Damsels in Distress

Chapter 3 They finally came to the little inn. It looked to be the only building with in a good three miles, and the girls did not wish to travel any farther that day. The sign that hung from the door had a painting of a beautiful horse in it. Lorri smiled. At least it wasn’t the prancing pony. The young man led them inside through a hall. It was quite, almost as if it had been abandoned. "Come, the party has not yet started and will not till to nightfall,” he said, sensing their fears. They walked through the hall until they came to a great room filled with tables and chairs. In the far back were stairs leading to what the girls guessed to be the rooms. "Did you say party?" asked Safire. He smiled, "some of the best dancing in the world” This world, anyway giggled Lygia. Safire was all smiles. She had never been to a dance. The still nameless hero talked with a woman, a maid perhaps, for quite a long time, as the young girls studied their surroundings. None could figure the year, let alone the place. It had to be one of them dreaming, for in no way could this place be real. "Do you girls have any money?" he whispered in Lorri's ear. "Of course" she said matter-of-factly, pushing him away. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to embarrass the girls if you didn't" he said, again, his voice in a whisper. A smile on his face. "Oh, and you don't care if I'm embarrassed?" He smiled, "Not really. You are to tense anyway" She glared at him. "You, sir, do not know of what you speak. I have had much in my life to make me tense and I care not if it offends you" He was silent for a moment, was about to say something, but a shout interrupted. "Striker!!!" The young man was knocked to the floor. "Aackk!! J!!! Get off!!!" He laughed, pushing the young man off of him. "So our hero finally has a name" whispered Dayna to Lygia. They both smiled. "Young ladies, I am Amaza Jamar. I live for a sigh, I die for a kiss. I lust for a laugh" He took Amy's hand. "But please, call me-" "AJ?" she asked, trying to cover her laughing. This young man looked much like the young singer, AJ McLean, but with a very British accent. "Well… yes." He kissed her hand. She didn't know whether to say thank you or slap him. She decided a smile would do just fine. And it did. "You ladies are welcome hear. Even though you are friends with this ruffian,” he said, mussing up Strikers hair. Striker smacked at him, embarrassed. "Oh, don't worry. We are in no way friends,” said Lorri. AJ laughed, thinking she meant it in jest. "Well, you are most welcome then. Please, allow me to escort you to your rooms" He took Amy’s arm and walked with her across the room and up the stairs. She looked back to the others with a shy smile. "She's hooked!" Said Dayna, and they all had to control their laughter, though Amy wouldn’t have realized if the inn had fallen down around her.

Chapter 4 The girl’s rooms were two very large rooms, connected by a doorway. "Whoa!! This is big!" said Lorri, looking around, very pleased, running from one room, then doing a cartwheel back into the first. "Okay, Lorri is way to hyper. let's take a look what we have in our bags" said Dayna, dumping her bag on her bed. Flashlight, pocket knife, two outfits, candy, two litter bottle of Dr.Pepper, paper, pens, Discman, cd's, makeup, the usual things she had packed. The others opened theirs to revile most of the same contents but each had a different pop. Lorri Root beer, Lygia coke, Safire Sprite, and Amy Orange.(pop has nothing to do with the story. I'm just bored) "Well, it looks like were set for a super cool adventure" said Lygia, pulling her long, dark brown hair into a messy bun. "Hey guys, what should I were to the dance?" asked Safire, pulling out a yellow shirt and, holding it up to herself, looked into the large, full scale mirror. "I don't know. I think the people would burn you for being a witch if you put on any of your cloths" laughed Lorri. "Really?" "Well, I have no idea what the people hear are like, but if there like back in history.....were all dead" "All but you Lorri" said Amy, pulling out a very 16th century looking outfit from Lorri’s bag. Lorri blushed. "Well, I… I use that … that stuff a lot anyway." "Yeah, and you talk like your from hear, too. I think we'll do alright with you leading us" She laughed. "Me? Lead? I don't think so. Lygia should. She's better then me at that stuff. She make’s a perfect leader" "That may be" said Lygia, stifling a grin, "but you talk the talk and walk the walk. You should lead." "I'll think about it. But I don't think I can do it. I have blue hair, and that's stranger than girls wearing tee shirts and bell's. And right now I don't think we should draw attention to ourselves. In fact, I don't think any of us should be going to that dance" A moan from Safire could be head in the next room. "Sorry, Fay" Fay was there little nick name for her.