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Fishy Stina's Underwater Adventures

Previous Parts and Stories

If you recollect the Fantasy Disney and Fairytale stories that were on display in an English class, this is to a similar extent.

To HelpYou Understand Who The Characters Might Be, Take The First Letter Of Each Of The Character Names And Place The Letter That Preceedes It In The Alphabet To Discover Their Identity. It's Not Hard To Do.
EXAMPLE: Kason = Jason, Misa = Lisa


Part 11
Well, once Gishy saw that T-tina wasn't dead, she went back up to her and grabbed Qatrick on the way. She took his little sting-ray tail and placed it on T-tina chest. She stepped back and told Qatrick to current away. He would have... but he was slightly constipated so he couldn't just go on the spot. So they took a short break and Qatrick went behind some bushes and let it go. Then he came back and got in the same position as before. With the strength he could muster he gave a big shock to T-tina.

T-tina awoke with a big scream and odd look (similar to that lady on Pulp Fiction who has the adrenaline shot sticking out of her chest) She looked around and saw that Qatrick had brought her back. As flimsy as she was right after being waken from almost death, she grabbed Qatrick and started kissing him passionatly. Qatrick was so scared that he started to let his electric power leak out... this made Gishy mad. She grabbed Qatrick and said that if he didn't behave she would lock him in that cave with T-cott. He agreed to behave.

In the mean time Faston was still down below unconcious. Sadly, Lara and Lassandra had found him... with RAZORS!!! They saw his pretty scales and decided to make pretty necklaces out of them. As they were coming closer to him, Gishy dived down and knocked them over the head with her powerful fin. FASTON WAS SAVED... but still unconcious. So... Gishy called to T-tina to come down and try to wake him up.

The only thing that worked was Gishy holding his eyelids open (and hers shut) and Qatrick keeping his head elevated as T-tina did a strip tease with the Amish clothes she still had on. Comming to, Faston got so rialed up that he shot off to T-tina, grabbed her around the waist and took off to some unknown place.

So, now Gishy and Qatrick have to find more people.

Intresting Sites... well... sorta....

Stina Fishy's Site! Almost like a sequel or something.

A Boring Person's Sanctuary. Try the Lemonde Stand.

Anime Cap III