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Think About It

When this first started out, this was supposed to be a big site... with loads of shit... funny stuff, mind you. But heck, it kept getting harder and harder to try and make a big site... so, fuck it... new policy : just make the pages one by one and find a place to fit them into the site.

So, if you're here, you're one of the only select few who know this site exists... because (right now at least) it's a small site and shit boring. And I'm not going to bother telling anyone about it. If you think it's cool, go ahead and tell your friends...

I am also a hundred percent sure that nobody is actually going to read all this crap. So, basically, I can type whatever I want about whoever I want and you still won't fucking notice... like if I say that you're so dumb that they had to throw you out of the Limp Bizkit lyricists' association and your butt's so big that you're known as the local Jennifer Lopez, you won't notice... because you won't really read all this... heh heh heh... and if I also say that you're so ugly you give an inferiority complex to Jar Jar Bink's butt, you still won't mind because you haven't read that. You're not reading any of this... Fuck it anyway.

Oh wait, and since you're not reading any of this anyway, this would be an ideal place to put this message in : This site may be objectionable to people I don't like (or give a fuck about) and to those people with what they claim are brains. All characters mentioned in this site may or may not bear resemblance to anyone real living, dead or somewhere in between (depending upon my mood and whether or not they decide to sue). Oh, and one more thing... Parental Guidance Recommended for everyone who watches "Kyunki Saas..." or thinks Westlife and all other spin-offs off the Backstreet Boys are cooler than The Backstreet Boys themselves... or rather, anyone who thinks the Backstreet Boys are cool in the first place... "Dad, I need your permission to see this website!")

So, this site... it's going to have anything and everything I feel like putting into a website. And I don't give a fuck whether you like it or not (well, maybe I'd reconsider if you mailed me telling me that this was the best darn site you've ever been to). And... ... ... that's it I guess.

Scream On, dudes! (and dudettes... come to think about it, most of the people who might see this sight will be dudettes, but owing to the fact that that is not actually a real word and also whoever heard of someone calling someone else "dudette", I shall address everyone who's reading as "dude")

PS : Don't piss me off (I don't quite know why I wrote that, but still...)
