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Cannabis oil (from

All the shit in my process is real easy to get. Make sure its shit you got, mostly in your kitchen, recycle bin, bathroom, basically your fucking house or apartment or cardboard box if that's where you make your drugs at. 

Materials needed-

1. Any kind of air tight jar to store hash oil
2. Work area that isn't too stuffy ventilation wise
3. Good amount of Nail Polish Remover with main ingredient acetone (or straight acetone from the hardware store works too, but my mom don't have a hardware shop under the bathroom sink) (if you only got a medium amount of nail polish remover/ acetone dilute it with water or rubbing alcohol or some shit that makes your head spin when u accidentally breath it in and is pretty watery)
4. Two jars with lids enough to fit your shit in floating in the nail polish remover
5. A small light preferably halogen desk lamp that gets hot and can be moved around quick and easy.
6. An old shirt, filter, coffee filter, paper towel, napkin, anything that will filter out large shit and let liquid pass through.
7.(opt) One of your jars will probably have a lid you can do your light bulb home hash oil cooking at. If not you will probably want a small dish or bowl or whatever. Doesn't fuckin matter man. This is all for fun. If you're a tight ass, you'll want a Pyrex peetree dish if you're me you'll be lazy and wanna get high and just use the lid from the fuckin glass jar that's all shitty and smelly. Here's a good idea. Use a clean ashtray) (non-smokers can kiss my ASH!)
8. Some Weed, Hash, A disassembled bowl (as much as you can get it, if its glass it will still work), a head piece, some resin on foil or anything else with some res on it including a hacked up piece of some potheads lung (hey man recycle fucker!)

Ok. The recipe I read and did on here got fucked up. I altered it and it worked. Then I perfected it for the most lazy druggy fuck. Even worse than me. The only reason I'm even righting this now is because I'm on speed. So anyway most of the recipes on here including the hash oil one are written for rich fucking chemists, which I and most of you are not. I needed a fuckin dictionary to understand this bullshit process this last guy did so here's my easy one.

Step 1. Take your resin source and put it in a jar

Step 2. Pour enough nail polish remover (acetone) in the jar until the resin source is completely covered and able to move freely.

Step 3. Cover the jar.

Step 4. Shake the jar as hard as you can to get that fuckin res mixed in that liquid. Stop every like minute or when your hand gets tired to open the top and vent the air pressure. When it seems the liquid can get no darker move on to Step 5.

Step 5. Take the second unused jar and make a funnel with the filter object I told your ass to get in the materials list if you were paying attention. Stretch the funnel or whatever across the mouth of the jar and then let a lot droop down into the jar.

Step 6. Pour the shit you've been shaking through the filter.

Step 6a. Squeeze all the liquid out of the crap in the filter into the filtered liquid jar. 

Step 7. Dump the resin source out of the filter back into the jar used for the mixing. Repeat Steps 3 through 6a all over again.( Don't make me write it again)

Ok you don't need your resin source anymore so do what you want with it. If its your headpiece put it back in your bong. If its foil, wrap thanksgiving dinner, if its your bowl put it back together, if its a glass piece, put it in a case, etc.

Now you should have twice the amount of filtered liquid right? Cause you soaked your res source and filtered it twice? Ok? Time for cooking before smoking

Ok this could take some time could not. The guy that wrote the original said to let the mixture sit and it would evaporate quickly until it got as thick as cooking oil and then it was done. That guy was an asshole. I let it sit for 3 hours and the level didn't change at all. So he said you could cook it down at low heat and that would be fast. NO IT FUCKIN ISN'T. I cooked it forever. I was supposed to cook it until you couldn't smell the acetone( and I guess it wasn't supposed to be flammable). Well I discovered this method works best and is most efficient.

Step 8. Make sure you lid your jar of filtered liquid and shake it for just a bit to be sure all the hash is in there. Pour some or all, if you can, of your liquid onto a relatively enclosed flat surface as mentioned in the materials list, like a big jar cap or some shit. 

Step 9. Not a lot of people like rasins, but I love the shit you can do with UV cooking. Take the light and get it as close to the liquid as possible. I mean within less than an inch. it will start to smoke. Don't worry this is very good. The liquid will get darker. Repeatedly check the liquid to see if it still smells of acetone. Take small samples and see if they are flammable if you can't smell at all. You should notice brown oily ovals cycling around the top as the acetone burns off. Store in airtight bottle. Distribute with eyedropper or just use a straw or hollowed out pen with your thumb at the other end like when you are bored in a restaurant.

Step 9a.( NOT RECOMMENDED)- this is purely theory. Nail polish remover (acetone) is flammable. hash oil is not. if you are in such a rush and don't care about hash quality you could try burning the liquid in the filtered liquid jar until it wont burn anymore. I tried this and it tasted bitter when I smoked it though and didn't get me as high probably because THC evaporates when touches by a direct flame.


Hash oil is not flammable

It isn't a great idea to touch a bare flame to

Try soaking a bud, cig or joint in it. Use sparingly.

Best way to smoke is vaporizing. Not great in long term effects. Put a few drops on a piece of aluminum foil. Light under foil to make it boil and vaporize. inhale steam. suggested by using straw or hollowed out pen held between teeth.
