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For Chris
Only for Chris

Yeah, I know Chris is my ex, and me and him aren't really friends anymore... but he's a nice but umm.. he went to my Inner Me pages and thought two of the poems were about him. (I believe they're on the 3rd page) The poems aren't just about him.. but since he bitched... he can kiss my ass and deal with the poems below.. which ARE about him!!

~*~ And as another note... if Justin finds this page, please note that the first one is ATLEAST TWO YEARS OLD. Which is no reason to get mad about. The second is almost as old, but I believe was originially wrote around the time of John.~*~

Warm kisses slipped down her cheek.
She purred softly and stroked his hair.
His grip tightened and she pressed
against his hard body.
A gasp escaped her as his soft fingers
glided across her hard nipples.
She kissed his earlobe as
he moved deeper inside her.
Her legs locked around his waist
as his lips met hers
in a firey wet dance.
They moved together with
their bodies locked as one.
Time knew no value
as they danced to nature's song.
The universe seemed minute
to their deep passion.
Breathing seemed impossible
as he held her tight.
The moment came too quickly
even the two hours wasn't enough.
She was gasping for air.
as his seed dried on her.

Time doesn't allow you to forget
the one that stole your heart and soul.
nothing takes away the pain
of knowing it wasn't ment to last.
Ignorance isn't the key
to moving on with your life
Hatred isn't the way to
handle the hellish changes.
Homework doesn't keep
the memory of his kisses away.
You can't change the past
or successfully forget it.
Love is a powerufl, painful experience
that leaves an inprint for life

I'd just like to add that Chris and I dated for a year and a half. He's not as bad as all think.. If he would apply himself to more than getting high, then his possibilities would be endless. We had our arguments, but I don't regret going out with him... or anything.

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