, it's been phun.

Hey, guess what? You know how shit just happens sometimes? Well, believe it or not, that has nothing to do with this. Okay, really though, I suck at web design, and I'm sure some of you will agree with me. I'm looking for someone who can design the pages for a site of mine. This site is going down fast. I can't do web design, I suck. It's an embarassment to me to keep this thing up on the net. I have plans to make a new website only about Alias (specifically a resource for spreading the word about it), but I can't design it if I want it to be anywhere close to good. I don't care how good you are, as long as you can do better than me. I really want to keep this site going, but I just suck at web design, and I don't have the time anymore to get screen caps of all episodes. It takes me about seven hours to do one episode of Alias. It's a real pain, and the quality sucks on them anyway, why bother? And I suck at web design. No arguments there. If someone would be kind enough to contact me about that here I would forever be in their debt. Heck, if you're interested in helping out with the site, even if not you're not involved with the design, go right ahead and email me. I'd be happy to let you help me out, since Geckoguy has moved on to the big computer lab in the sky. . . wait, that's not right. He's just making his own site, so I need help with my new one. All of the content of this site will be down by the end of August. With school starting I have less time to work on this, but I will start to plan the new site. If you want me to contact you about new info on the new site, send an email to me. Thanks for your cooperation, and good bye to Aliens and Spies.

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