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*desperatly wants a snowjob*
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From: videogamer22322 | Posted: 6/22/2002 12:39:32 PM | Message Detail
Man...I really wish I could have just 1 snowjob. I would have it slow and hard. It would be the best snowjob I ever had. Oh yea.

"Let's go to my room, Shmee. We'll hide under the blankets, and maybe fall asleep before we die." -Squee (JTHM)
From: tooietime2 | Posted: 6/22/2002 12:41:14 PM | Message Detail
Me too, videogamer. But remember, it's gotta be cold, or else it's not a snowjob. I wish there was a girl around here to give out snowjobs...girls give out the best snowjobs, ya know.
Mmmmm...camara-ie...-Johnny Bravo after eating Carl's camera
From: videogamer22322 | Posted: 6/22/2002 12:44:35 PM | Message Detail
Man you brought back some sweet memories tooie. I remember my first snowjob. It was back in 97. A girl was on the street selling them for 99 cents. I thought "Hey, I've never had a snowjob before. I think I'll try one." Next thing I knew I was hooked. I eveb webt to a snowjob support group but that didn't help. I've been off em for 5 days but man the craving is unbearable.

"Let's go to my room, Shmee. We'll hide under the blankets, and maybe fall asleep before we die." -Squee (JTHM)
From: tooietime2 | Posted: 6/22/2002 12:48:28 PM | Message Detail
Just give into the urge....go out again and buy yourself another snowjob. You'll be glad you did.
Mmmmm...camara-ie...-Johnny Bravo after eating Carl's camera
From: videogamer22322 | Posted: 6/22/2002 12:51:31 PM | Message Detail
but were will I get the money??? Rates for snowjobs have really gone up these days.

"Let's go to my room, Shmee. We'll hide under the blankets, and maybe fall asleep before we die." -Squee (JTHM)
From: Mad Tight Bizow Man | Posted: 6/26/2002 1:22:54 PM | Message Detail
*steals some karma*
From: SpaceCowboy1337 | Posted: 6/27/2002 2:00:26 AM | Message Detail
my god, this is messed up.
See you next time, Space Cowboy
From: Shaggy Glucose | Posted: 6/27/2002 2:04:20 AM | Message Detail
I've never had a snowjob before...what's it like?
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
Save a tree - Eat a beaver!
From: Swordofjudgement | Posted: 6/27/2002 11:11:38 PM | Message Detail
***************| 0_o |*****************************
******* This topic is so F'ed up that***********
*******it hurts to read. Case closed.
********"Riiiiiiight." - Dr. Evil********************
My Project: Post on every single board
From: bne27 | Posted: 6/27/2002 11:12:33 PM | Message Detail

Best Name Ever, "I love democracy" -Palpatine
The Night Shift:
From: ness445 | Posted: 6/27/2002 11:16:38 PM | Message Detail
LOL! O___________________________o
=( 'c' )= Night Shift Check teh quote.
Proud member of The Irken Army of DOOM! "Dance with us GIR! Dance with us into oblivion!" - Weenies
From: videogamer22322 | Posted: 6/28/2002 12:00:30 PM | Message Detail
w00t! me and tooie got a seal of wierdness!
Dora the Explorer says "Where's the red ball?" When it's behind her roughly the size of a city block.-Oldbill
From: Poop Dawgg | Posted: 6/28/2002 2:54:28 PM | Message Detail
*takes a bow*

Thank you, thank you...
Ah'm p00p dawgg, j0. I gots a adhesive medical strips.
From: Cow Lover | Posted: 6/28/2002 5:14:26 PM | Message Detail
Heh. Only a matter of time...
The Cow says: MOO!
From: Scum | Posted: 6/29/2002 6:23:51 PM | Message Detail
Heh. Not too much longer.
From: MegamanX | Posted: 6/30/2002 11:21:44 AM | Message Detail
TaurusP78:Errrrrrr Ummmmmm Emmmmmm Urrrrrrr..... *runs*
Lord Topman: ....

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