You might be wondering to yourself, Are these squirrels? well..the answer is NO! Even though they might LOOK like squirrels, I assure you my friend, these are not squirrels. They are chipmunks. Yes..that is the truth. These furry little creatures are commonly mistaked for the common squirrel. Im sorry, these rodents arent the ones you find as road kill. I know that that might have sounded harsh, but that is the grim reality. As a matter of fact, chipmunks are famous. I am sure you have heard of Alvin and the chipmunks and Chip and Dale the rescue rangers. If you havent (shame on you) you would know that these shows main stars are chipmunks..yes...below are pictures of who I am speaking of. <--Alvin and the chipmunks. <--Chip and Dale the rescue rangers. Yes...I hope that those pictures have refreshed your hideous little mind of the popular shows that have aired. The talented Alvin and the chipmunks are known to have great voices. People put their songs on their answering machines, sing their songs while in the shower. Yes..yes..don't lie..your whole family has to suffer every time you "think" you can sing..yes..well..Alvin and the chipmunks have made a c.d. Below is the cover of their c.d Since little children are familiar with the species known as chipmunks, they have become of a habit to pet us. Shown below is a child petting a chipmunk. Well..they arent too fond of this so called "petting". Every time a human "pets" us, we know that we will conquer their home. Chipmunks have also met famous people. This is a picture of a chipmunk shaking hands with one of our ex-presidents. What a coinsidence that this was the only president that was kicked out of office because of the watergate thing? May this be a historical fact that the chipmunks had to do with the destruction of the goverment? (i think so..) *under construction* updated on May 26th.