Damsels in Distress

Chapter 47 “He was the king,” said the Fox as the smoke had cleared. “He was a true hero” They were all silent, Lorri still holding his head in her lap. This is not fair!!! She screamed inside. She pulled a strand of lose hair out of his face, wishing she could do something, anything to change the course of history. She thought to all the fairytales and bedtime stories she had ever heard. Maybe… Her lips brushed against his. Before she had time to think, he was kissing her back. She pulled away, slowly, and he smiled laughing a little. “You have magic,” he whispered. All watched in disbelief. Then a cheer rang out from the entire band, guard and bandit alike. The king was alive, the evil was dead, and things were right again.

Chapter 48 That night, there was a ball in honor of all those that fought, which was everyone. Safire was not as exited as she thought she should be at her first dance. Why do I miss him so much? I mean, I met him once. You can’t fall in love after meeting some one once! A hand on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts. “Ma’am, I think that once again, you have become over run with your thoughts” Kenaz? She turned, but only found the Black Fox. “Oh, no. I a fine, sir.” He smiled, his eyes shining. “May I have this dance?” He held out his hand to her. She nodded, taking it and walking with him to the dance floor where many young couples were entranced by their partners. As they danced, her mind got to thinking again. “Sir, if the war is over…… must you wear the mask?” He thought on this, then smiled. “Well, I guess not” Without stopping their dance, He removed it. She gasped. She was once again faced with those amazing eyes. “Kenaz!!!” He smiled. “I told you I don’t believe in love at first sight”

Chapter 49 The next day, the girls were faced with a dire situation. They knew there families would miss them, but what about their loves? “Well I’m staying hear” said Amy. All wanted to protest, but her family was a mess and AJ loved her. Why couldn’t she stay? “I can’t. I have my family and all the church things. OH, I hate this place!! It would be better if I had never come” shouted Lygia, sitting on her bed, hugging tightly to a pillow. “Maybe there will be some way we can communicate.” Said Lorri, hoping it to be true. She could leave her world behind as well. All accept one thing. Her mother. She loved her too much. She swore she would never leave her. Ever. Dayna thought about her life, and decided to write out a letter to send with the girls to give to her mother. “If she freaks, tell her I just ran away with TJ.” That evening, the girls met with their guys and explained their troubles. Kenaz looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well, I guess we only have one choice” “And what is that?” “Well, I don’t know about these young men, but I am going with you.” She smiled and jumped into his arms. “Where Lygia goes, I shall follow.” Zaaman agreed slipping Lygia’s thin hand into his large one. Relief filled Lygia’s heart. Striker’s heart, on the other hand, was broken. He could not leave his people, but could he live without Lorri. “Won’t you reconsider?” He whispered as the girls were getting packed. “You have never met my mother and could not understand. I can’t leave her, even if I wished to. She needs me.” He nodded. “I shall try to understand. Please, swear you’ll never forget me?” he slipped a gold band with a diamond on her finger. “Oh, never never!!”

The next day, they all trekked back to the spot where the dragon had been killed so long ago. There was a view of the girl’s world, only it appeared to be a painting. “Are you sure you can handle living in our world?” asked Safire. “I can handle anything you give me.” he smiled. Kenaz and Safire went through first. Then Lygia and Zaaman. Finally only Lorri was left. After saying goodbye to all, they left her and Striker, knowing they needed some time. “I shall miss you so much… It will hurt thinking of you,” she whispered. “And I, you. But I shall endure the pain, for I can not live without thinking of you.” She backed up into the picture, his world fading. She was back in her room, her friends with her, the exception of Amy and Dayna, and their guys. “We better go,” said Dayna and they all left her to her thoughts.