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Chapter 31 Lorri walked down the long corridor. It was still an hour until the interviews with the young girls, and hopefully the right one would come. She had never been down this hall before. Maybe she should turn back before she got lost. “Aren’t you afraid, dear mother” said a voice behind her. She smiled. She knew just who it was. “Afraid of what, Azor?” She turned on the spiral staircase to find the young prince smiling back at her. “You mean being alone? I have been alone for quite some time. I fear nothing.” “I fear being alone.” He sighed and looked off, out the window, to the grass that rolled over the mountains. “I fear I shall never find the one. And my father has me looking over these maids, thinking surely there is at least one who would suit me. But, alas! My heart yearns for some one betrothed to another. I shall never have her.” Lorri felt the pain of sympathy hit her. She knew what it was like to have the one you love to be with someone else. “Tell me, dear son, whom causes you so much heart ache?” It was now coming naturally to call him son, and he, likewise to call her mother. “I dare not speak her name, for as you know, father might have all sorts of spies.” “Please, a whisper in my ear, and I shall be satisfied.” He smiled, then came close to her ear. “It is you and only you” She sighed. She had already known it in her heart. “I thought that might be it for I know she returns your feelings ten fold” “You know this?” His eyes glistened, tears of joy and yet so much sorrow! “I know her quite well and I know she feels different then she has ever felt when she sees you. Her heart skips a beat, her eyes cannot focus on anything but you. She can think of ten thousand things to say, but no way in which to say any of it. Yes. That young girl wishes to be yours” “Then can there be some way for us to leave with place? I have often dreamed of leaving my father behind. Not just my father, but also this whole mess! I do not wish it upon any man!” “There is a way. But you must wait for it” “I shall wait for how ever long it takes” “Good. But you must keep up this act of finding a wife. I shall pick one tonight and then we will see what we shall see”

Chapter 32 The time finally came. Safire was next in line. She was not frightened as the others had been, but she did not want to see Lorri if she was at all like Amy had explained her. But go in she did. The young woman by the baron’s side looked over the young woman in front of her, thoroughly examining ever part of her. She whispered something softly to the king, and he nodded. “My dear, you are chosen. Two weeks hence shall the date be. Prepare thyself to become wife of the next king!” all cheered. Lorri just smiled to Azor. They knew better. Safire felt dizzy. She couldn’t stand to see Lorri like this, let alone that ugly king. Ug! (I personally think he looked like a sweet old guy, but Safire has a problem keeping her thoughts to herself. Once again, I apologize for her boldness.) Before she could speak three attendants rushed her back to her room.