Quest for the Rose

Chapter 15
“Well since none of us can seem to remember who we are, we must have names to call ourselves,” reasoned the young maid with blue streaks in her hair. Both men were now sitting with the girls in the sun, the young man who had had the unexpected bath now almost dry. He sat, sprawled out on his back, hands behind his head and eyes closed, nodding to whatever was said around him. “Are you even listening?” He opened one eye to be greeted by two very angry ones. “I think we’ll call you spitfire.” He smiled, rising up to and kissing her nose. She scoffed, wiping her nose furiously. He only laughed. “And you?” he patted his friend on the back, but was secretly planning some way to get him back for shoving him into the stream. “um… well, I suppose you could just call me…” “BRIAN!!!” He shook his head, the others not seeming to have heard the shout. “Brian.”

“He heard me!” laughed Anna. “Well, at least he knows who he is now.” Said Leigh. They had been going over the mirror for a long time now, trying to find a way inside the world, but there appeared to be nothing. Hanna thought it interesting they could hear them through the glass… or was it just a fluke? As the tall blond was thinking of something to call himself, she whispered “Nick” into the mirror. He smacked Lorri’s shoulder and laughed. “Alright, if you think I look like a Nick, Nick it is.” “I didn’t say anything you buffoon.” She said, moving beside ‘Brian’. “You guys! They can hear us! Maybe the way through the mirror is just that. Through the mirror!”

“Brian, Nick, Casey, and Asia. Sounds good to me. Imagine we should look around for others?” asked ‘Asia’ aka Lygia to us. “Well, I’m dry and bored, so we might as well.” “Does it always have to be about you?” Casey asked as she walked past him. “No. In fact I’m very interested in someone besides myself at the moment.” “What?” “Nothing” “Come on you two,” said Asia, pushing the squabbling couple. They moved through the trees, some times Brian and Nick playing hide and go seek. It seemed like they had traveled forever and the woods were now so thick you could not tell if it was day or night. “I vote we rest hear for the night said Brian, leaning against a tree. “Wait… you guys stay hear” And Nick ran off into the woods. “NICK!!!” Casey shrieked, her voice full of anger. All she wanted to do was rest, but if he went running off, the others would fallow and then she would have to get up. Not like she would be worried about him or anything. Noooo… The other three came in after him to find another clearing. In the center, a bush, bathed in moonlight. “What… is it?” asked Asia. They heard a gasp from across the clearing and looked to it. There were 4 other people, one tall dark haired man, as well as a short dark tattooed one. A dark young woman, holding tightly to the tall mans hand, and a fire red haired girl. “Who are you?” asked the tattooed guy in an adorable British accent. “Well…” Brian smiled, “we’re not sure but you can call us…” and he introduced his group, glancing every so often to the red head. “You said you did not know for sure? Are you too lost without memories?” asked the tall man. They all nodded, and the other four were not sure if they should be relieved they found others, or even more disappointed there were no more answers. “Well, please call me Kevin. This is Ruby, Alex, and Dustie.” Then their attention was brought back to the bush in the middle of the clearing. “It’s… just a rose.” Said Dustie. She fingered the red bud, but pulled back as bright flashes shot through her head. Memories? She didn’t wish to try again. “I believe there is more to it then we might know.” Said Kevin.

Chapter 16
They rested that night around the bush. There was no need to light a fire, for the night was warm and the full moon shown through the clearing bright as... well, the full moon. Alex sat up on watch, complaining before they all fell asleep that he felt a part of himself was missing. Asia knew just how he felt, but said nothing. Just as the dawns light began lighting the little patch of grass they all lay upon, a rift seemed to open in the air. Out of it came five figures. Alex jumped up, rousing Kevin a bit. He looked over to see what had Alex all riled, then moved to his feet also. “Oh, great. More girls who don’t know who or where they are.” He and Alex both smiled. “Oh, no. We know who we are. And who you are too!” said Hanna proudly, though she was having a little trouble wheeling in the grass wet from the nights dew. “You know who we are?” asked Dustie, lifting her head up, but her eyes remained closed to the sun that now shone bright over the trees. “Come on people, wake up,” said Leigh, shaking Ruby and Casey.

Once everyone was awake, the girls explained everything. “Your crazy! I’m married to… to that!” said Lorri, pointing to Striker, who just had a huge grin on his face. “How can you call them crazy when we don’t remember anything of our past, the one they speak of or any other?” asked Safire, who sat beside Kenaz, fingers laced and head on his shoulder. “How can I be in love with him!” she shouted, standing. “Cause I love you.” She hadn’t seen him stand, nor felt him behind her till he flipped her around and kissed her. They pulled away, breathless. She stared up at him. “Oh… I guess so… yeah, that works.” They both sat down, Lorri now laying her head on his lap as he stroked her hair. “But how can we fully get back our memories?” asked Kenaz, “For you do not know everything about us. Do you even know why we were out in these woods in the first place?” Anna sighed, and moved beside her sister (she had been behind her to rub her back), I’m afraid we don’t know much, other then what we’ve told you… but there are two of you guys missing.” “Missing?” AJ’s head shot up. His missing half. “You wife, and Lygia’s husband. We don’t know where they could be.” “We must look for them,” said Striker. He sent them in four groups of three, but Dayna stayed behind. So that if they go lost, she could direct them to the rose bush with the sound of her voice. She normally would have complained, wanted to be in on the action. But the rose so intrigued her… she needed to find out more about it and was afraid they might stop her if they were there. Once she was sure they were engrossed in the search, she leaned close to it. She reached for it, placing her fingers on it. The lights flashed in her mind, but she ignored it this time. She took it in both hands, not plucking it from the vine, but holding it. Her hands burned, her head felt as if it was about to burst, but still she held on. She closed her eyes and smelt it, and that was it. Her eyes shot open and she was thrust back. She lay flat on her back a moment or two… then began to laugh. “Everyone!! Come Back!!!” she shouted, giddy with her discovery. “Dayna, what’s wrong?” Boaz asked, running to her side. She smiled at him, pulled his shirt collar down and kissed him soundly. He pulled away, a little stunned. “Not that I minded, but what was that for?” “I just remembered how much I love you.” He smiled, but then really heard her words. “Remembered?” She nodded.