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AnGeL's wEiRd PaGe

Here are some silly jokes! - I think/know they're aiming for kids! lol

Q: How do you make milk shake? - Give it a good scare!

Q: What runs but never walks? - Water!

Q: Why did the cookie go to the Hospital? - Because it felt crummy!

Q: Why did the donut go to the dentist? - It needed a chocolate filling!

Q: What did that space man say when he set foot on a giant chocolate bar? - I’ve just set foot on Mars!

Q: Why did the gum cross the road? - It was stuck to the chicken's foot!

- If you've got any good jokes... tell me, please!! Because right now i've only got corny jokes, as you can see! (I got my cursor from!) Moving on....

AnGeL's Wise/True Words...

My Fave Web Sites!!!

Strange Places - It's cool! hee hee
Funny Junk - It's Funny junk really...!!
Stupid Videos - it's so funny! hee hee
Bored - a website for when your bored!
Neopets - you can live a virtrual world! o_0 cool
