Damsels in Distress

Chapter 38 The small band traveled half the morning with no luck. “How do we know he isn’t half way to the castle right now?” Asked Matthan, a tall, handsome young man with hair almost as white as snow.Lygia laughed over the resemblance to Lance Bass. You know, he was kinda sweet in this painted world. “We don’t,” answered GAD, a shorter man with fire red hair. “We just keep looking till we’re sure he is no longer hear. Is that not right, Lygia? Lygia?” But she had gone off on her own. She had to find him before they did. She couldn’t let him be killed. She shook her head. Why were they trying to find a vampire in the day? She looked to her surroundings. Hmmm… A dark cave? What better place for a vampire to hide in the day?!? It was dark and mildewed. Oh, this is just great for the allergies! She smiled as she found her way through the blackness. A hand grasped her arm and threw her against the wall, holding her by the throat and arm. “Who are…you…? The voice was harsh, but then went calmer. She could see no one, but it was clear he could see her. “Why have you come hear is more the question.” He released her and she gasped for air. “I… I have come to warn you they come to kill you.” Her eyes still had not adjusted to the darkness and she talked in no particular direction. “Why do you wish to warn me? Was it not your friend whom I was to kill last night?” She sighed. “I just don’t want anyone to be killed.” There was a laugh, frightening in the dark, but somehow comforting to the young maid. “Perhaps the girl has taken a liking to the fifthly blood sucker?” “NO! I just can’t stand to see anything die, even if they did just try to kill my friend!” Neither spoke for a few moments. “Can… Can I see your face again?” she asked, not knowing what the hell she was doing. She could not see his face, but she felt his smile. “Are you sure that is what you wish? I might try to kill you next.” “I am willing to chance it.” His hand brushed against hers and he led her deeper into the cave. There was no turning back now. Soon, there came a light far in the distance. “Hear is my home. My world.” Chests of jewels and coins lay on the floor, silks and suede lined the walls, and the whole room took on a blue light. She looked up to her mystery man. Howie? As was said before, he was not tall, but strong with those black curls hanging freely. His black eyes were frightening and she almost hated to look in to them, for she feared she would become lost in them and his world forever. “What is your name?” she asked as he led her to a chair beside a table. “A name? Hmm…. I have gone by vampire so long, I almost forgot having a name. But if my memory serves me correct…. Zaaman” “Oh, I like that a lot” she smiled. She was in the company of a vampire and enjoying it!! “And dose this girl have a name, or shall I go on calling you ‘girl’? Oh, yes. Lygia?” She gasped and he smiled, his fangs glowing blue in the light. “I have been watching you a while now. You’re not from this world. I think you look more like a flower. A Lilly. But Lygia will do………Really, why did you came to warn me?” She arose, flustered. “Oh, why do you have to keep bringing that up? I don’t know, all right? I can’t make up my mind about you. I hate you one minute for what you tried to do to Dayna, but then I look in your eyes and I forget my own name. But then I think it’s because you’re a vampire and your tricking me into thinking I love you, but I don’t even know if what I feel is love!! They say that love is supposed to feel like nothing you’ve ever felt before. But I’ve felt this. And ever time it only ends in pain.” Gosh. Now she knew how Dayna felt. “Love? You said love didn’t you?” “Yes. I did” she replied. “How can you fall in love with someone I didn’t even know existed until last night?” He turned away from her. He looked sad… almost … vulnerable. She moved in front of him. Now there was no turning back. She was lost in those eyes. Lost in his world. But he would not take her. He could. “Why should it make any difference if you have known me three years, or three minutes? Love is love…” “No. I’m a vampire!!! Have you lost your mind?!?” He ran, even farther in. Lygia ran after him, but the cave became black again. “Is there a back way out of this cave?!?” she shouted, knowing full well she might be ignored. “No. Why?” “Good. Then I’ll just wait hear till you decide to come out.” He chuckled. “You’re gonna sit there until I come out? Do you know how long I can hold myself up in hear?” “Nothin’ doin. Don’t you dare try to push me off. I know you need blood to live and if you can’t get out, you can’t get blood” She sat on the cold ground, ignoring the wet soil. He sighed. “We’ll just see how long you last”

Chapter 39 Dayna read the letter over and over again.

There is a world that every one enters some time or another.
It is the realm of dreams.
They are all linked.
I shall never forget our kiss.
My first.
Meet me by the river.
Do not fear.
No vampires will harm you with Boaz Hawkins at your side!!

No way!! This couldn’t be happening!! He was in her dream? She kissed him? She wanted to shout for joy, yet she was scared. Oh, dear. I at least should go down and talk to him She arose from her bed and walked down the path just last nigh she had followed and almost lost her life. There sat Hawkins, his feet hanging over the bank, his feet whishing in the water. There was kind of blue light around him, a reflection of the water. She wanted to laugh. She had once asked God to have her husband to by covered in a blue light. He turned to her and smiled. Oh, gosh. What a smile. He patted to the ground beside him, meaning ‘come on and sit’. She slipped out of her shoes and plopped down beside him. “So, um… Are we kind of……?” she started, a little afraid of the answer. “Courting?” “Yeah. Are we… courting?” He nodded, looking down on her, smiling, then looking back to the water. She sighed, happily, laying her head on his shoulder. Okay. Maybe she was ready for this.
Back at the palace, Lorri crept down to the Barons room. She had found her fears of spies to be false, the baron not that sharp. He was not as evil as people made him out to be, or how she first thought him to be. But ever once in a while, something would happen and he would become darker somehow. The door to the room was open slightly, and voices protruded from inside. Leaning as close the wall as she could, she listened carefully. “The Black Fox is planning something… we must move the date of the wedding. Five dys from hence, instead of seven,” The voice sent invisible shivers down Lorri’s spine and her stomach twist in knots. “Yes….” Came the baron’s voice, slow and dreamlike. Against all her better judgment, she had to see the evil figure. She looked to the open crack in the door. She gasped and ran, hoping Striker would be there that night so she could report her findings.