Quest for the Rose

Chapter 19
Mandy picked up a rock and tossed it off the cliff. She and Leigh watched as it dropped… and dropped… and dropped. Both looked to each other, then moved back a little. “Girls, get your butts over here!” shouted Lorraina. They giggled and came over, looking at the map Striker had sketched on a small piece of paper. “As far as I know, no one’s been past this point.” He pointed to a spot on the paper of one large mountaintop. “Which is right over there” He pointed to the mountain directly behind him. “But there are other kingdoms farther on. At least I think so. No one who has gone past Poemen borders has ever come back.” “Well, why are we sticking round here? We have a baby to save!” complained Hanna. Striker smiled. “Last one to the land speeders…” before he could finish saying ‘is a dragon dropping’ they were all rushing, leaving him behind.

By nightfall, they were about to give up. “It feels like we’ve been driving eternally!” whined Dayna to her husband. “I think we have.” Said Leigh from behind. “Wait… what’s that?” asked AJ. He pointed just over the mountain before them. “More mountains Amaza.” Amy informed him, pushing him back so she could resume her nap on his shoulder. “No, they’re darker… and shaped weird. Almost like… I don’t know, turrets or something.” Amy rolled her eyes, then looked. “Boaz, he’s right!” Dayna was jumping up and down in her seat. “Striker, Kenaz! We found something!!”

They parked the speeders quite a ways off and walked the rest of the way. It was a ravine, almost like an empty riverbed, and in the center was a massive, dark palace. Lorri remembered the feeling well. The first time she had entered the palace gates back in Poema. A feeling of unrest and something else that hit them all. Pure evil, plain and simple. They were now outside the gate, unable to get closer for there were massive guards, almost as ugly as they were fierce. They hid behind a mound of rocks, huddled and the five younger girls frightened beyond belief. “We’re just going to have to wait for an opportunity to present itself.” Striker looked to Kenaz. Kenaz could hardly believe the King he had become. From a self-seeking, self-glorifying boy, to a kind, humble man, whose main focus was to protect those he loved and the country he loved. But now… he was full of fear. He hadn’t sensed it on the whole journey, but now it was present. Ringing clear in his blue eyes. Kenaz put his hand on his shoulder, showing he agreed. What else could they do?

Chapter 20
An uproar you wouldn’t believe provoked Anna to awaken. Her first thought was that they had been found, sleeping so near the gate of the castle. She looked to the others, who were gathered at the rock, peering over the top. Okay, they hadn’t been found, but what was that awful din? “What’s all the hullabaloo?” She whispered, but was not heard. She got up and looked herself. A procession had come from the south and was now waltzing into the palace. “He’s having a celebration of some sort.” Said Boaz, and Dayna, who knew that look in his eyes, feared he might try something foolish. Striker smiled. “Perfect. With a crowd like that, they wont know us from any other fools! Boaz, I have a plan… Boaz?” Dayna looked beside her, where her husband should have been and was just a second ago, but was no longer. They looked to the parade and there he was, carrying on as if it was his life’s work to look like an idiot. He was almost to the door, and the guard stopped him. Dayna took hold of Amy’s hand squeezing it and Amy would have complained if she hadn’t been worried about him also. “Who are you and are you part of the entertainment?” asked the guard, looking to how he was dressed quite plainly compared to the grand colours and designs of the others. “Well, actually I’m hear on a mission with 12 of my friends, my wife and the king and queen of Poema.” He stated calmly. The guard looked down at him, then began to laugh. “You’re the Jester, ain’t cha?” “Giacomo at your service. King of Jesters, and Jester of Kings.” “Go on in then. The king has three jesters trying out tonight, but you’re the first that impressed me!” Dayna sighed, relief running over her flushed face.
The next day, the small band of hero’s watched as more people came, but these were not so colorfully dressed, but richly dressed. “These must be his guests,” suggested Mandy. Taylor got a huge smile on her face as she watched the women gaily trouncing about in their finery. “I got an idea,” she said, pulling the girls along with her. “You boys find your own way in. We’re going with Boaz idea and getting invited in,” she giggled. AJ looked to the three other men, then shrugged. Fallowing them. “I thought she told us to stay?” said Zaaman. “She did, but if she’s planning what I think she’s planning, I’m getting in.”