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At some point this page had more content. But eventually I decided the only stuff remotely worth keeping were the fannish wallpapers.
And really, the only reason for keeping them is a weird sense of nostalgia when it comes to this site...

X/1999. A Kamui/Fuma wallpaper that looks like less work than it actually was. [136kb]

Velvet Goldmine. Made from a screencap of one of my fave shots in the film. [261kb]

Velvet Golmine. Basially the same as above in different colours. [269kb]

Utena. A very simple wallpaper made of shots from the 2nd ending sequence. I still think it's pretty. :) [193kb]

Trigun. I'm insanely proud of this wallpaper. And I've been always fascinated with Vash's sunglasses. :)
Could be considered containing a spoiler for ep 23 of the anime, but i don't think you'll get it, if you don't know what you're looking for. [229kb]

Trigun. If I'd be the song-based-wallpaper making kind of person, I'd have put meaningfull lyrics on this one. As it is, it only features the Naked!Vash shot from the anime. ^^ [125kb]

Yami no Matsuei. Hisoka and Tusuki and the red moon.
The bloody roses in the foreground might seem a bit much, but I needed to cover up the fact that half of Hisoka's back was missing from the screencap I used. ^^; [266kb]

Yami no Matsuei. Muraki and Oriya and the red moon. Hm, see any pattern there? ;) [172kb]

Red Hot Chili Peppers. Just a screencap from the video of 'Warped' I've tinkered with on a whim. ^^ [134kb]

Nowhere. Strange wallpaper for a even stranger film by Gregg Araki. Not the one I actually intended making, though. [555kb]

Batman. Poison Ivy. Isn't she pretty? [648kb o.0]

Disclaimer-ish thing: While the walpapers are made by me, the art they are based on most definitely isn't.

For criticism, suggestions, praise ;) and flames e-mail me.