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OK. This is my Vampires page. On this one, I will just go into some generalizations that are common to all types of Vampires. First of all, Vampires are people too. This may sound odd, but many people seem to have a problem with the fact that they have a deficiency. To people that do have that problem, here's a little analogy...Would you ridicule a person that was diabetic? Didn't think so... Same principle. Stepping off my soapbox now.
Vampires are people who have an energy deficiency. There are two ways that they correct this. Sanguinarius vampires take blood from donors. Psychic vampires take psychic energy from either people or more natural sources.

Types of Vampires

Psychic Vampires
Sanguinarian Vampires
Vampire Hunters(spooky)
General Tips for Making Life Easier
Frequently Asked Questions(coming soon)
