
These are shoutouts to my are prolly here somewhere if i talk to you....and their s/n's are next to their names....

Somewhere between the procrastination and the homework, the nonstop forwards and the friendships and the calls to each other complaining about crushes, Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends and the "I miss you's" the "I love you's" and the "What are we doing tonight's?” Somewhere between all of the changing and growing and Somewhere between the classes and the skipping classes, the studying for tests and the pretending to study for tests and the downright NOT studying for tests I forgot I forgot what school was all about. Somewhere between all the starbucks coffees and Diet Cokes. Making plans then breaking plans, Appearing, Disappearing, then re-appearing I forgot, I forgot what it was like to cry I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy and that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future I forgot that you can't control falling in love and that you can't make yourself fall in love. I learned that I can love I learned that it's ok to mess up an it's ok to ask for help and it's ok to feel like crap I learned it's ok to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day I learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have. I learned that the greatest thing about high school and the working world isn't the parties or the DRiNKiNG or the hook-ups It's the friendships which means taking chances I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about I learned that time can't heal all things I learned that just when you think it can't get worse it does but withthe love and support of friends you survive I've learned that when you start feeling bad about losing touch those that I’ve lost touch with are feeling the same way But basically I just learned that my friends Both old and new Are the most important people to me in the world. and without them I wouldn't be who I am today So this is a thank you to all of my friends for always being there. and even if we've lost touch I will ALWAYS love you

* M(sleepyfish3)~Okay, okay, so your with adam now....good luck honey.

*Adam(bullgut1)~ Dah-ling, buddy of mine...what a predictament...jeeze what to do...I'll leave it up to you...pick a direction to go and i shall follow...we'll end up in the cemetery anyway. :)

* colin(jazzcaution)~Colin....perfect guys do just aren't one of them! Quick, let's play the fork...i mean the spoon game!!!!!! And harrass mr. bugle

* ang(svAquaGem)~ are you and bre Still together??? How cute.

* Ched(Sv Simple Plan)~ Dude chin up! "Life is shit" but you'll win eventually!!

* brYan(blsoccerplayer)~
Jeeze are you back yet??? Please talk to me.....:(

* kristin(kclarinet1)~
okay, so the twits in english piss us all off!! just smile and be a bitch occasionally..they'll get the hint.

* Steph(s7487tiger)~You are such a Slut...omg if i were as big as a slut as you i'd have to be a prostitute...wait i think they are all more innocent than you...

* Bova(bovaisbatman108)~okay, i didn't call you aaron!! haha ne way...m says ur a jerk, but u know...she hates everybody..good luck with the insert chick's namehere (like you need it) and batman kicks going to icp...? (my new favorite question to ask because i never get to go) and good luck with Karma Kast

* LRF(disturbedfanlrf)~Thanks for introducing me to Eric Draven and the Crow...and all those good bands...Luv ya hun...remeber ya always. :) thanks

* Jess D.(nirvanagirl1987)~ Dude..bummer, no classes..i like never talk to y ou anymore... :(

* All my Rainbow Peeps~ i'm traveling a bunch so i'll see u all there and hopes to see a bunch of you guys on tour...okay?? coolio..peace

That is all the friends i have so later ya'll and peace out.

