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Levelland Pagan Coven Home
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Levelland Pagan Coven

Are you Pagan?
Do you walk the path of spirituality which includes a love for nature?
Do you see the Creator as more than a judgemental and vengeful God?
Do you seek to walk a path that includes the rule of "and it shall harm none; so mote it be?"
Do you study Wicca or other non-Christian related spiritual paths?
Consider joining the Levelland Pagan Coven. No fees. No creeds. No baptisms. No required attendance. No tithes.
Certificates available after "a year and a day of study."

If you practice as a solitaire, and would like to meet people with shared interests, consider joining, but don't expect to be introduced to other Pagans until we get to know you better.

Our listing is open to anyone, but privacy is guaranteed. See me for further details.

Membership list

Please note that covens usually consist of, up to 12 or 13 members. It's usual to split off into a new group at about that number. Our list represents members who may, or may not, already belong to their own local covens. Our coven list represents mostly members who express an interest in belonging to a larger group of people who share similar beliefs.

Only your coven name is displayed. Your coven name will be matched against your actual name on file. Membership cards will be available soon.