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My Wiccan Page
My Wiccan Page

Have you ever wondered what Wicca is? Does it make you think of something evil, and wrong? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s NOT. Wicca is a peaceful, nature loving religion that recognizes the male and female charges of God. As a Witch, I don’t worship the Christian Devil. Or believe in the Christian Hell. To believe in something, is to give it power. If you send out something negative, it will come back to you three times worse. If you send out something positive, it comes back to you three times better. I also believe in Reincarnation. That mean that when I die, I think I will go to a place called the Summerland. That’s almost like the Christian Heaven. In the Summerland, I will look back on this previous life before I move on to my next life. It’s almost like a gigantic learning process.

I know what you’re thinking. I just totally flipped your mind. I just told you what no one else has ever told you, and I must be wrong. Well, I’ve been studying for almost two years now, and if I thought that this was evil and bad in some way, I would of found a different religion. I find the idea of God having two sides ( masculine and feminine) very interesting. In Wicca, there is more than one God/dess. Diana is one of my favorite Goddesses to work with, She’s the Moon Goddess. In other words, she represents the moon and it’s power.

Angels can also be part of Wicca. I do work with them during magick. Everyone have a Guardian angel, and I talk to mine! You can try it, If u need to know an answer to something, just ask your GA (Guardian Angel!). You may not get an answer right away, but your GA will try it’s best to help you. If you’re in trouble, ask your GA for protection. When I’m bored, I talk to my GA in my head.

Now, the BEST part! Magick is a BIG part of my life. A spell is basically a prayer. I have added my BOS (Book Of Shadows) to my site. These are different spells I’ve picked up and found useful. If you have any useful spells that you would like me to add, email me.
My Mind First Spells Second Page