Quest for the Rose

Chapter 7
(Spoken by AJ)
There’s something missing
There always is
An end to the story
An end to the fight

Looking over the garden of your heart
There’s an important flower missing
The one that means remember
(~Nick~ Don’t forget me)
Looking over the hills and misty plains
I know there’s danger that lies ahead
Don’t let me go alone
(~Nick~ Go alone!)

I’m on a quest
(~Howie/Nick~ Quest for the rose)
Where I’ll find it
my heart
(~Howie/Nick~ My heart only knows)
I can see the way and though it’s not easy
I‘d rather travel it than live without you

(This song was written by me for this story. Not a real BsB song. Sorry! But if you want, I can write a song for your stories!)

She sighed. “Well, now we have a theme song for the Mission. The quest for the rose!!”

Chapter 8
They had told all the people of the land they were to leave in the morning, but preparations were made for them to leave that night. They all gathered in the hall of meetings and discussed about their trip. “And were shall we start, your highness?” asked Kenaz, looking over a map. “We shall start with you all calling me either Striker or Mercenary. None of this king, your majesty or highness crap” Lygia smiled. “You’ve been teaching him new words, I see,” she whispered to Lorri. She nodded. “He’s learning quite well” “Second, the mountains seem to call out to me. As if they hold a key part in al of this. But before any of this must happen… we must find a rose.” “A rose?” asked Safire. “Before the kidnapper took Mercy, he told Lorri she wouldn’t see him… until there was brought before him… a rose.” “Well that can’t be to hard,” said Lygia. But the looks on her friend’s faces told a different story. Striker proceeded to tell her and Safire what he knew about the roses and there connection to the fairies. “So there is no hope!” Safire huffed as she sat on a chair. “No. There is more to that legend,” said Zaaman. “Please, tell us all you know,” said Lorri, sitting on the floor beside Striker’s chair. “Well, as I said, it is only legend, but they say there still are many… up in-“ “Zaaman! You do not mean us to go there?!” Kenaz burst out. “No. I am just telling you what I know.” “There is a forest…” Explained Boaz to Safire and Lygia. “But no one has come back from it!” Yelled Kenaz again. “Come” said Striker, rising from his chair, taking his wife’s hand. “If that is where our path leads us, that is the way I shall go. None of you have to follow. I do not wish harm to come to any of you. But I shall go” He looked down to Lorri. “As shall I,” she boldly stated, not afraid of any foe when it came to her child. “Count me in,” said Lygia, and Zaaman stood behind her, saying like he had when he left this place “Where Lygia goes, I shall follow.” “You’re not leaving without me Mr. Frodo!!” said a voice hidden. Lorri laughed, knowing full well whom it was, as the others looked blindly for the voices owner. “No Samwise, we won’t leave without you.” Lorri’s mother then popped out of her hiding place. Since they had first heard of the Lord of the rings stories, Lorri had been Frodo, and her mother Sam. “Then the journey begins.” All were surprised at who’s voice stated it. “Are you sure Kenaz? You seemed… scared of it just a moment ago,” Striker asked, hoping to rile him. He always teased the older man, but he really didn’t know if they could do it without him. He often wondered if he should have been the king instead. Kenaz eyes turned to green flames, but he knew the young kings plan. Get him riled at being called scared and he had to go. Well, it worked he smiled inside. “I think you can count us in,” Safire smiled, taking her husbands hand.