Quest for the Rose

Chapter 21
The guys waited, leaning against the rocks, utterly bored. Zaaman looked over the rock, then slumped back down. His eyes became wide and he looked over again. “What do you see?” Asked Striker, looking with him. He began to laugh hysterically. “I thought AJ was crazy the first time he did it, but I never thought he was crazy enough to do it twice!!” Kenaz grinned. There were 12 beautifully dressed women, one with a vale about her face. If it had not been for the covered face, they would not have known, but it was AJ. “Let’s just hope one of the guards doesn’t take a fancy to him!” Striker laughed again.

“You look lovely today, Alexandria,” grinned Amy. His laughter was muffled under the vale. Soon they were at the gate, which was opened, no questions asked. “Now that we are in, what do we do?” asked Dayna, looking around the fine courtyard, set up for a feast. “Take a seat and see what happens. An opportunity will open. They always do,” said Lorri, sitting at a table largely seated with girls. “Where’s Taylor?” Anna giggled, “She’s over there with that guy that looks like Erick from O-town.” A voice rang above the chatter and Lorri’s heart skipped a beat. There, in the middle of the courtyard, was her child’s kidnapper. “IF you all are ready, we have three Jesters competing to be my personal fool. I introduce Giacomo, the incomparable!” This man was most definitely the king here, but Lorri failed to feel the kingly air about him. Something she had always felt with Striker, though in the beginning she never would have said so. She looked over to Lorraina and could tell she felt the same way. “Wait… Giacomo?” Then shoved in front of everyone, was a petrified Boaz Hawkins. The ‘King’ sat there, amused already. “Well, what have you to say? Why should I chose you as my jester?”
“Well- your maj-j-jesty, King Christoph Von Dumas.” He stuttered, bowing. “I –I am prepared to make a statement…” He straitened himself up as the music started.

When I was a lad I was gloomy and sad
as I was from the day I was born
When other lads giggled and gurgled and wiggled
I proudly was loudly forlorn
My friends and my family looked at me clammily
Thought there was something amiss
When others found various antics hilarious
All I could manage was this…. – or this hoo hoo
Or this – Hoho -or this waahhh …
He made all sorts of faces as he sang, and for a moment, fear left Dayna. Like it was all an act he had done before… but what happens to the jesters the king doesn’t find funny?
My father he shouted “he needs to be clouted
His teeth on a wreath I’ll hand him”
My mother she cried as she rushed to my side
”You’re a brute and you don’t understand him”
So they send for a witch with a terrible twitch
To ask how my future impressed her
She took one look at me and cried “hehehehehe, he?
What else could he be but a jester?”
”A jester?” “A jester?” “A funny idea a jester!”
No butcher no baker no candlestick maker
And me with the look of a fine undertaker
Impressed… her as a jester? * Shrugs *

Lorri sighed as she watched the king laughing. There was no way any other Jester could beat Boaz Hawkins… or Giacomo, however he wanted to be called.

Now where could I learn any comical turn
it was not in a book on the shelf
No teacher to take me and mold me and make me
A merry man, fool or an elf With no other recourses but my own resources
With firm application and determination
I made a fool of myself!

His face changed from jester, to child as he quoted the little poem Lorri had taught him and he often used to amuse his twins.

I found a little bow and I learned to shoot. Now I can shoot and toot, ain’t I cute? Pppppppttttt
Was a serious thing as a rule
For a jesters chief employment is to kill himself for your enjoyment
Chapter 22
He danced about and out of the courtyard. Once everyone had caught their breath, the king had them bring out the other Jesters. They were not as funny, but by no means dull. Lorri just wondered who would be chosen. She looked to the girls about her, but could not find Taylor nor Hanna. “They went off. Taylor with that Erick looking guy, and Hanna with Ashley Angel looking dude.” Anna educated her. “Oh dear. Is this the boy band kingdom or what?” “Not just boy bands, my lady,” informed Amy, “do you notice this king Christoph is an exact replica of a young, frightening Ozzy Osborn?” At this, Lorri had to laugh. She always thought it was silly that her mother thought he was creepy, but now she was frightened of him. “And not just music even!” AJ laughed, pointing to Lorri’s mother. “Do not tell me she managed to find a guy that looks like Tommy Lee Jones?” Lorri asked, looking over. “Nope. Harrison Ford!”

Boaz smiled, a guard having informed him he was now the personal jester to the king. I wouldn’t be so happy if it didn’t mean I was now able to get information we desperately need. He thought, as he walked down the corridors of the castle. He had been wandering aimlessly for almost an hour, mainly looking for his wife or any of the other girls. But all he found at the end of this one, was a heavily barred door. And that was putting it lightly. It was solid metal, thick and probably a few feet thick. The locks and chains on it were massive, and you could tell there was something very important behind it. “Well, now I have something to report to the girls… if I ever find them.”

“This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever done,” complained Striker, fiddling with his outfit. “I doubt that” Zaaman smirked. “I think it will work, actually.” Said Kenaz, looking at the men before him. “It could be worse. We could be dressed up as girls.” Zaaman winked, filing in behind the line of guards. The two others followed, leaving the three real guards tied up in their long red underwear.

Lorri’s time was not an easy one. Her sixth sense about her child was working over time, but she could not find him. Her mother tried to be help, but understandably a little pre-occupied with her Harrison Ford look alike, called Mathew. And not even Striker was there to comfort her, being outside. All the guests were given room in the palace, but none knew the reason for the party. Apparently, this King thought himself not only king of the lands beyond Poema, but of Poema as well and at the end of the week, would prove it. “Lord, wherever Striker is, Please send him quickly.” “God always listens to his children’s prayers.” Lorri jumped up into her husband’s arms. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered, holding her close, kissing her hair. “And I you. It’s been just awful,” she thought about going into detail about how she felt, but just smiled up at him, “But things will be better now that your here.” He looked over to the table beside her bed. There was the rose, in a vase. “Are you sure you should keep it out like that? As I proved, anyone could come in at anytime.” She sighed. She knew it was true, but seeing it was her last bit of hope. He seemed to sense this, and let it drop. They were together, now nothing could harm them.