Quest for the Rose

Chapter 23
Lygia’s head was swimming as she stared out to the stars. What could this ‘king’ Christoph Von Dumas plan be? How could he prove he was king? Eleazar was King by blood. You can’t change blood… but you can be made to forget it! That was it! She rushed out her room and down the stairwell, eager to find the others and tell them her discovery. But she was stopped at the bottom of the steps. “Hello…” the sultry voice whispered. “H-h-hi…” “You… in a hurry there baby?” She sighed, rolling her eyes. So, he looked like Usher. That doesn’t mean every girl falls for you. She knew he probably wasn’t a really bad guy, but she was in a hurry. “Yes, so if you please-“ “Maybe I can help you. Please, call me Perez.” He took her hand and kissed it. Perez…Perez… why does that sound familiar? “It is a very common name in these parts.” Had she said that out loud? Wait… wasn’t Perez the guy that Zaaman… oh, crap!!! She tried to run, but he still had hold of her hand. “I killed Zaaman, and gave him a new life, a darker, but better life,” He seemed to grow as he spoke, towering over her as she fell. “And he turned against me. Tried to kill me… I could not let him get away with that. I killed Yolanda years ago. Now I will kill you.” Tears streamed down her face as she was paralyzed with fear, and probably some control he had over her mind. Her world went black.

“Lygia? Lygia… can you hear me?” She opened her eyes slowly, looking into Dayna’s face. “What happened?” she asked, rising up on her elbows. “Slow down there, babe. You’ve had some blood loss.” “But what happened?” “Zaaman saved you…” “You seem sad…where is Zaaman? Dayna?” “He’s fine. He’s bruised and has a couple broken bones, but he’s gonna be just fine. It’s Lorri I’m worried about. Things are really getting to her. We need to find Mercy.” “But I know the kings plan!!”

Chapter 24
The end of the week came and the guests were assembled in the courtyard. “My friends! The time has come!!! I shall prove I am the true king… How shall I do this you ask? When that brat of a boy sits upon the throne? For starters, I have his son!!” A cheer went up through the crowd. “To bad your plans won’t work!!” Everyone gasped, looking to one of the highest turrets. There were three silhouettes. “And who are you to change my plans?” scoffed the Ozzy looking king. “Because I am the true King…” The mock king smirked. “Eleazar. The king himself. Come with… two of his friends to stop me? Oh, I am frightened!” he laughed, and slowly the rest of the crowd laughed. “What If I told you I knew your plan?” “Alright then, lets hear my great plan. Saves me the trouble of talking.” He sat back in his chair, getting comfortable, folding his hands over his chest. “Over the years, as Enosh, Skoob, and Jehoram and the river Jerald fought for the crown, you managed to dig up every last rose bush. All but one. Once you have that one, you can change peoples memories.” “Correct…” “What If I said I had that last rose.” He leaned down into the setting suns light. The rose, after almost two weeks, still had not faded. Christoph’s eyes became wide as he stared, looking at it as if he was a wolf looking at a smaller animal, just waiting to be pounced upon. He signaled to three of his guards and they nodded, smiling.
werewolves. “Oh, yeah. Just like old times.” Laughed Kenaz as they ran the other way.