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ok this isnt the greates story but email me and tell me what you think about it-

Every time I make my way towards school I see this eerie doll in the toy store window. He holds up an odd picture I still don’t understand. I swear I once saw it move! Each time I look at its shiny plastic face I get chills down my spine.

One day I was on my way back home, exhausted from the day of math problems and stems tests, I looked into the glass and blinked rapidly at the site of the doll. It was in a different position; a smirk on its face, eyes straight so that it looked as if it were peering at me, and it had its legs crossed innocently. The doll had not once moved a millimeter in the five years of gazing at its appearance. I search around me to see if anybody was around. I turned and set my eyes on bare streets. Here I was, isolated on the chilly streets of Irmo, South Carolina facing the manikin of my nightmares. I shivered and decided I better leave but my eyes were glued to the spot where the doll sat. It was so curious that the doll had moved!

I finally tear my eyes away from the glass window and continue my walk home. On the way I couldn’t stop thinking about the doll. That night I was running away from a frightening figure in the woods. I ran faster and faster but each time I checked behind me to see where he was I would notice he was closer than the time before. I ran and ran but then I stumbled over a twig. I looked up to see the dark stormy sky and then the devilish doll flashed in to view. It was a horrendous sight. It had a smirk on and there was blood dripping from his clownish costume that now had a design of skeletons instead of the cheery multicolored dots. He lifted an ax high above my head and swung it down with all his strength. I shut my eyes and right when the ax would of hit my bare flesh, I heard birds singing and a warm beam of light spreading across my bedspread. I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing my familiar room. I was so relieved that I was alive. But just then I saw something move in the bushes outside. My eyes were now wide open, I looked down and almost had a heart attack at the sight of muddy footprints on my white carpet that started at the window and led to my bed then short footprints back to the window as if the something or someone that had gotten in my room quickly ran to my window to escape. And if that wasn’t enough my window was open and the breeze was gently swaying the curtains to and fro. This would have been a pleasant sight if I were not in such a horrible situation. Finally I got up to close my window but once I was close enough to see outside, I saw a small envelope resting on the top of the outside bush. I picked it up, unfolded it and read:

"Bewar ov ur nihtmares!!!!!"

I gasped and looked wide-eyed at the note, reading it over and over out loud to myself. After I finally woke up from this trance I noticed the cold sweat running down my neck.

The next night, I had the same dream again, but instead of waking up to a sunny morning I woke up to a dark stormy night with the same feel in the air as in my dream. I looked over to my clock and saw it was 1:00am and then rolled my eyes. Usually I am a heavy sleeper so I wondered what had wakened me up so soon. I didn’t have to puzzle over that for long. I heard rapid footsteps outside and when I turned to look I saw my window opened. I could barely move but finally for my own safety I forced my self to go and shut the window and lock it while I was at it.

I didn’t feel much safer afterwards…not that I had much time to feel safe. I felt something brush up against me. I turned around thinking it would just be one of my clothes hanging carelessly from my bedpost. But once I spun around, I saw a familiar plastic face with beady red eyes peering in to mine, he slowly moved toward me. I couldn’t move. Frozen in fright, my only choice was to scream. I opened my mouth but no noise came out. So, There I stood my mouth wide open as well as my eyes and the dark shadowy figure of the doll coming closer and closer to me. I had to do something! I quickly picked up a bat lying on the floor and was ready to swing but right when it would of smashed the dolls plastic body in to pieces, I woke up the room exactly as it was in my dream, I looked around then closed my eyes. I knew something was wrong. Cold clammy hands suddenly covered my mouth. My eyes opened in a flash. I struggled but I couldn’t loosen his grip. The doll threw me on to my bed and while still covering my mouth, he pinched my nose in attempt to suffocate me. I wiggled around having no idea what I was going to do if I was to get out of the dolls clutches. I started to feel unconscious and my eyelids began to droop. The last thing I saw was the same red ax from my dreams high above me, ready to come down.

By: Katie O.
