Damsels in Distress

Chapter 29 “And she told me to go.” Lygia stroked Amy’s hair as the older girl laid her head on her lap and retold the happenings in Lorri’s room. “She’s going to be the Queen?” Dayna was ready to bust that old coot’s butt and save Lorri. What spell did he have her under to make her act this way? “We must find a way to tell the camp about this. This cannot be a good development. But how can we get word to him so far away?” Amy’s head shot up. “I speak with AJ every night!! He comes to my window! I can tell him. Any one of the guys can report back!” “Good girl, Amy!! Come on. Let’s go find him.” In Amy’s room, they waited. Amy whistled and soon, the lanky form of Amaza Jamar popped out of the shadows. “My dear, you see troubled this night. Did your audience with the king not fare well?” “Oh, my dear. It is not I you should fear for. Our dear friend Lorri has fallen victim to the baron’s evilness. She is to wed him the same day the prince shall wed” “What?!?” “And she acts as if she knows not who I am. I fear for her.” “Quickly” spoke Lygia, “One of you three must ride to the black fox. I do not think she should stay hear.” “I shall have to ride, for the others have gone back not two hours ago. But if I hurry, I may catch them and come back as soon as I am able. Fear not, maidens fair. We shall prevail!!” He ran off into the black night. Why was everything so dark in this palace? Even their friends were turning dark.

Chapter 30 “STRIKER!!!” He awoke with a start. He had been having that nightmare ever since they had let the girls go inside alone. There was Lorri, blue hair, blue eyes, screaming for him. She was in trouble. She needed him. He sat up. It was still to dark to wake Hawkins. He smiled as he looked down on his friend, his pillow pulled over his head, lightly snoring. Most assuredly dreaming of Dayna. Striker just sat there, his thoughts racing. No, she would never need him. And even if she did, she could never admit it. His thin blanket offered little comfort from the cold night. He wanted to be back at the palace. He wanted to be back where he could help Lorri. How long he sat there, he did not know. Dawn slowly began to rise around him. He was finally jarred out of his thought. A noise, echoing through the silence. He rose to his feet and Hawkins began to stir. He heard it too. It was a horse. “AMAZA JAMAZ!!!” They greeted their friend as he stopped his horse. “What is wrong?” “All does not bode well with the maidens. Lorri has been chosen not as a wife for Amminadab son, but for Amminadab himself! Amy has said that she no longer even knows who she is nor the other girls.” Striker listened keenly. So this was what his dream meant. She did need help!! “You two ride back to The Black Fox. I will ride to the Castle.” He jumped onto his horse and road while Hawkins watched, the still exhausted AJ laying on the ground. “Come on. He’ll be fine,” said Hawkins. Both mounted and proceeded to follow the opposite the way Striker road. They only hoped they were not too late.
Striker road his horse as hard as he could, not caring that the cold wind burned his cheeks, or limbs tore at his cloths and skin. Why was this girl changing him? She made him believe in something worth fighting for. Made him loyal to his friends… helped him find friends… But worst of all, she got him thinking. Way too much. Maybe he should just forget her. He slowed his horse until he was stopped. “I have come to a crossroads. To follow after a girl that might not return my feelings, or turn back and forget you ever met any of those troublesome girls” He looked to the way that would lead him to the castle, then to the woods.