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Hi my name is Shauna


Welcome to my first homepage.  Hope u enjoy. You can email me

Here are some of my favorite pages






I like all of these sites cause they all have really cool games you can play and other cool things you can do.


Let me tell you a little about myself I go to Soper High school Yeah go Red Bears and I am in Upward Bound at SOSU it's cool I get to go to school in the summer yeah. My nick name is the WildChild because I use to get into trouble all the time when I was little and so my mother called me her little wildchild. Well that all about me for now I will be add new and cooler things to my web site so this page is being worked on so don't think this is it ok bye.     

you can also go to some of my friends site they are all being worked on just as mine is so just kind of keep look to see what new thats been added (What ever is on these sites it's not my doing) helmer



you can find out more of what we do in upward bound by clicking on Upwardbound this will take you to the website