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HeY! iT's YoU!

HeY! yO, mY hOmE sLiCe! WuT iS uP, mY dAwG?! *lol* j/k I bet you didn't know that Elm Trees Grow Sideways To The North On Thursdays!! Oh, yeah.. LINKIN PARK IS SO AWESOME, THEY'RE MORE THAN AWESOME! I think that made sense..if not..oh well..Linkin Park is a pretty damn good band!..I hope that made more sense..*lol*.. !*ReAd ThIs*! !*!The End Of The World!*! When the end of the world comes everone will be the same. We will all act, look, and be the same. Nothing will be differant, except for maybe race, eyes, and other details, but basically the same. We will all be robots basically. No mind of our own. The people who can stop this from happening are the individuals, the freaks, goths, people who arent a clone. The world will be nevermore when the drones take over, when the individuals disapear, when I will be like you and you will be like me. If you are called a freak take it as a compliment. Think that the word freak means differant, an individual, not the same, it will make you proud to be a "freak". If you have problems being called names, dont look the same everyday. Let people wonder what you are. Don't be exactly or almost like someone else. When everyone is reading a teeniebopper magazine and wearing plaid because the mag. said "plaid is the school fashion for the year" that is when the earth will become HELL! BY: Ida Know Well, now thats all i can think of to put on here so soon it'll have more stuff..=]

The Things I Hate Most!

