It's All About Me!

Hello, I'm michelle. I live in munhall, AKA funhall where the leading cause of death for kids 12-18 is boredom. But besides that i'm 15, my birthday is in may (get me a nice present) and i'm in 10th grade at svhs (steel valley high school) we are the ironmen...pretty lame what a ghetto "mascot" but it means we get to play ozzy's Ironman song for football...*yeah kristin i mean spiderman theme song* haha. munhall is a boring place, unless you have friends...which i don't. school is cool get to hang out and sleep a bunch...

Since I don't really have a life I'm an Horrible student, I play clarinet (which i currently suck at, but i'm working on it, my goal is to come back in 11th grade and kick kristin's arse, haha, or at least mike's) but I'm not in the Marching band due to my lameo parents but in 11th grade i'm gonna be in pit. I like to think i'm a computer geek, i am on it all the time,...and I'm poor because NOBODY WILL HIRE ME!!!!...

I write you can prolly tell. It's kinda bad...but I like it. I also love to read poetry. I don't really have a FAVORITE poet, but I like Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Anne Bradstreet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Whalt Whitman, Edgar Allan Poe, a few poems from Philip Freneau, and e. e. cummings, and a bunch of others...yes i sit around reading morbid poetry about how dysfunctional the world is while listening to loud and angry music..shut up...i don't care what you think about it. P.S. I hate English Class.

I also write short stories, although I haven't written a decent one in quite a while, I've been busy. *actually i wrote one about a week after i wrote this, i might put it up on my site..i don't know* I read alot of Stephan King, John Saul, Douglass Clegg, and Dean Koontz. I'm really into Edogawa Rampo who writes Japanese mysteries.

My only other big outlet is music. I love music. i love simple plan...and blink...but ozzy is great and ICP"S new Cd is "the shit"...but any way... I like blue-grass, country, classical, techno, and a bit of pop stuff too..and I'm a oldies fan. (oh yeah, the songs from jekyll and hyde kick arse) Okay..I could go on but I won't.

Okay okay. small update. I'm single again!!! Suprising? No. actually there is a small "love intrest" that i'm working on letting myself get with...he's all for it but i'm being but anyway i'm into all kinda stuff just gots to ask but mainly music, writing, reading, living and the internet. or living on the internet which ever way you see it. I spend way too much time living and being on the net. haha i have to go though so....

Okay, now that I'm done sounding extremly pathetic I'm gonna say good-bye and listen to some more music...*shouts* GOOD-BYE!!

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