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Welcome to the Page of my Life
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There's really not much to say about me.  
It's the middle of my 9th grade year (I’m a Freshman, for those of you who can’t do the math)  I’ve written a novel, and am hoping to get it published.  You can check it out on my stories page, the title is Byrning Fire, Crystal Sword.
I love writing stories, as well as poetry, and plays and everything else in between.
I love StarWars and Lord of the Rings(books and movies).  Orlando Bloom is HOT, and, oh my gosh, Pirates of the Carribean rocks.

I went to the Return of the King midnight showing, and I was in much awe and wonder….I am absolutely crazy about Lord of the Rings, and I admire Éowyn, she is my role model J
As you can tell, I have way too much time on my hands.  I read the dictionary.  I know what could quite possibly be the longest word in the world, and can even spell it from memory.  The word is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, and it means a fear of really long words.  If you know a longer word, by all means, email me!
What else do you want to know?  My birthday is July 11, 1989, I don't have a favorite color, I'm a little punk-ish, with the whole studs-n-spikes thing, I am a major pyromaniac, I love goats, especially in pink togas(inside joke), I have plans for world domination, my entire social life is built on jokes, I am the p resident and founder of the I-Hate-Everyone-Who-Hates-Me Club, I want to be an author/actress when I grow up, and I also want to go into either the Army or the Air Force.
If you have any more questions, email me at or post in my guestbook and I'll gladly tell you/post it here.
BTW, I do have MSN instant messenger, feel free to add me.