Damsels in Distress

Chapter 5 "Okay, hears the deal. We'll go down, but no one dances unless asked. I don't know a lot of dancing from old and so you guys must know nothing, no offence" "None taken leader, but just so you know, I've watched 'A Knights Tail' enough, I think I can handle myself" said Lygia .She smiled, teasingly. "That as it may be, no dance until asked. Right?" "Right" every one agreed. *Knock, Knock* "Door!" shouted Lygia "Door!" said Lorri and Safire in unison. "Door!" Came Dayna. "Oh, shoot. I'm always the last!" Pouted Amy. "Oh, stop and go answer the door!" laughed Lygia. It had been a tradition. Whoever says *door* last must answer it. Amy arose from her sitting position on her bed and went to the door, tossed her long, strawberry blond tresses behind her, opened the door, and about blacked out right then and there. "AJ!" She gasped. He smiled. "You remembered my name, fair lady Amy. I have come to see that you girls shall be down, I pray, for the festivities" "We shall" shouted Lorri from the other room. He smiled at Amy. "And I hope you shall save a dance for me?" he added, his voice matching the softness of his eyes. "Only for you" whispered Amy. He kissed her hand and was gone. She shut the door and staid there, leaning against it. "Amy, I.....Amy?" Lorri looked to the small girl whom of which was stuck in her own little world of dreams. "Amy Darling?" "Oh, Lorri. I'm sorry. What were you saying?" "I want to fix you up really good tonight. Can I do your hair?" Amy giggled. She hadn't done that in a long time. Lorri decided it was time to play matchmaker, but with the way Amaza was flirting, there might not be a need! Chapter 6 The girls were dressed as best as they could, and found themselves standing on the balcony overlooking the party. "Where are we?" Dayna had to ask, though she knew no one know the answer. The people below had 14th to 16th century dress, yes, but some were anywhere from the 80's to the 2004! Some even had blue streaks in their hair!! "I guess there'll be no witch burning in this town, but stick to the plan. No dance till-" "Excuse me," said AJ, coming up the stairs. "I believe one of you fair maidens have promised me a dance" he smiled, extending his hand to Amy. She looked to Lorri, who nodded with a big smile. With that, the pair left. "I guess we can check out the menu,” said Lorri. They found there way down the stairs and through the crowd of dancing people. "I swear, that music is Linkin Park without the lyrics" said Dayna, listening to the music, almost forgetting she had to be asked to dance. "I heard it to. This place is so strange." Lorri started humming to the music, then singing.

I Find myself again My walls are closing in I felt this way before So insecure!! Crawling in my skin These words they will not heal Fear is how I fall Confusing what is real Crawling in my skin These words they will not heal Fear is how I fall Confusing Confusing what is real

She sang with her heart and soul, the only way she knew how. The music ended and every one cheered. "They like you, Lorri!" said Lygia. But she shook her head. "No. They’re not cheering for me. It's just the music. They couldn't even hear me" But before they had sat down t the large, wooden table, shouts could be heard. "Bring Back The Singer!!!" Over and over, until it became a chant. "Lorri, there screaming for you! Go to the stage" "I can't! No way! We can’t bring attention to ourselves. That would be like when Frodo went invisible in the inn, remember?" "But, my dear Ms. Underhill, I think it will draw more attention if you refuse" said Safire. Lorri sighed. She had always dreamed of a chance like this. Well, why not? This was probably only a dream anyway. She rose from her seat and everyone cheered. They are screaming for me! She couldn't believe it. She walked through the crowed, but half way through, they picked her up and carried her across the room. "Well, thank you! Do you want a... a fast or slow song?" she asked, looking over the music that had been given her by one of the band members. The instruments looked a lot like modern day things, but in every way different. Too much to explain. You would have to see them to understand. "FAST!!" every one yelled. She looked over the music and was able to decode it fairly well. "Okay....Try this one" she said to the band member who had given her the music. He nodded and ran to tell the rest of the band.

I've been watching you You’ve been watching me Let’s stop playing games, boy Come and dance with me Don't you feel the music? Don't you feel the groove?
Come on boy get on the floor I wanna dance with you

Lets have a party
(Oh yeah)
(Come on yeah, get on the floor)
Lets have a party
Boy you gatta work that body

Then Striker jumped on the stage. It appeared the Karaoke bug had bitten him too!

*Girl I must be dreaming To have a night like this While holding hands
Being close
Sharing our first kiss You really blow my mind I can’t believe it's true I've been waiting all my life to get a girl like you

Lets have a party (All the fellas and the hunnys, come on get on the floor)
(Dancing all night long)
Lets have a party
Girl you gatta work that body

"Come one Amaza!!" shouted Lorri, and he jumped right in

*Welcome everybody to the party Don't forget the hunnys The mad funs just begun at the party y’all Singing, dancing, smiling all night Making’ sure you feelin' alright

Let's have a party!